Chapter 4


"You must be mistakened." I attempted to back up from the hug but he held me even tighter.

"Jade, what are you talking about..? Don't you recognize me? You're playing around, right?" His voice was pleading in hope that I was joking around. He backed from the hug looking directly at me with aching eyes to see that I had no memory of who he was. "Jade... we promised each other. How could you?" Bursting with frustration, he took hold of my arm and dragged me out into the hall towards the garden near the back of the school. We finally reached our destination and before I could do anything, he slammed me against the school wall. With my back against the wall, I couldn't fight back. It started to rain again, and we were getting drenched yet he didn't move an inch. We stood there in silence not knowing what to do or say. I was on the verge of begging him to let me go, to tell him that he had the wrong person but I couldn't because at that very moment... he looked up at me with agonizing eyes that seemed to be crying. His tears and the rain were one. The amount of anguish he felt was reflected by the rain as it was falling pitifully towards the ground. "Jade... don't do this to me..." He moved in closer, so close that it seemed like we were kissing if someone looked at us from afar. He leaned in even closer to where if a gust of wind were to blow, our lips would meet. "If you won't remember me, I'll make you remember me." With a swift movement, he lifted my face towards his. He smiled before leaning in for a kiss. No... please don't. I don't want my first kiss like this.

"Jade, what are you doing?" A familiar voice called out as I opened my eyes to see Luhan. "Something wrong?" His voice was filled with worry that it was kinda cute to see him get worried over someone he recently met. Before I could answer his questions, Kai jumped from behind Luhan and stood in between us. He shot a quick glare at Luhan before turning towards me with a smile. Surprised, I took a step back to find myself in the same position as before when I was with Kai. Kai started walking towards me when Luhan suddenly grabbed him by the collar of his shirt.

"Let me go! What are you doing here anyways?" Kai revolted as he slapped Luhan's arm away. Sudden tension filled the atmosphere making it extremely uncomfortable. Luhan looked at me with apologetic eyes before glaring back at Kai. They glared at each other as I moved away from the wall in case a fight started.

"Kai, calm down. You know exactly why I came here. You made an agreement but look at you now trying to break it. Even though the rest of them may have been fooled, I knew that you were up to something. You would never easily oblige to such things." He looked at Kai awaiting his answer.

"Haha, wow. Congratulations. You're always able to tell when I'm up to something, but do I care? No. You guys fail to stop me in the end so what do I have to worry about?" He looked at me with a stunning smile causing me to blush slightly. "As long as I can be with..." He was cut off as Luhan threw a punch to his stomach causing him to gasp for air then pass out.

"Not unless you let your guard down." Luhan whispered as he picked Kai up from the ground. Worried, I ran over to see if Kai was okay to only be stopped by Luhan. "Sorry for the violence. It's the only way to stop him haha." He tried to joke around to release the tension that was built but it only made it worse.

"Only way to stop him..? You made him pass out with a punch! I mean I appreciate the fact that someone came in time before he ki..." I trailed off to find it too embarrassing to reveal. "Anyways, thanks and no thanks." I turned to leave but Luhan caught my attention.

"Oh you mean before he kissed you?" I flushed darting away from the scene. How does he know? That's so embarrassing. It's all a misunderstanding! I ran all the way home wanting to escape reality. I even ignored my dad who always welcomes me home from school. I shut myself in my room turning on my favorite song to calm me down. Today was a long day. I just need to go into an eternal slumber so I don't have to worry about anything. I quietly walked to my bed as I listened to my favorite song close me out from the world and into the realm of mysterious dreams.

"Jade. Honey, do you hear me?" I looked all darkness surrounding me to locate the voice. Nothing.

"Who are you?" I questioned cautiously. I looked around one last time to spot a figure standing across from me. I walked slowly to get a bit closer to find... Mom. "Mom... what are you doing here..? No. This can't be happening. This is a dream, right?" I ran towards her wanting to tell her everything about my life, yet she looked at me with sadness. I was stopped by an invisible wall making me frustrated since I can never reach those who I care for.

"Sweetie, I know you want to ask me a lot of questions but now is not the time. Listen to me carefully. Tomorrow is your birthday, correct? Dad should have given you a key. As soon as you wake up, I want you to go open the cabinet. Inside, there should be a crescent moon talisman and an envelope from me. It will explain everything you need to know. In order to activate it, you must..." Before she could finish, her image disappeared right before me.

"Jade... Jade... Jade!" My brother was practically shaking me. He looked at me with worried eyes so I reassured him that I was fine with a wave of my hand. "Are you sure..? You quietly called out for mom..." It was a dream... wait the cabinet! I ran over to my desk to find the key in my secret drawer. I told my brother to get ready for school and not to worry about me as I left the room. I finally got to the kitchen. Standing in front of the cabinet, I felt nervous. I slowly reached to the lock with the key to hear a click of verification. I opened the double door cabinet to find nothing in sight.


Yahoo~ Finally got a chapter out! Sorry it took a while... but I hope you enjoy it! Comment and/or subscribe if you like it~ Have a great day guys!

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Chapter 4: omg...its so good>< why!? ugh...update soon!!!!!!!!!!