Shattered Wall

And Because Love Battles

You came to my life 
with what you were bringing, 
of light and bread and shadow I expected you, 
and Like this I need you, 
Like this I love you

- Pablo Neruda



Jiyong was in the balcony, quietly observing the two people below. They were sitting closely next to each other in the sandy shore, both laughing so hard.

“What the hell is with this girl that you lost so much control of yourself? Seungri said she does not even look special. She said she was cute but nowhere near the type of girls you were banging! What’s up with that?”

Top’s voice echoed on his mind.

“Aiissh! Now look who’s talking?”

Jiyong forgot how hard he was gripping the wooden banister. He was pacing up and down the balcony. She just met him earlier yet they looked as if they knew each other in a long time.

When he looked at the two figures again, Top was now piggybacking Aya. He pointed to the two figures. He wanted to shout at his hyung. “Igeot mwoya?!”, he said as he pointed at Seunghyun.

Really? Earlier you were asking me what was so special about her, awhile ago you’ were too busy trying to make her laugh and now you’re piggybacking her?!

He rushed out of the balcony down the staircase and waited for the two at the living room. Smoke belching from Jiyong’s ears.




Top and Aya continued to discuss different things. Sometimes, they would talk about serious things. He wanted to know how it is to be a medical student, to which she enthusiastically responded. In turn, she asked him how it is to be a pop star. Top answered her in a matter-of-factly tone. Then Top would tell her some things about Jiyong. To be honest, it sounded like he was selling Jiyong. She wasn’t sure if he’d buy him, though.

Then Top would tell him funny things. His expression was so animated that he would send Aya rolling on the sand laughing. Top realized it was easy to make her laugh. Either that, or she simply does not laugh that much.

It made Top wonder about the things Jiyong did that made him so despicable in Aya's eyes. And I thought Jiyong knows his way with women.

They stayed like that for hours, no words were spoken. They were just quietly watching the waves racing to reach the shore. Aya thought that Top is a scary guy. She shook her head in disbelief. He really has that aura but once you talked to him, he seems way different.

Moments passed when she heard Top spoke. “It’s getting hot here. I don’t want the both of us to get burnt by the sun. Let’s head back.” He smiled as he offered his hand.

They walked silently, she allowed him to piggyback her back to the house. When they reached the main door, they were welcomed not quite pleasantly by Jiyong.


JiYong was sitting on the couch pouting like a little boy having a tantrum. He was glaring at Top. Top, on the other hand, just gave him his trademark smirk.

“Hyung, I think we have to talk,” he said.

Top laughed softly as he put Aya down.

“Jealous, aren’t we?” said Top, his voice was teasing.

Aya looked at Jiyong which made the guy blushed. He looked down.

“No need to talk. I know my boundaries well,” he gave Jiyong a wink then he left.


When Top left, silence embraced the two of them. She waited for Jiyong to speak but he was just looking at the floor. She rolled her eyes.

She waited again, it has been minutes since Top left but no words were spoken from both of them. She was just standing and Jiyong was just sitting while looking at the floor.

“Ya! G-Dragon. It’s kinda weird when you’re quiet like that. I’m not used to it,” she broke the silence.

Jiyong ignored the use of his stage name. He looked up at her, his eyes were fixed on her. Then he bent his head down as his arms went to the back of his head, like an act of surrender.


Aya felt bad, he must have been so stressed with the idea of a girl staying in his house. It surely would be a chaos once this information leaked. Before she knew it, she was slowly walking up to him. She stopped and sat on the table across Jiyong. Her hand moved to his head. He was still looking down the floor.

She touched his head and played with his hair. It was so soft. It made her smile.

“Jiyong, I’m sorry if I put you in such a risky situation.” Her voice was really low, just like a whisper.

Jiyong reached for her hand that was playing with his hair. He gently placed it on his face as his brown eyes stared at her. Then he smiled.

She was not aware that her heart was beating fast.




It was already late when she woke up the next day. She checked the clock at her bedside table. 12:12 PM.

She forgot what exactly happened yesterday. She closed her eyes again.

A walk by the beach with Top and a weird moment with Jiyong. Kwon Jiyong.

It’s strange how the heart can quickly betray reason. One moment, she hates that person so much that even the tiniest reminder of his existence annoys her. Now, she felt like being clothed in warmth whenever he’s around her. She repeatedly hit her head with a pillow. What the hell is going on with my head?

She was snapped from her musings when she heard a knock.

“Come in,” she spoke a little louder as she tried to get off her soft bed. Her heart suddenly jumped when she realized that it must be Jiyong at the door.

When Seungri peeked from the door, she couldn’t help but let out a sigh of relief.

“Did you miss me?” he smiled adorably. It was a sincere smile, not his usual conceited smile.

‘How could I not?” she laughed softly.

“We’re waiting for you downstairs. The rest of the guys wanted to meet you,” he winked when he said that.

Aya looked puzzled. The rest of the guys? Hmmm. I wonder if they’re different from Seungri, Top and GD.

“I’ll go down in 10 minutes, Let me just freshen up. I’ll be quick I promise,” she gave him a forced smile. Her returned it with a wink, then he left.




The five guys were all sitting comfortably in the dining room, apparently, they were just waiting for her. The food was ready and to be honest she had no idea who prepared them.

All heads turned to her when she arrived. “Mianhe. I had a hard time sleeping last night so I kind of overslept. I’m sorry,” she bowed again.

This made Jiyong smirked which made all four heads turned to his direction. She didn’t know what was the funny part in what she just said. Then Seungri turned to Jiyong with a surprised look.

“Hyung! What did you guys do last night?!” he was astounded.

“Shikkeureo! Nothing happed last night,” Jiyong barked at Seungri as he looked at Aya’s reaction. He didn’t look angry though, if anything, he seemed to enjoy the naughty idea of Seungri.  The banter did not affect her at all but Jiyong seemed to be very uncomfortable with the current situation that he fidgeted a little from his seat.

Aya looked at the new faces currently gawking at her. She caught the two guys looking at her with mouth slightly parted. Then the younger one told Seungri in a whisper that was ironically audible enough to reach her.

“Ya, Seungri-ah. You’re right. There’s really nothing special about her--,” the handsome guy with a spiky mohawk hair next to him suddenly clamped the younger man’s mouth shut. Then he laughed nervously as he said, “Mianhaeyeo. He’s a bit...too honest.”

She wanted to laugh really hard. For some odd reason, the situation was just plain funny to her. The guy holding with the mohawk hair seemed nice. When he smiled, his eyes looked even smaller. Unlike Jiyong and Seungri who has a fairer complexion, the two new faces were a little bit tanned.

Top looked at her and smiled. “Sit next to me,” his words came like an command but she obeyed nonetheless. Top was now looking at Jiyong while Jiyong was looking back at him with the same intensity.

Seungri spoke and break the murderous aura in the air. “Aigoo, I cannot smell the food because the smell of trouble is so much stronger. Ey!” He scratched his head.

Aya burst out laughing which made the other four laugh as well. When she calmed herself down, Top introduced him to the new guys.

“Aya, these are the other members. This is Taeyang,” he pointed at the guy beside him. Taeyang removed his hand from the other guy’s mouth then he bowed.

“The tactless one is Daesung,” Top continued. Daeseung bowed as well.

“Noona, I really didn’t mean that in a bad way. You just looked really different compared to the other girls Jiyong hyung used to hook up with--,” a throw pillow was seen flying straight to Daesung’s face.

That sent Aya laughing hysterically. She had to cover , she was trying hard to suppress her laugh. It took her quite awhile to regain her composure. Oh boy, are they chaotic or what?

“Ya! Could you stop hanging out with Seungri?,” Taeyang spoke as he shook his head in disbelief.

The youngest guy cut him off. “Hey, what’s wrong with me?! There’s nothing wrong with being honest, right Aya?”

Aya smiled at him. “I’d prefer an honest person more than anything.” The room fell silent and all the guys suddenly went quiet.                                

Then top broke the silence. “I think it’s now time to enjoy the food prepared by Jiyong.”

The dinner went well. Surprisingly, Daesung and Seungri are the funniest of the bunch. They talk a lot and they appear to be laid-back for celebrities. Jiyong may seem to be a little relaxed but he is more overly confident. 



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princess_jas #1
@lovis89 & queenj: believe me, TOP smells good. LMAO!
queenj #2
I wanna smell TOP too! LMAO! :P
lovis89 #3
lmao she was smelling TOP...<br />
i too would smell .... *runaway* :P
Poor Ji. O.O<br />
Oh well. Waiting for next chapter.
lovis89 #5
lmao he had to fake a food
I really like this so far. Keep writing!! :D
Yay Canada! It's just that most people like to use America(U.S.A) and forget the country beside it. >_>
princess_jas #8
Yay! Thanks for all the comments! Hope you enjoy reading the upcoming chapters. :)
lovis89 #9
lmao seungri "shout me handsome and i'll be running"<br />
Sounds good! :)