
Blue Hues

The man chuckled lightly and walked closer to Tao and sat himself on the bench (genially placed) along the wall next to the vending machine. He sighed in relaxation and stretched his (quite long) legs ahead of him.

The brunette man snapped out of his gaze and put in application what the other man had told him and hit the bloody machine on the side. True enough, the appliance gave up and the can fell. Tao quickly tapped the buttons for his Orangina and repeated the action, having the same satisfactory result.

He bent down to pick the two products and unconsciously tried to show off his figure to the other man. Why he didn’t know. It seemed like a pretty good thing to do at the time.

Sure enough the other man’s eyes were trained on him, watching his moves. Tao smirked and sat up straight, opening his can in a smooth hand move. He mentally applauded himself for not tripping or ripping the little key of the can.

Without another word he sat down next to the stranger. ‘Thanks for the help.’ He repeated.

 The other man waved him off dismissively. Tao just pouted a bit and took a sip of his drink. Perfect, like ever.

‘By the way,’ the stranger started. ‘what are you doing here? I don’t think I have seen you before.’

Tao noticed a light lips on the other man’s voice. Adorable, he thought. Didn’t really fit to the snap-back, black clothed, mystery man façade he tried to pull, though.

‘No. I am here with a friend. He works here though. As a make-up artist.’ Tao explained with a shrug.

‘Girlfriend or something? You’re buying a drink for someone other than yourself.’

Tao was impressed. The man was perceptive and observant, and he had always appreciated those qualities in a man. Whoa brain! Too fast. Take a breather (?) and try to actually act like a normal human being. Good.

‘No.’ Tao replied. ‘He’s my friend. He got the job here because some chick was sick or something.’

The man sent him a quizzical look.

‘That still doesn’t explain why you are here.’

The brunette man let out a short laugh. Well this couldn’t sound good however he put it. ‘Well, you see, my friend, he’s a bit, more, obsessed with these guys, Exo, I mean. So he didn’t want to come here all by himself. Therefore he dragged me here.’

The other man started laughing, holding his stomach and bending over a bit. His hair is blonde, Tao observed, seeing the back of his head. With an afterthought, he decided that blonde suited the stranger. Also he has an adorable laughter, though a bit silly.

‘So you mean to tell me you accompanied a man somewhere over 18 because he was too nervous to work with his idols.’ He said in between pearly giggles.

‘And he has a downright crush on one of them. Yes. That’s kinda my life.’

The blonde laughed even harder. ‘Omg! That’s just precious! On whom, by the way?’

Tao needed a moment to remember the man’s name. Really now, he lost all focus on the discussion because of the sound of the other man’s laugh. Darn it.

‘Chanyeol.’ He replied.

The other man tsked. ‘Your friend doesn’t have the greatest tastes.’

It was Tao’s time to chuckle. The man was just so cute. Sure he didn’t see much of his face, but still, from the peaks he had the man seemed handsome enough and his personality was quirky and brat-ish, but still sweet enough. Exactly the brunette man’s type.

He was pulled out of his thoughts by the sound of his phone going off. He groaned and the man beside him chuckled. What did he find so funny anyway?

Of course, when he checked his phone he could see a text from Baekhyun demanding to know if he died somewhere along the way to the vending machine. Well he didn’t really plan in meeting an interesting stranger while getting a can of Orangina. But then again, the most fated of encounters are generally random. Or so did the stories said.

‘I gotta go. My friend, the obsessed one, is demanding his drink.’ He said while standing up and brushing inexistent lint off his pants. ‘It was nice talking-‘

‘You go towards the make-up room, no?’ The blonde man cut him off.

‘Well yeah-‘

‘We’ll go together.’ He concluded.

Tao just nodded with a small smile adoring his face. ‘Um, what do you do anyway? Here, I mean.’

The blonde man just shrugged and sat up. He was a bit shorter than Tao, just a bit. Enough for the taller man to find it endearing. He mentally cursed Baekhyun for making their meeting run short.

‘I sorta work here. Part-time. Like that.’ He answered simply. And Tao believed him, after all, any place needed young part-time workers to do little stuff around. He would know, since he did that as well after classes as well. Though, this studio probably played a bit better than the coffee shop. Well each with his chances.

‘That’s pretty cool.’ The brunette nodded. ‘It is fun around here. I’ve never seen a studio from the inside, you know. Or seen a band up close. I don’t really do these kinds of things.’

The man nodded, a small smile on his thin lips and suddenly grabbed Tao’s wrist just when they were only a meter or so from the makeup room. The taller of the two got a bit startled and blushed at the feeling. His hand is smooth, pale and very very nice.

‘Hey.’ The blonde begun. ‘I know we only met today but…I wish I could talk more with you in the future…so yeah…’ He stumbled over his words, a small blush beginning to creep over his face and neck.

Tao watched him with interest, smiling encouragingly and really hoping that the cute man wanted to ask what he wanted to: to see each other again.

‘So…if you could give me your phone number.’ He finally managed, looking a bit proud of himself for actually getting it out.

‘Um, sure.’ Tao blushed.

The blonde boy grinned widely and gave Tao his phone (a brand new one) for the taller man to type his contact info into. When he was done he returned it with a small grin.

‘There you go.’ He beamed.

They carried on walking the short distance, the man beside Tao fiddling with his phone and not looking at him. When they reached the room, the taller man turned to wave at his new “friend” only to find himself staring at the wall. Weird.

‘There you are, you lil’ ! I could have died of thirst! Can you imagine that?!’ Baekhyun hollered, pulling the younger man out of his trance.

‘No man dies from being thirsty for about 15 minutes beef-ge.’ Tao replied bluntly.

 Only then did Tao realize that he gave his phone number to a (scarily attractive) man who he didn’t know the name of or his age. ‘Well ’




He was bored out of his mind with only five minutes of Baekhyun fawning over how beautiful or handsome or whatever (the adjectives were quite varied) Chanyeol was.

The bloody stars were running late and Tao could only think of food and the comfort of his bed since it was pretty late and he came to the studio right after a hectic day at high school.

He was about to inform his friend that he will just leave if Exo didn’t come in the following 5 minutes when incidentally, the men came in, together with their manager and a few coordinators.

Baekhyun started babbling about his love, bit Tao’s eyes were stuck to the man that some coordinator called Sehun. Sehun, Exo’s youngest member, from what he knew from Baekhyun, and a pretty god damn good dancer. Oh Sehun, who was right now in the possession of his phone number and several embarrassing statements concerning the band he was part of. Tao just really wanted to become one with the floor, but that would just look weird. Maybe he could just slip out…

Yeah. He will try doing just that. He whispered to his friend that he needed to go to the toilet, at which Baekhyun just waved him off, way too busy in applying powder on Chanyeol’s face and trying to not freak out right then and there.

He was almost out of door when he heard an already well known voice speaking to one of the coordinators.

‘I think I forgot my backpack in the hallway. I will just pick it…’

Tao quickened his pace and slipped out of the room, only to have his wrist caught once again by the young blonde singer.

‘I meant it.’ He said and the brunette teen gave him an odd look.

‘I meant it, like…I loved talking to you…um. I will call you. Please pick up?’ Sehun carried on, a little uncertain smile on his thin pink lips.

Tao gulped and straightened his spine, so to stand in his full height.

‘I will think about it.’ He told Sehun, who nodded anyway.

‘I…thank you.’ Sehun gave him a sweet eye smile. ‘I gotta go.’

He reentered the room and Tao heard him giving an explanation, something about how he had forgotten the fact that he gave his backpack to Jongin to hold. He also heard the coordinator tsk-ing at his childishness which made the older man chuckle a bit.

Tao slid down the wall and rested his head on the white surface. He wondered what to do. He could always just not answer to the other man’s phone call. But his heart (bloody feeling organ) didn’t really agree with this plan. If it wasn’t like that, he’d have accepted without thinking too much, after all the boy was extremely good looking, but…Tao just wanted a simple life…     


A/N So this was the second chapter. They met, as you've seen, these cuties omg. (●´□`)♡ Thank you for reading and if you liked it please comment, upvote and subscribe. Thank you.

Update sometime next week, I don't know exactly when, sorry TT^TT

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Blue82 #1
Chapter 5: I just realized this isn't complete. *sigh* I was reading through all your stories and I'm a bit groggy so I didn't realize. I hope you finish it someday because I'd really love to read how it ends.
Waaah.! Please update soon author-nim! I'm also reading Tied Together and I really like it.... btw I also like this one :)
Taoris95 #3
Chapter 5: Haha! Can't wait for the date!
Chapter 5: Dumb red wig lol all ur stories are addictingly great!!!!
APandakookie #5
Chapter 5: Ahhh your story is really awesome <33
Chapter 5: Aww just when I was thinking I wanted to read some Taohun, I found this by accident. :)) Super cute story! I can't wait for their date too!
lemon-deulop #7
Chapter 5: Hello sweets,
I'm glad you updated, even if I haven't been waiting for long. I'm so nervous for their date. The red wig- aha. Cute~
I'll be waiting for next chapter, love, see you around~
lemon-deulop #8
Chapter 4: Hello sweets,
it seems I will follow you a bit around, I'm currently looking through your fics and reading those with TAO in them. Awh, you have so many cool ideas for stories~
I shall subscribe to this one too, in hopes you will update soon~~~
macysmiles #9
Chapter 4: Awww this fanfic is too cute, I cry. Update soon