
Blue Hues

True to his word that evening, the young dancer had texted him. Twice if we are to count. One that evening only with his name and a short greeting and the second while Tao was at school, casually asking him about his day.

Tao didn’t reply at either of the messages. He didn’t know what he would tell the younger man. He was still unsure if the young handsome man was worth the trouble or not. He seemed okay enough. From what he had watched on the internet, the boy seemed to be nice enough, though most things on the TV were rehearsed so he couldn’t trust it.

He couldn’t tell Baekhyun either. He would just flip and start bugging him on the matter more than he could possibly take. Seriously now, the obsessed little had even more talking material, if that was even possible. Tao sometimes wondered in Baekhyun wasn’t a 12 years old girl in secret. That would explain a load of things.

His other older friends were out of question as well since Kris would just roll his eyes at him and demand he made his own decisions since he was already a “grown man”. Yeah sure. That didn’t mean he could not be indecisive. Luhan and Minseok were out of the question as well since they were all for the advantages and beauty of relationships and Tao was more than a 100% (if one can be like that) that he wasn’t ready for a relationship just yet.

So that just left Yixing as a possible confident. Damn it all he should try to make more friends. No, it wasn’t like the slightly older Chinese teen wasn’t an amazing friend, because he obviously was, always kind and helpful in any matter, it was just that he didn’t strike Tao as the best confident and advice giver he could find. But he will have to do.

He made a plan in his mind on how to approach Yixing on the matter at hand. He started with buying some Cherry Coke (his friend’s favorite) and some Orangina for himself and settled at their usual table in the school’s cafeteria and waited for the other man to finish his class. He waited for some time, seeing that Yixing is usually…slow...for the lack of better word.

When the cute unicorn stepped into the crowded noisy room, Tao was already there, smiling brightly at his friend.

Yixing was slow, but not that slow to not realize that the younger man wanted to something from him.

‘What is it Tao?’ He inquired.

‘Geee~ who said I wanted something?’ Tao whined, jutting his bottom lip out in an adorable fashion.

The other teen just responded him with a raised eyebrow. He couldn’t help his best friends of so many years after all. (Who made the world as such that Tao was stuck with a obsessed Baekhyun and a sassy Yixing as best friends

The brunette sighed. ‘Ok ok. But is just advice, ge. I don’t need money for food now.’

Yixing nodded and sat next to his younger friend. ‘You bought be Cherry Coke.’ He observed. ‘It must be important.’

Tao just chucked and rubbed the back of his neck. ‘Kinda.’ He replied.

The brunette man shook his head and opened his can of soda with a bit of struggle. Damn those things were pretty hard to open.

‘So shoot.’ He told his troubled friend with a dimply smile.

Tao took a large gulp of air before started recounting his tale of meeting Exo’s youngest member, Sehun. He told Yixing the whole story for the beginning of Baekhyun-induced embarrassment and vending machine hitting, to the fun discussion and how he believed that the man was very nice without actually seeing his face, to the fact that he gave the stranger his number to later find out who he really was.

He confessed in being so very much confused. Not because he questioned the authenticity of the man’s attitude by rather the complication that a future close relationship might bring. The biggest question was if he should or not take the chance or should he just forget it. Was the man worth the hassle or not?

‘So…?’ Tao asked his friend after he finished and watered his throat a bit.

The older looked a bit lost in thought. But the black haired teen waited patiently. It was never good to interrupt Yixing when he was concentrating on something (mostly because he would forget what he was even thinking about).

‘Forget him.’

Well he didn’t expect that. Definitely not.  

‘Wha- why?’ a confused Tao inquired.

‘If you’re doing it half-assed, better not to it at all.’ He explained. The younger still looked very much confused of what that supposed to mean. ‘Meeting him, maybe even more, if you are so unsure of everything, the whole thing is doomed from the start. So there is no reason for you to actually even bother.’

The panda resembling teen nodded, finally understanding his friend’s point. He was right, the younger thought with a frown. If he didn’t actually want that he shouldn’t do it. No good thing is done by doubting it.

‘If you want…to see this man again, I say you just take the chance by the horns.’ He shrugged. ‘You can’t be sure if you don’t try.’

Tao supposedly agreed with his older friend, but it was easier in theory than in practice. What if the man has already lost interest in him. It could be a possibility, since he wasn’t really big deal and acted a bit like a anyway.

‘Stop frowning and text him.’ Yixing deadpanned.

Tao wondered if his friend could read minds. With Yixing everything was possible anyway.


The message he composed was simple enough. A few words, since he didn’t feel like making a real “first move” after all. The message simply read “call me if you want. Don’t make me regret this”.

He obviously expected to receive a phone call in some time or maybe never. Surely he didn’t foresee for his phone to start blaring less than a minute after he sent the message.

He panicked a bit but then decided that he was a man enough for that. He swiped for forefinger over the screen and brought the shiny device to his ear.

‘Hello.’ He greeted. He was happy actually ,surprisingly.



So this is chapter 3. Is kind of filler by I needed to get some things straight in Tao's mind after all. No good relationship is bulit on doubtful thinking. 

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Blue82 #1
Chapter 5: I just realized this isn't complete. *sigh* I was reading through all your stories and I'm a bit groggy so I didn't realize. I hope you finish it someday because I'd really love to read how it ends.
Waaah.! Please update soon author-nim! I'm also reading Tied Together and I really like it.... btw I also like this one :)
Taoris95 #3
Chapter 5: Haha! Can't wait for the date!
Chapter 5: Dumb red wig lol all ur stories are addictingly great!!!!
APandakookie #5
Chapter 5: Ahhh your story is really awesome <33
Chapter 5: Aww just when I was thinking I wanted to read some Taohun, I found this by accident. :)) Super cute story! I can't wait for their date too!
lemon-deulop #7
Chapter 5: Hello sweets,
I'm glad you updated, even if I haven't been waiting for long. I'm so nervous for their date. The red wig- aha. Cute~
I'll be waiting for next chapter, love, see you around~
lemon-deulop #8
Chapter 4: Hello sweets,
it seems I will follow you a bit around, I'm currently looking through your fics and reading those with TAO in them. Awh, you have so many cool ideas for stories~
I shall subscribe to this one too, in hopes you will update soon~~~
macysmiles #9
Chapter 4: Awww this fanfic is too cute, I cry. Update soon