Chapter 4

Open door

He was like a open door to me. I can go inside and go away but the door is always open.

He was afraid, what if she reject him and run away. He used to know her better than anyone but he didn't know how she might feel when he tell her the truth, his feelings, his heart. He was being a coward but just the thought of losing her, losing the friendship of years, losing the only one friend he had and losing the chance of seeing her smile every day was driving him crazy, he couldn't sleep for days and at work things were getting worse, life was getting worse. He knew a decision was needed but he was afraid, he never thought he was so coward. What about her feelings? What about our friendship? What about... He had a lot of questions.


''He's really with someone? Girlfriend? Taeyang with a girlfriend? No way. Why no way? He's a guy, and he's pretty attractive, it would be normal if he's seeing someone. Wait, why I'm thinking about it now? I must be crazy or really curious? Yeah, let's say you're just curious, Lee Chaerin.'' She said trying to stay focused on what she was doing. Chaerin was a stylist, Jiyong's ex stylist. A beep coming from her cell phone surprised her and brought her back to earth. ''Jiyong?'' She read the name again and yes, it was from Jiyong.


''Can we talk today? Or the day you have time? I know you don't want to see me but please contact me if you have time. Please.'' From: Jiyong (Bastard)


She read it for the 9383 time but couldn't belive in what her eyes were reading. ''This bastard have the courage to text me? What I did to him?'' She thought.

She knew she still had feelings for him, she loved him and he was a big with her. She confessed to him and was rejected. ''Should I text him back? Should I say I don't have anything to talk to him? Should I just ignore him?'' She was afraid of being rejected again, one time was enough, still hurts when she remembers the day, his words and his face.


''Okay, I'm free today. Tell me where.'' She replied to his message.

''Damn it! What's with the ''tell me where''? Are you going to be his little puppy again, Chaerin?'' She texted him again. ''Come to my house.'' Better, she said.


7:39 pm and he was there, sitting on her couch and looking at her, trying to find the right words to say.


''Are you going to sit here for life and tell nothing?'' Chaerin asked, trying not to show she was nervous.

''I- I just.'' Jiyong said with his hands on his hair, he couldn't look at her. Since he rejected her he never called her or texted her.

''I'm sorry.'' He finally said.

''You are?'' She laughed.

''I am. Really. I did not mean to say those things I said the other day.'' He tried to defend himself from the sad scene he created to her.

''I don't think you are. I know you, Jiyong. You said I was just a stylist and that I should know my place, that I should know who you are and who I am. Do you know how much it hurts? To hear something like that from someone you used to love? If you came here to say I'm sorry I should just accept it, right? My place is accept what you want, right? Have you thought how I would feel with your words? I bet you did not.'' She said with tears on her eyes, holding them, not letting them fall.

''Look at me and say you don't love me anymore, that you don't want me to appear in front of you again. Say it, Chaerin.'' His tone was provocative, intriguing.

She was looking at him, with tears on her face, tears made by him.



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Chapter 7: awwwwwhhh such a sweet story :))) I really liked it, thanks for sharing!
Chapter 7: Finally,fanfiction about SunSky couple !!! I'm loving it ♥♥ author-nim fighting! XD
Chapter 7: ahhh its ended <333
now i understand whts mean by open door lol
ahh how sweet they both <333
lovely youngbae n uri chaerinnie just awwww <3333
thank u for the story author nim ^^
hope u will mwke another one hehe :D
Chapter 7: I think I know the meaning behind the
title of the fic! ^^ Open door! I like it,
nice ending. Although you took some
time to finish it. I almost forgot about
this fic :p
gunseed #5
Chapter 7: thanks for the update going to be sad it ended but nice story :)
Chapter 6: Awww so sweet!
Chapter 6: sweett uri bae just soooo sweeeettt <3
chae just be his grilfriend already bcs u guys like each other actually hehe
thanks for the update author nim ^^
Chapter 6: awww taeyang is just so ughhh.. sweeeeet~ ♥♥♥
gunseed #9
Chapter 6: aaahh nuuh was a interesting chapter really wanna read the next one now lol good luck hope you will upload soon lol :P
Chapter 6: I can't wait for the next update. This story is the bomb.