Chapter 14

Our Twitter Secrets


We arrive at Jan's place and went to the top floor. We got to Jan's room, put all our stuff in one corner, and all of us sat down around the table.
", dude," Jan looked at me, "I forgot to buy drinks." All of us laughed.
"Come on, let's buy." I looked at Jiyong who was sitting beside me, looking sort of mad I wonder why, "I'll be back soon," I smile.
"Araseo," he smiled back.
"Dude, seriously, are you a couple already? Don't make me puke, come on." Jan dragged me out of the room.
"Dude, those chicks seriously hate you," Jan started as he drove to the supermarket.
"THANK YOU FOR NOTICING!" I throw my hands up.
"Seriously, your captain doesn't see that?"
"Uh, no I don't think so."
"The blonde girl especially hates you. Seriously dude you're prettier than her."
"Awww!" I pinch Jan's cheek while he's driving. "You're such a friend." I stop pinching him and look at the road, "It's 'coz they had a thing before..."
"Oh." Jan parked in front of a supermarket. "Well I guess she lost 'coz your captain's seriously crazy about you."
"Haha. Shut up." I said as we made our way to the liquor section and buy some pretty hard drinks... Including our all-time favorite.
No one's POV
MEANWHILE BACK AT JAN'S HOUSE, everything started out awkward so after a while Jiyong decided to break the silence, "What's _________ like as a friend?"
Denise, April, Isay, and Tim looked at each other, nodded, and looked back at Jiyong. "She's the nicest friend in the world," Isay said.
"Is she a saint?" CL chuckled. Everyone else laughed.
"Well, you can say that," April said and everyone stopped laughing to listen more. "She's the kind of person who doesn't ask why. If it's for her friend or someone she loves, she'll defninitely do it regardless of the circumstances."
"What's she done to make you say that?" Daesung asked.
"She gives the best advices," Tim started, "she'll be there for you if you're upset, and when you're drunk she'll take care of you." He laughs at the last comment he made, "You'll understand the last part later."
"One time, I got really mad over something," Denise said, "I didn't want to tell her what it was about; I was just mad. Instead of leaving me alone, she dragged and treated me to Milk Tea and a sandwich and just sat beside me. She didn't care if she didn't know what my problem was; she just wanted me to feel better. After that I did become better and even though I never told her why I got mad, she never asked me again."
Jiyong smiled widely and said, "She must be really special to you then."
Denise looked at him and smiled, "Yup, you're really lucky to meet her." Then she eyed CL, "She's a really nice person if you give her a chance to enter your world." Then she looked back at Jiyong, "She'll turn out to be a very special friend if you all just give her a chance." The guys (Big Bang minus Youngbae) wondered why Denise said it like that while the girls (2NE1 minus Minji 'coz she's nice) directly got stabbed by the words.
Jiyong sensed the hidden meaning behind what Denise said but before he could ask her to confirm his thoughts, _________ and Jan came back with four big plastic bags at hand.
[END OF NO ONE'S POV... Back to normal :)]
Tim started laughing, "Dude, gonna make April drunk again?"
I just laughed, "As always." I wink and sit beside Jiyong again. Big Bang and 2NE1 were just looking at me. "What's wrong?"
"Nothing," Jiyong smiled at me. "What did you buy?"
"Our favorite drink," Jan said as April played Cobra Starship's "You Make Me Feel" on full volume. Jan took out the Bacardi 151 and a shot glass from one of the plastic bags.
" dude no way!" Denise shouted and grinned.
"Why what's with the 151?" Seunghyun asked.
"Oh it's 'coz you might've only tasted it from cocktails," I just said. "It's our favorite drink; especially April's." I laugh. April just gave me the middle finger.
To briefly describe Bacardi 151 and all its horror, divide the 151 by 2 and you should get the alcohol content in it. How does it taste like? Well, you wouldn't have time to know 'coz it literally burns. [a/n: Trust me, I've tried it haha!]
The first bottle of 151 went around pretty slow since it was the first time for Big Bang and 2NE1 to "taste" it. That, and 'coz it burns. Isay didn't drink because she doesn't drink and Minji didn't drink 'coz she's still underage and her eonnis didn't wanna force her. After a bottle of 151 and a bottle of vodka, Jan pulled out the weaker drinks and we all just started dancing to the music. No I wasn't drunk, I have high tolerance for alcohol, I was just partying with the gang. Big Bang and 2NE1 were kinda uneasy to dance with us at first, but after I pulled Jiyong up and he pulled Youngbae, everyone just pulled each other and started dancing. We weren't in a club, and the lights in Jan's room were just dim, but we had one heck of a party. Bom also started to slightly warm up to me for some unknown reason. Dara and CL smiled a bit, but they still don't talk to me.
Jiyong and I were dancing together, his arms on my waist and my arms around his neck. It was kinda awkward but it felt nice.
"Your friends are so fun," he said to my ear.
"I know right? I love them so much."
"What about me?" Jiyong suddenly asked.
"Mwo? What do you mean?"
Before Jiyong had a chance to say anything, Denise pulled me out of his embrace, "Duty calls, babe!" She laughs.
I laugh and face Jiyong, "I'll be back." I leave and follow Denise to find a very drunk April on the ground. My 'motherly instincts' came over as I struggled to get April up and take her to the bathroom so she can vomit. Jiyong wanted to help me but Denise insisted he just have some fun and said I could handle it. So he obeyed. I get an extra elastic band and tie April's hair to a messy bun as I take care of her. After I think a good hour of taking care of April (trust me you don't want details), I finally sit on the floor beside the TV and rest for a bit. After a few moments, I find Jiyong sitting beside me.
I nodded my head in response. "I just want to rest." Suddenly he pushed my head to lean on his shoulder as he wrapped his arm around my shoulders. We stayed like that for a few moments until I saw Dara pull Jiyong's other arm causing him to stand up and for me to almost lose balance. "Chum chuja [let's dance]!" Dara said enthusiastically. Jiyong looks at me and I smile. He goes to dance with Dara and CL as I sit there and rest. I look at them as I see CL look at me with irritated eyes.
I sigh and close my eyes. This isn't really as "TGIF" as I imagined.
Heehee I just love everyone so much :))
Plus I promised myself I'll be going on a "writing break" this weekend; meaning I'll be writing more chapters and will not be updating haha sorry! I have to work my mind out so that thie story won't really drag on and get boring and the story won't lose itself :) If this chapter's boring... I'm sorry =))
So I hope you liked this update (and the one I just posted a few hours ago :D) and I'll be updating as soon as next week, I guess haha! Well, it's not really a long break haha!
Btw, I just find it so funny how Chapter 1 was set on a Friday, I posted it on a Friday, this Chapter's set on a Friday, and today's Friday =)) OKAY RANDOM =))
AND NO, JAN WILL NOT BE LIKING _________. So, yah, no love triangle shiz on that part haha!
@KeyToImagination: Okay seriously that was the reaction I was hoping on getting from the characters YAY!!! :D :">
@kaemeeoni: OMG It's the song of my life :> This is so awesome :D :D
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lonerforever #1
Chapter 51: I wish I am that girl.And I love the story!!!!!
I found this story, wow i like the conversation between jiyong and oc through DM Twitter,, ^^
Chapter 51: I LOVE this story but if he ever did the dating kiko thing to me i would be so mad at him! His reason made me want to yell at him and i probably would lol i would be soooo mad at him for a while then forgive him and have a happily ever after lol
Chapter 49: This is too awesome. And how I really wish this can happen. Lol. Anybody can dream right? Haha. Thankyou for making this fic <3
Ashleybswt #5
Chapter 51: If that would have really happened to me or someone I knew I think i would have had a heart attack. You did an amazing job on this story. I hope you write more like this in the future.
Chapter 51: kyaaahahhh!! thank you soo much for writing this!

I swear, Its one of the best fanfics I ever read:)

Its just soooo DAEBAK!!

You made a greAT job author-nim:)
BeautifulRain #7
Chapter 11: waaaah Author-nim you just had to write the 'PM' in '2PM' grand right xD ? Cutie haha, I would do the same :p Looots of Looove from Germany, Author-nim...♥ Nila Xx
scorpio8995 #8
Chapter 27: Uh-Oh...... I smell commotion a brewing..... Muah hahahahahaha!