Chapter 2


What do I do..? I looked around my surroundings to find no one in sight. I guess the only choice is to... run! I took off towards the entrance of the school attempting to close the gate behind me. If anything, please allow this to slow it down. I ran and ran not knowing where I was going and not caring anymore. This feels nice... I feel so free. I looked back over my shoulder to see nothing chasing me. I slowed my pace down to catch my breath. Haha, that was exhilarating! This whole time I was wanting excitement, something to take my mind off... of...

"Excuse me, but do you know where we are?" Someone shouted bringing me back into reality. I looked to find someone running at me like the animal, fast and majestic.

"Oh, um to be quite honest, I don't know either. Sorry." Feeling quite embarrassed, I stared at the ground. It became quiet for a few seconds then I suddenly heard laughter. Without thinking, I looked up to find a cute guy that seemed close to my age.

"Haha, sorry! I just thought you knew since you were running around as if you were working out." He smiled. That's embarrassing. I guess I can tell him, but will he believe me?

"I was running because of an animal. It wasn't your ordinary animal. It looked like a dog but also a wolf." I replied with a serious tone. I looked at him shocked to see his reaction. Instead of laughing, he looked intrigued.

"Wow. That is odd to see something like that around this area. Are you okay? Did you happen to see anything that may have caught your eye about this particular animal?" He asked. I did notice a scar on the right side of it's face, but should I tell him? Why would he ask me so many questions over an animal? I'll keep it to myself for now.

"Yeah, I'm fine and sorry. I didn't see anything since I was too busy running." I replied laughing. He also laughed while taking out his phone. He handed me his phone while he stuck out his hand as if wanting mine as well. I took mine out and gave it to him. He quickly punched in some information and handed me back my phone. I looked at the information that was given to me.


"Did you put your number in my phone?" He looked through his phone and looked upset. "I don't see a new name! Come on! Put yours in, quickly!" He shoved his phone back into my hands. I guess I could give him my number. I typed in my information and handed his phone back. He looked at his contacts to make sure I added myself.

"Woah. Jade... what a wonderful name. You're going to be my precious jewel." He teased as he came close to me.

"Pfft. As if you would actually consider someone you just met your precious jewel. Nice try though." I responded back playfully while slightly pushing him back.  We both laughed at our remarks. I made a new friend. How nice... but I shouldn't get too close to him. Someone with those looks just means trouble from girls, and I especially don't need any more stress. I looked at the clock. 12:50 P.M. Oh shoot! I completely forgot that the principal wanted to see me at 1. What am I going to do? Ugh, how do I get back? I turned towards Luhan to ask him a question to find him nowhere in sight. What? I searched for him curious as to how he was able to disappear so fast.


Speak of the devil, let's see what he has to say for himself.

"Sorry, Jade! Something urgent came up. I promise to treat you to a meal next time! It was nice meeting ya! See you soon! P.S. Use your navigation app on your phone. It'll help you find your way back haha."

Wow... why didn't I think of that... of course! My phone can help me! Thank you, Luhan! I typed in the address of my school to figure out I wasn't that far from school. Finally arriving at school with barely enough time, I made my way towards the principal's office to figure out why he wants to see me. As I approached his door, I made sure I wasn't a mess.


"Mr. Choi, it's Jade Yang. May I come in?"

"Of course! I nearly forgot myself that we were going to meet today." He responded as I opened the door. His room was still the same. Desk in the middle of the room with two couches facing each other near the center. Table in between the couches contains drinks, food, and papers. Haha, he never changes.

"Haha, so may I ask why you have called me today?" I sat on one of the couches while he sat on the opposite couch to face me.

"Ah, yes. I have a favor to ask you. Of course, there is something you shall receieve in return. I am asking you to be responsible of a student that will transfer here tomorrow at Xenic Academy. If you are to accept, you will receive a full scholarship to any university you desire." He answered as he made tea for us. What? I could get a full scholarship! That means Dad wouldn't have to worry about money. This is great but it's too skeptical. As if reading my mind, he responded, "I know you're probably asking yourself questions such as why did he pick me and why over a single student? First, you excell in your performances, so I trust your abilities. Also, I know it sounds strange to watch over a single student but don't be fooled. This particular student has had some issues in his past schools. I have complete faith that you will be able to control him. Lastly, I know this may sound strange but..." Interrupting him, my phone rang. Embarrassed, I quickly turn my phone off.

"I am so sorry! I forgot about silencing my phone. Please forgive me."

"Oh don't worry. Anyways, the students will be finishing soon so will you take the offer? If you have any problems, you can always come to me. Yes or no?" I guess it wouldn't hurt to take up this offer. The principal trusts me, and I'll be helping Dad!

"Yes, I accept your offer Mr. Choi." I answered firmly.

"Great! Here's a packet of information of who you will be meeting tomorrow. There's also a picture inside. Come back here tomorrow after school, yes?"

"Tomorrow after school, I'll be here. Bye!" I ran out the door to go wait for my dad to pick me up near the entrance of the school. Wow. Today was so overwhelming. Getting chased by an animal, meeting a cute guy, and getting an offer like a gift from heaven itself. I need a nap haha. Hmm. I wonder how this student looks like. I took everything out of the packet to find the picture at the bottom of the pile. I found a handsome guy looking at the camera with a scar on the right side of his face just like the animal.


Finally got Chapter 2 out! Woot! Yea... I'm slow... Sorry TT Please leave a comment and/or subscribe if you like it so far! I think reading the comments are best part about writing! Well, I love you~ (^0^)/

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Chapter 4: omg...its so good>< why!? ugh...update soon!!!!!!!!!!