Chapter 1


“Hurry… I’ll be waiting for you,” the figure whispered as it stood in the dark...

Not this dream again… why can’t I just have a normal dream for once? I’ve been having the same dream for the past 10 years and it would be amazing if I knew why, but I absolutely don’t have an idea which is driving me crazy. Even if I try to figure out this mystery with someone by trying to share my dream, my brain magically shifts into gear preventing me. It's as if  I have no control of my actions and like a marionette, I follow the actions of an unknown master. Sigh, I should just give up now...

"JADE!" An irritated voice called out near the door of my room. Without looking, I knew automatically who it was. My stepmom. I don't exactly have the best relationship with her... I guess people could call me Cinderella without her Prince? If it wasn't for my dad, we would have issues.

"What?" I replied equally irritated as her.

"Get out of bed! You're going to be late for school! Not that I ca- I mean you can't miss school since I care for you." Soon after, I heard her sweet talk my dad as he was getting ready for work. Nice acting. Ugh! Infuriated, I stormed to my bathroom to prepare myself for Hell - school. Who does she think she is?! Once again... for the sake of my dad's happiness, I won't do anything to ruin their relationship. His happiness seems to enlarge every time he sees her. He looks like the most blessed man in the world and his expression just ultimately stops me in my tracks. Am I that weak..? As much as I want my dad to be happy... what about my happiness? I need to stand my ground... protect my happiness... my life...


Huh? I turned my head towards the sound to find my window nearly shattered, to fall apart even to the smallest gust of air. Shocked, I stood there trying to make sense of what happened. Who did this..? Did I do it..? No way... that's impossible. Someone must have accidentally done this. Yeah, I just didn't realize my window was cracked since this probably happened when I wasn't here...

"No. YOU did this. Don't try to hide it... accept it." An ominous voice answered as if it heard my concern. What..? Ignore it. You're just hearing things. "What do you mean you're just hearing things? Don't deny it. You hear me crystal clear."

"No! Go away! Why do you have to randomly come into my head?! Get out!"

"Haha, look at yourself. Trying so hard to deny me. You know it's the truth... you're... a... monster." Monster... that word hit me like a boulder. Collapsing to the floor, I started bawling. Am I really a monster..? I kept telling myself it's not me... when I know I did it. It seems to happen whenever I get emotional, but funny thing is I don't even express it. I keep it to myself, so why does it happen? I don't want to hurt anyone in my family... what if I accidently hurt them? What if I... I... ki-kill them..? No... no... NO! I don't want that to ever happen! Before I knew it, my dad came into my bathroom to not interrogate me of what happened but to hug me. I came back to my senses.

"Oh... hey Dad! Sorry I just got something in my eye." I answered with a fake smile backing away with embarrassment.

"Hey Jade! Something wrong?! I thought I heard you crying and it looks like I was right." With a worried face at first that gradually turned into a grin.

"Dad! Your eyes must be lying to you." I joked back. Oh... how you're able to make me smile again... how you're only able to do that... My dad's eyes averted from me towards the window. It looked as if he was about to question me, but he decided to ignore it.

"As long as you're okay then that's all that matters. Let's go before we're both late." We got into the car and took off. Wow... today's extremely beautiful. Nothing can ruin this beauty, not even my stepmom. Ruining my happiness, school appeared right before me.

"Have fun!" My dad teased as I got out of the car. What a troll.

"Thanks, you have fun at work as well!" He laughed at my comeback. Driving off, I was left alone. People were walking towards school like any other day, but I couldn't help shake off my anxiety. It's better to be alone. I don't want anyone to get hurt... especially when my repeated accident keeps getting stronger and stronger. First, just a tiny crack. Now, a window nearly shattered as if on the verge of death. A shadow consumed me as I looked up to find a familiar face.

"Jade~ why are you standing there all by yourself? Come on!" Lena shouted pulling me towards school. How embarrassing... I looked up to find her smiling back at me. What a warm smile. Lena and I have been friends for a while now. I want to share so much with her, but my heart stops me... I don't want her to worry about me too much. No one should. I want their lives to be peaceful not stressful. We walked upstairs to our classes to find a crowd near my classroom.

"Oh! Looks like something exciting is going to happen in your class. Have fun!" She ran off towards her class.

"Bye!" I responded as I walked towards my class to see what all the commotion was about. I just need to get pass all these people and sit at my desk. I pushed my way through the crowd.

"Oh my God! Do you see him?! He looks so amazing~ I just want to take him home!" One of the girls from the crowd said to one of the others. Take him home? This isn't a club. As I finally got into the classroom, I realized I was the only one in the room. Where is everyone? I turned to the crowd to realize it was all my classmates.

"Jade, what are you doing?! Get out of there. Even though he looks like a dog, he seems too big to be a dog." Someone shouted. I turned to my desk to find a majestic beast. Dog... no wolf? Before I could even decide what it was, it turned it's head towards me. I froze right where I was standing. What do I do..?! My classmates stood there in silence as well not knowing what to do. Someone finally decided to come inside the room to help, but in a flash the mysterious animal ran to the door blocking his path. It started to growl. I'm so screwed. I looked all around the room to find the window open. I could jump out! This is the third floor, but would I rather get hurt jumping out of the window or being tortured by an animal? I looked back to find the animal still growling at him. Now's my chance! I ran so fast it seemed like I was just a part of the world's imagination if you watched me. I got to the window and jumped hoping for a safe landing which I surprisingly landed.  Safe and sound. I was about to run to the office to report about what was happening in our room, but I got interrupted.


I turned around to find the animal staring at me.


Author's note

First chapter! I will try my best to make it a story worth reading! Comment and/or subscribe if you like it!

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Chapter 4: omg...its so good>< why!? ugh...update soon!!!!!!!!!!