
Blue Hues

‘Hello.’ He greeted. He was happy actually ,surprisingly.

‘Hi.’ He heard from over the line. Sehun’s voice seemed…unusually high. Maybe from the nerves? The older man wondered. ‘How are you?’

Conflicted, it was the real answer, maybe even a bit pleased. ‘I am fine, just back from school. You?’ was the answer, though.

‘Tv program filming. I’m tired.’ He answered, sleepiness coloring his tone under the kind of excited layer. It was vaguely adorable and Tao reminded himself that the young man he was talking to was actually younger than he was.

‘We can talk some other time-‘ The brunette begun.

‘No!’ Sehun interrupted. ‘I’ve been waiting for your call…you know.’

Tao felt a little (more) bad when he heard the younger man saying it, as he didn’t mean to hurt him. Well he didn’t imagine that he could hurt the blonde singer even a bit, he wasn’t that important. But apparently he was. He blushed at the confession anyway, happy that the younger couldn’t see him.

‘I’m sorry that it took so much…but well…’ He mumbled. ‘Well I needed to settle some things in my mind first.’

He could almost hear Sehun nodding his head. ‘Ok, I get it. Am I too much trouble?’ He asked worryingly.

‘I thought so. Now I am not sure. I…well, you seem nice. I’d like to have an actual view…of you, until I can be sure of that.’ Tao explained, a bit embarrassed by his logic. To be honest now, most people, be them girls or gay guys, would have jumped the chance of getting “closer” with such a gorgeous man.

‘I am glad. That you changed your mind.’ Sehun said. ‘I think that’s why I actually first found you interesting. You actually think and I like that.’

The older let out a snort. ‘Obsessive, crazy fangirls really don’t cut it for you.’

‘No, not at all.’ He laughed. ‘Plus, girls…meh. Best friends, is true they’re amazing, romantic interest, not so much.’

‘Oh, so I am a romantic interest after all.’ He teased well naturedly.

He could hear Sehun fumbling with his phone a bit. He could bet the younger man’s pale skin was now flushed a pretty pink. ‘Yeah. I thought it was obvious though.’

Tao chuckled that the cuteness of the whole discussion. Really why did he even question it? Everything seemed to flow so naturally between them. No one pretended, it was just the way the things went.

‘I don’t know. Maybe it was all nice and all friendly.’ The older continued to chide. It was so amusing teasing the other, he couldn’t stop.

‘Hyunggg~ don’t be mean.’ Sehun whined cutely. ‘Well true, I want for us to be friends as well. But…to not stop at that.’

‘You’re really straightforward.’ Tao commented, a light fondness coloring his tone brighter. ‘Is a good thing though, I like people that aren’t afraid to say what they think.’ Which was actually a bit hypocritical, but he wasn’t going to tell the younger man that.

‘Yea…thanks. Look, hyung-‘

‘Call me Tao, I am not that old.’

‘Tao then, I wanted to ask you…if maybe we can see each other again.’

He was so nervous, it was adorable. Tao felt a little proud for the nervousness he was causing the other man.

‘Like a date?’ Tao asked.

‘Like a date.’


Sehun took a few moments to think about it, obviously he didn’t think that the older will be so nice and compliant after the week of complete silence.

‘Maybe…tomorrow evening. Just to grab a bite and talk, nothing fancier.’  Sehun assured rather unhelpfully.

Really this was trying too hard to make everything seem simple that actually complicated things. Yeah, that’s what he got for wanting to date someone younger than him by one year: childishness.

‘Fine. Good enough. I will text you my address for you to pick me up.’

A cough was heard from the other side. ‘Am…’ A break. ‘Tao…I can’t drive. I’m 17.’

Tao almost smacked himself in the face. Why did he have to have the dumb that day? Of course, he couldn’t drive at his age. Damn it all.

‘I will meet you in front of the Uni?’

‘Seoul Uni?’

‘Yea.’ The brunette confirmed.

‘I think I will do that.’ Sehun agreed.

‘Alright. I will see you tomorrow. Bye.’

‘Bye, sleep well.’ He said and closed the connection.

“Sleep well” he said. So sweet and thoughtful. Surely Sehun’s mom thought him all the good ways to seem a perfect gentleman. It was impressive to see young men having so good manners, it was somehow refreshing. But then again, there were other things that worried Tao.

No. It wasn’t a good time to think about things like that. It had been a good day and he wasn’t going to ruin it with his negative thinking.

Oh! He had just realized that it was going to be his first date ever. Until meeting the cute blonde dancer no one had shown interest in him. No one would approach a too tall Chinese male with martial skills and a killer aura and a slight grasp on the Korean language. No one would go further than the appearances.

What does one do on the date? What does one wear? So many question, so little time.

Before his brain short-circuited, the young man decided that is the time to call the love-believers team, aka his old friend Luhan and his lover (of almost 3 years) Minseok.



After almost two hours of listening to Minseok’s advice (and Luhan’s fangirling in the background) he could say he had a slight understanding on how these dates things went.

Though, he couldn’t be so sure since Minseok clearly stated that showing proudly with whom you are with was one of the nicest things you could do for your partner and this is something that they couldn’t do. All had to remain a secret.

He had an epiphany. What if he actually fell for the man? What it will be of their relationship? They lived in a society that will bash them ruthlessly, no question asked.

He laid on the bed and buried his head into the pillow. He was going to wait and see. No need to panic so early.

Despite settling his mind on that, he fell asleep with an unusual tightening in his stomach.  



Update! Can you believe it? I actually managed to update this week. Yohooooo~

Anyway, finally we have the phone call. Gah, keeping Tao in a sorta kinda character is hard! Next chapter we have the date. Who's excited?  \(^▽^@)ノ

Thank you to everyone that subscribed, upvoted and commented. If you liked this chapter please tell me an opinion. 

Ps also please befriend me on tumblr  if you wish and let's talk more there (/^▽^)/

Thank you - Ayden


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Blue82 #1
Chapter 5: I just realized this isn't complete. *sigh* I was reading through all your stories and I'm a bit groggy so I didn't realize. I hope you finish it someday because I'd really love to read how it ends.
Waaah.! Please update soon author-nim! I'm also reading Tied Together and I really like it.... btw I also like this one :)
Taoris95 #3
Chapter 5: Haha! Can't wait for the date!
Chapter 5: Dumb red wig lol all ur stories are addictingly great!!!!
APandakookie #5
Chapter 5: Ahhh your story is really awesome <33
Chapter 5: Aww just when I was thinking I wanted to read some Taohun, I found this by accident. :)) Super cute story! I can't wait for their date too!
lemon-deulop #7
Chapter 5: Hello sweets,
I'm glad you updated, even if I haven't been waiting for long. I'm so nervous for their date. The red wig- aha. Cute~
I'll be waiting for next chapter, love, see you around~
lemon-deulop #8
Chapter 4: Hello sweets,
it seems I will follow you a bit around, I'm currently looking through your fics and reading those with TAO in them. Awh, you have so many cool ideas for stories~
I shall subscribe to this one too, in hopes you will update soon~~~
macysmiles #9
Chapter 4: Awww this fanfic is too cute, I cry. Update soon