Demons and Dames

Block B's Big Road Trip Flop [hiatus]

"Heyo~" a sickeningly familiar voice drifted over the phone and s it's way into Jaehyo's eardrum. He gulped, remembering it to be the Super Really Pretty Amazing Gorgeous Blonde from a couple of chapters back. 

"Y-yes?" Jaehyo gulped, worrying that this had something to do with pride or looks or beauty. He had never been scared of being shown up in the looks department, but now he was. 

"You guys are in ia, right?" Jaehyo could practically feel the venom in her voice. Why did he dread her so much? Why did she enjoy tormenting him? Why was he asking himself these questions? How did she get his phone number?!

"Yeah, why?" Jaehyo furrowed his brows, feeling the nervous sweats. 

"Great. Meet me at Vile Fires Pool, eight o'clock PM, sharp. Bring some swim trunks and your ugly friends." and with that final insult she hung up, leaving a clearly confused and dazed Jaehyo, who was also now slightly worried, and maybe the tiniest bit nauseous. 


"Why are we going to Vile Fires Pool anyways?" Kyung asked for maybe the thirtieth time that hour. Jaehyo was one question away from slapping the grease out of that cucumber, and he did not care how odd or suggestive that statement sounded. 

"My girlfriend wanted to see us all together." Jaehyo smiled, having already paraded the selfie he had taken with the Really Super Amazing Pretty Beautiful Blonde, AKA Kora. Minhyuk was already over crying about his singleness and had  begun to asking if Kora had any hot, single friends. Jihoon was currently doubting if Jaehyo actually had a girlfriend, and already could smell the phoniness in the vocalist's voice. 

"How do you guys speak in italics?" Jiho and Jihoon piped up again, the former being drugged up on allergy medicine after he had an allergic reaction to a bad potato salad. Jiho blamed his reaction on Yukwon's cooking, claiming the elder was trying to "poison his gorgeous body with allergens". 

"Well first you must master the art of not giving a . Then you can move on to channeling your feels, so you're not so emotionally constipated." Kyung grinned, trying to cut down on the sinister edge in his voice. He couldn't help it if he was a little evil at times, right?

"Chlorine kills fish." Taeil muttered, swinging his legs absentmindedly. Taeil loved water, but hated pools. It was like an opposite Frannee Doolee. 

"Will there be hot chicks in bikinis?" Minhyuk piped up, rather excited. 

"Sunhye will kill me if I stare at the hot chicks in bikinis." Yukwon physically wilted with the sadness. His lack of Sunhye coupled up with Jiho's verbal assaults had landed the magnae line member in a major slump. 

"Jaehyo's girlfriend will be in a bikini. Right, Mr. Forever Alone?" Kyung nudged the driver and Jaehyo swore that if he survived the night he would beat the hell out of Kyung. Currently none of the other members (save for Jihoon, but nobody believed what the magnae said anyways) had smelled the fishiness surrounding Jaehyo's "girlfriend". To be honest, it was a pretty lame coverup, but the visual's fellow bandmates weren't exactly the sharpest tools in the shed. 

"Are we there yet?" Jihoon wailed, flailing his arms around. Not this bull again.... Jaehyo grumbled in his brain. 

"Actually we are." Yukwon smiled, pointing at the rather large, neon green sign that read "Vile Fires Municipal Pool." Everyone in the RV, minus a terrified Jaehyo, started cheering as Jaehyo pulled into a parking spot. Jaehyo could feel the sweat beginning to form on his brow as he unbuckled and hopped out of the car to meet Kora. 

"Aren't the gates supposed to be locked?" Jiho asked, reading the opening and closing times posted by the gate. The pool was definitely supposed to be closed at 10:00 PM, which most likely explained why the gate was locked. However, the gate's lock was most definitely broken, as it was hacked into pieces and scattered all over the ground. 

"I guess she really wanted to meet Jaehyo." Yukwon said, kicking one of the many pieces of lock shredded up on the floor. Jaehyo shrugged, now a million times more nervous. The seven boys pushed open the rather sinister gates and walked inside. 

 The boys stared wide-eyed, looking at the pool, which had turned an odd shade of midnight blue. Upon closer inspection it looked like dive torches were lit underwater, outlined with some glowing chalk in the shape of a pentagram. However, much more important was Jaehyo's "girlfriend". And there she was. The most goregous white-blonde creature both sides of the pecos.

"Wow, you're really pretty. What's your name?" Minhyuk stammered, awestruck by her sheer beauty (and hair).

"Kora Live. But much more important here is you, Ahn Jaehyo. You must die." Kora smiled evilly. Yukwon would have hated her and called her a horrible , but woah was she pretty. Only someone with nearly as much beauty as her could resist her looks' hypnotic powers. In other words, her beauty was so strong it could turn straight girls into lesbians.

"Ooh Jaehyo, did you try to break up with her? She's too pretty to break up with." Kyung grinned. Jaehyo had the immediate urge to slap Kyung across the face, which was becoming more and more common the longer he knew the cucumber. Jaehyo was almost a thousand percent convinced that Kyung was the antichrist. 

"He's not my boyfriend. I guess I'll have to explain all of this bull myself. I am the demonic embodiment of beauty. I have been the prettiest person in the south by a long shot, since everyone here is a toothless hillbilly, for fifty years! Fifty! Then your friend has to go and ruin it for me by being relatively gorgeous and now the scale of beautifulness is out of whack. Therefore he must die."

"So tl;dr version is "He's too pretty, I must kill him"?" Jiho asked, scratching his head. 

"Pretty much. That's why I've summoned this huge demon to eat your pretty friend here." Kora grinned. The pool glowed an ominous purple. Yukwon muttered something along the lines of "So that's why there was a pentagram....". 

"But why would you do this?" Jihoon wailed, staring at the glowing pool with fearful eyes. First he was lied to, and now this? It was too much to take in one day. 

"Because I'm evil, duh. My last name is evil spelled backwards. I'm as evil as your cucumbery friend over here." Kora sighed. Kyung grinned happily. "Now onto business!" and with that Kora started muttering something in some language and the pool started glowing. 

"I would totally give her my fish." Taeil muttered happily, breaking the mood. It was obvious he considered her pretty, a psychotic demon or not. Nonetheless, all persons, evil or not, took some time to stare at the odd boy. Kora shrugged and went back to muttering her spell, and the pool grew brighter.

 Suddenly a giant worm-dragon-thing burst out of the water, flying into the sky. Kora laughed maniacally, pointing a perfectly manicured finger at Block B's visual. Jaehyo screamed and cowered. 

"TAKE THAT, YOU FIEND!" Yukwon screamed, grabbing Jaehyo's sample bottle of bb cream from etude house and threw it at the worm-dragon-thing. The tube exploded, spraying ice cold bb cream all over the dragon, which flailed around, seemingly hating the experience. 

 The screaming of the worm-dragon-thing broke Minhyuk out of some hot-demon-chick induced trance. He reached into Taeil's carry-along fishtake and threw the fish Taeil had caught in South Carolina. The fish flew through the air, gliding in a perfect arc to smash into Kora's beautiful, flawless face. Kora screeched in horror as the fish fell off, and wiped the fish-oil off her face with one hand. The fish seemed to do the trick, and black scales erupted all over Kora's arms, and her amazingly straight, white teeth began to fade into fangs. 

"LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE! WHO THE TAKES LARGE FISH WITH THEM ANYWAYS? NOGARD, ATTACK THEM!" Kora shrieked, rivaling banshees, as she wiped tears from the corners of her now catlike eyes. 

 To put in the fewest words possible, all hell broke loose. Nogard began thrashing, waving his tail dangerously close to the bandmates' faces. Jiho began screaming like a little girl, and Taeil stayed frozen in place, shock robbing his face of color. Minhyuk and Yukwon were running around, dodging the worm-dragon-thing's attacks. Jaehyo started fighting Kora, both being relatively good with hand to hand combat. Jihoon began sobbing uncontrollably as Kyung ripped his one of his many aloe plants out of his hands. 

 Before anyone could dodge it, Nogard, the worm-dragon-thing, slammed his tail down and all the pool's water rose up, and plummeted down on the eight battling people. Everyone stood stock still, in shock. Kyung was the first to unfreeze, and was hella pissed. He was infinite levels of pissed. He had come to make fun of Jaehyo and swim, and now was stuck battling some demon chick and her demented dragon. So Kyung did the only logical thing. He threw the tiny potted aloe vera at Kora's face. 

"THAT'S ENOUGH! I am supposed to be he evil one around here! Not you, or your idiotic dragon! LET ME BE THE EVIL ONE, GODDAMNIT!" Kyung screeched, stomping his feet. Kora's ice blue eyes widened, and her and her dragon burst into smoke and faded away. Kyung was left as the only one standing, taking huffing breaths, glaring at where Kora used to stand. 

"MY ALOE VERA!" and with that, Jihoon began to sob. 


 Author's Note

 I'm sorry this chapter was a little late, I fell asleep halfway through writing through it. I blame it on the fact that it's the beginning of summer break. I'm just happy that school's out. But I have high school orientation camp coming up soon. Ugh. 

 It's that time again in the Author's note! Time for the weekly question. My question for y'all is: What youtubers do you watch? I watch justkiddingfilms, davidsocomedy, mychonny(and all the other chonny channels), eyk and thefungbros. Tell me who you watch (or don't watch) in the comments. 

Anywhoodle, this chapter marked the return (and demise) of Kora the Really Super Pretty Hot Chick. I'm not sure what inspired her, but she was damn fun to write. Tell me what you think about her, the chapter and answer the question down in the comments section down below.

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Chapter twelve is up. Go check it out~


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Elsa_Veigaa #1
Chapter 13: Update soon plz author nim its awsome
Chapter 12: Ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahagahahahahdhshagaga
*wipes tears and puts thumbs up*
It's Very Very Gooooood
writingwiener #3
feversend1112 #4
Chapter 10: I love Jiho and Jaehyo's character XD
Chapter 10: Was seriously not expecting that but I loved it~! and kyung wow kyung just the ending... I keep thinking 'yes this is one of my biases, yes this seems so legit' hahahahaha. I love how you write the guys ^_^ and just the kind of randomess that happens yet they go along with it like it's normal because... what is normal to Block B? hahah awesome
Chapter 9: Oh Jihoon baby when will you learn you an't trust Kyunggie... hahaha I love how fast Jaehyo gets the RV going. Just what is going on hahaha so worried to read what is going to happen lol.
Yup I was right to be hahhaaha omh did she just KNOW to give Jaehyo the hairdryer-like one... did Yukwon just--- I'm not going there omh and baby jihoonie no~~ wait wh--- ahahahahah why are they always running away from things?!? Jeez they can't ever make friends. So funny as usual ^_^

hmmmm hairy legs... I don't understand it but to each their own *shrugs* definitely wasn't expecting it in the chapter haha. I should just learn to expect anything.
Chapter 8: dhgldgi;b SO FUNNY! ugh i don't even know where to start but i just love how evil you make Kyung haha and how badass Tail is yet he knits hahahha. Omg catfish wrangling seriously I can't even hahaha that was too much lol. Waahhh i'd say more but I actually have to go to class! But I'm glad I had time to read this ^_^

AH! THE QUESTION! I don't like fish as pets because it's... eh but I don't mind looking at them. I also don't like eating seafood hahaha but I'm living in japan right now... yeah hahah Do you like seafood?
Chapter 7: AGAIN I missed an update!! doubting taeil's position is what made me laugh first but then Jihoon and his sewing.. I was like... everyone is treating this normal... ummm okay WAIT WHAT?! And I started laughing at what he was sewing GENIUS!!!
Kyung is the king of lying in Block B poor baby Jihoonie but WOW that is some damn strong love 0.o stronger than Jaehyo's love of BB Cream... wow
Seriously Jiho vs. banjo player oh my goodness that boy haahaha. Stopped giving Kyung attention because of it hahaha
There is so much here that i'm laughing at I literally can't write it all here or I'd be writing your whole chapter again.
[yukwon and sunhye will forever and always be one of the funniest things to me.]
Another great story Author-nim!!

hmmm my favorite fruit?? Probably Pineapples or Mangoes :D
Also summers in California can get up to about 104 and I feel like i'll die so I can't even imagine 110+!!! That is crazy!!! D: how do you survive...
Musicislife1295 #9
Chapter 7: This is actually extremely funny! OMG I can't stop laughing. Jaehyo is the best thing since sliced bread! My favorite fruit with probably either a peach or a mango :)