Chapter 5


No... no... this can't be happening... I frantically searched the cabinet in desperation. Nothing. I closed the cabinet doors and heard the lock click back into place as if it were a vault. That stupid thing has nothing to keep safe! My talisman and letter... I was so excited... yet nothing is in the ing cabinet. I stared at my hand that was holding the useless key to only upset myself even more. What was the point of having a locked cabinet that can't even properly keep a few items safe? I give up. I guess I could make breakfast. I scurried towards the pots and pans located underneath the stove while singing to myself quietly. I was singing one of my favorite songs called, In Heaven. People look at that song as a lovely yet tragic love. To experience the hardship the two lovers encountered... would be Hell. Happiness to sadness.... My life is like that besides having a lover... happy on the outside... but painful on the inside. Why can't you ever take care of yourself, Jade?

Interrupting my thoughts, a bright light abruptly shined from inside the cabinet. Huh? I cautiously walked towards the cabinet and pulled out the key. I inserted the key once more into the lock not anticipating anything. Ok. This is the last time I am opening this stupid cabinet. I swear if I’m wasting my time again I will… Stopping me from completing my thoughts, the crescent moon talisman and an envelope were neatly placed in the center of the cabinet.


Having doubts, I took a spatula from the kitchen and started poking around the cabinet for any traps.

"What are you doing?" My brother called out as he approached me with a tired expression on his face. Shoot. I don't want to tell him quite yet... especially when I don't even know what I'm getting myself into. I quickly closed the cabinet and pushed him away towards our table in the kitchen. "Hey, what's the rush? I just asked a simple question." He yawned as he sat down waiting for his food. Whew, he didn't notice thankfully. I cooked some scrambled eggs and bacon as I prepared our lunches for school. In a flash, we were both out the door to go to school. "Cya later Jade." My brother went ahead leaving me alone.

Before I go to school... I need to go back to the cabinet. Who knows if it'll disappear as fast as it appeared?  I ran back inside unlocking the cabinet in relief to see the crescent moon talisman and envelope as they were before. I swiftly grabbed both items walking towards my room. Arriving, I locked the door behind me and sat down on my bed. I decided to open up the letter first so I tried to open the envelope but my hands froze. What's wrong me? I can finally learn so many things yet why am I hesitating to open it? My thoughts ran around inside my head torturing me on whether I should open the letter or ignore everything that was inside the cabinet. No, I need to know the truth. With determination, I tore the envelope open to see foreign handwriting written all over a familiar piece of paper. So this is my... mother's handwriting. I ran my fingers across the paper in awe to see such beautiful handwriting but I stopped myself to only remember the pain she gave me when I was a child. But... she is my mother... someone I love. I would be lying to myself if I said I hated my mother completely since in my dream... I ran after her to only be restricted.

With a deep breath, I began to read the letter.


                I love you so much… too much… to the point that I have to leave you because if I don’t… you will be in danger. Stay close to daddy and you’ll be fine, okay? I’ll write you another letter soon.

                                                                                                                                                Love, Mom

I thought there was only one letter… I searched the envelope; I was shocked to see multiple letters in the envelope. How did I not realize this before? As I looked through them briefly, I realized that she sent me a letter every year on my birthday. I read through each one while feeling the tears pour out regretting ever thinking my mom never cared for me. After reading my birthday card from last year when I turned 17, I stacked all my letters and placed them back into the envelope. Thanks mom… it means a lot that you wrote me letters every year… but why couldn’t you directly hand them to me or something? I guess I won’t be reading the birthday card for this year. I reached for the talisman when suddenly the envelope shook ferociously and stopped. I carefully opened the envelope to see a new letter. How did this appear..? I searched my room in case I was getting played with but everything was normal. I unfolded the letter and read.


                Happy 18th birthday! My baby has already grown up! It pains me to know that I wasn't able to watch you grow up... it really does... I'm sorry Jade... I'm a terrible mother. Without making you even more curious, you are now mature and older so I will explain everything to you. You are a half blooded Hyex. Hyexs are purebloods. We do not have a specific power. We are able to control every single power out in the world such as the elements and telekinesis. That's what makes us different from the 3 other clans that only possess one specific power. The 3 others are also purebloods but aren't as powerful as the Hyex. The three other groups are EXO, JYJ, and PleX. My side of the family is also a Hyex including myself, but your dad is a normal human being. Even though I was told multiple times to never fall in love with a human... I did. It was love at first sight. I couldn't stop myself from falling in love with your dad... to me he was and still is perfect. We met in college when we accidently bumped into each other. Your dad was intelligent so he was able to obtain a scholarship to the college I was attending since all the purebloods attended that particular school, Xenic Academy. Sound familiar? Xenic Academy is now open to the public with an entrance exam for either high school or college. After our accident, we always talked to each other whenever we had the chance. Whether it was right after class or school, it didn't matter. As long as we were together, we were happy. I even told him about the purebloods and he accepted me without hesitation. Ruining our happiness, the leader of Hyex who is your grandfather and my father decided I had to marry someone from the other three clans. I thought I had to fight him refusing to marry anyone else besides your father, but your grandfather didn't put up much of a fight and allowed me to marry your father. Without a second thought, we got married after we finished college. I thought it was strange how your grandfather easily let me, his one and only daughter, marry someone easily without a fight. I tried not to think too much about it and focused on our family. After we had you, we had your brother but the strange thing was that you were only affected by the pureblood Hyex. You were a half blooded Hyex but your brother was a normal human being. You still a child obviously would not be able to control the power of a Hyex... a half blooded Hyex. Frantically, I went to your grandfather begging for help. He laughed as he told me that this was a reason why we don't mingle with humans. I felt pain hearing those words come out of my own father's mouth but that wasn't my biggest concern. My biggest one was taking care of you. I begged your grandfather for help when he finally made a deal. In order to seal your powers till you turned 18 with a talisman, I had to come back to the clan and leave you guys. Agonizing over the idea, I finally decided to leave in order to let you live even a small bit of a normal life before you turned 18. I was allowed a month with you before I had to leave. You should recall, Xenic Academy had a lot of purebloods when I used to go so that means that some of the people that used to go there now have their own kids go there as well. One of my close friends from the EXO clan had a child named Kai. Oh, you two were so cute together! You and Kai would always play together. She told me that the clan would help Kai out with controlling his powers but we didn't have the same type of support. Eventually, I got worried that you might get hurt that I did not allow you to play with Kai and the other kids. That was when my time was up with you and I had to go... I brought you back home to your dad before I said goodbye to you all. Your brother was still a baby so probably doesn't remember me at all. I remember telling you bye... how much it pained me to say bye to my lovely daughter... I gave everyone one last hug and went out the door. Now that you have turned 18, your powers have awakened.


Omagoshhh. Took me a while... but I managed! I finally got a chapter out! Sorry it took a while~ >< I'll work harder to get chapters out! School is just such a pain sigh. If you happen to like the story so far... you should comment and/or subscribe! Have an awesome day and Happy Easter<3

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Chapter 4: omg...its so good>< why!? ugh...update soon!!!!!!!!!!