Meeting the Irresistible Guy

And Because Love Battles


This chapter is for lovis89, decembermouse and iloveasia17. Thank you guys, I appreciate the comments! :) Have fun reading!


@decembermouse: Yeah, I felt like hugging GD while writing that.



“I..-Uh.. I was following you the day you were taken. I saw a man taking your lifeless body to his car. I didn’t know what to do, I just followed the car. I thought I lost you. Then I saw the car again parked beside the public road, then I saw you running out of a car. The man was chasing after you. You were running through the forest. I tried to follow you but it was getting dark.” His voice was unsure. He was looking on the floor the entire time.


He went on. “I found the place where he kept you. Good thing he wasn’t there, so I was able to get you out of the place. This house was the nearest place I could think of. That’s why I brought you here.”


“He? I thought I saw two men. There were two of them.I’m not sure. I can hardly remember!,” frustration started to surface. She hated the fact the she could not recall what exactly happened to her.


“What I know, is that I can never forgive whoever did this to me. I can never forgive that person.”





It was her second day at Jiyong’s house. She wanted to go out for a walk by the beach. The view from the balcony was tempting, she wanted to experience the gushing of the waves and the feel of the sand on her feet.


She walked the hallway down the staircase of the house, it was difficult for her since she was limping because of her injured leg. She could hear two people arguing from where she was standing. She walked closer to the noise.


The TV room’s door was slightly open and she could hear angry voices coming from there. She laid her back against the wall moving closer to the open door. The voice was Jiyong’s but the other voice was foreign to her.


“Do you know what you have just done?! Do you have any idea what Hyun Suk hyung will say once he finds this out?! He will be very disappointed!”


“I know that, okay?”, Jiyong answered in gritted teeth.


“What the hell is with this girl that you lost so much control of yourself? Seungri said she does not even look special. He said she was cute but nowhere near the type of girls you were banging! What’s up with that?” His voice was deep. Anger was so much evident in his tone.


“I’ll take her back to Seoul once she get’s better. For now, I just want her to rest-”


The other man suddenly cut him off. “Oh, come on! We both know what I’m talking about here. I’m going crazy! Ah jincha!”


“She does not remember anything, alright? She said it’s probably a post traumatic amnesia-”


The man let out an impatient noise. “What?! This is trouble. Oh, this is so much trouble, Jiyongie.,” his voice started with an angry tone but the anger soon died down.


Jiyong was getting impatient as well. “I think it’s just best that she does not know what exactly happened to her.”


“If people find out that we’re keeping a girl in our vacation house, we are so doomed. And if that girl finds out what really happened-”


This time it was Jiyong who cut him off. “Seunghyun hyung! I said I got this, okay? This is on me.”


There was silence before the other man spoke again.


“You’re lucky the other members can keep your secret. I will put up with this, for now. But if this whole thing is exposed to the media, what will you do? You haven’t been really careful lately, have you?”


She could feel that Jiyong was scared of what could happen, too. She knew he was because he didn’t answer back. She felt guilty that Jiyong had to go through this because of her. He kept him safe and now he was about to be in trouble. Because of her, his hyung was reprimanding him.


“That’s right, Jiyong. This is on you.”


She panicked when she realized the other man was about to leave the room. She backed away from the wall and pretended that she just arrived from the place.


A tall man in blue checkered long sleeves and blue denim pants was standing a few feet away from her. His shirt was inserted in his jeans and he was wearing a brown belt. It made him look even taller. His hair was neatly styled with gel. She would admit, this man was like the view from the balcony- breathtaking.


When he opened the door and walked out, he abruptly stopped in his tracks when he noticed her standing near the room. He glanced at the room then back to her. He closed the door behind him softly. He was looking at her, or better yet, he was glaring at her.


His eyes were so intense, his mere glare is like sending a lethal laser light.


He tilted his head for a moment as if considering something.  Then he started to take a few strides towards her, making her take a few steps back.


“How long have you been standing here?”, his voice was really deep.


“Uh, uhm.. I’m sorry, I really didn’t mean to pry. I- I just turned up a few moments ago,” she said anxiously. How long is he planning to take his eyes off me. It’s making me so uncomfortable.


“You’re not a good liar, do you know that?”, he said again.


She could feel herself blushing. “I am not lying! I just came downstairs when I heard two people biting each other’s head off! I just wanted to check if you two were okay and not going ninja over each other.” She sort of slurred the “ninja over each other” phrase.


Top stared at her. He wanted to laugh but decided not to. Going ninja? She’s funny. And yeah, she’s cute alright.


Aya saw how his expression changed. He looked down for a moment, shook his head and tugged a small smile on his thin lips.


“I’m Choi Seunghyun. You can call me Top. I’m the hyung of the five guys. I’m sorry you had to hear us fighting.”, he said as he scratched the back of his head.


Yeah, fighting because of me, she thought.


She didn’t want to say that out loud because he might think she was eavesdropping . Which she did, actually.


Five? So there were five of them. Will I be able to meet the other two as well? It’s weird. There’s something common with Jiyong, Seungri and Top. Hmmm.. I just can’t point my finger on it yet.


She bowed. “It’s nice to meet you, Top-sshi. I’m Aya, by the way. Jiyong saved me from someone and he took me in.”


Top tilted his head again. He tried to speak but decided to close his mouth. He didn’t speak as he was busy thinking about something.


When he did not speak, Aya went on. “ I’m sorry if I caused you any trouble. Rest assured that I will leave this place as soon as I get better.”


Top smiled at her. Then he patted the top of her head, she felt she was being treated like a child.


“You look pale. A walk by the beach can help.” He said softly. Top took her hand and slowly tugged her to the main door. His hand was big compared to hers. But it was warm and soft, she liked it. She was limping when Top noticed it. He looked down to her injured leg with the bandage on it.


He crouched as he studied her wound. Aya had to smile because of the awkward position. She was standing, he was crouching in front of her. She wanted to touch the top of his head. She cursed herself for thinking that way. What can I do, he’s irresistible!


He put his hand on the severed area but his touch made her flinch. He was shaking his head and let out a defeated sigh.


“I’m sorry, Aya.” He softly said.


“It’s alright. The wound is not deep, no major vessel was hit. The pain is due to the splint. There was just inflammation of the muscle. It will only require a little rest, and it’ll be fine. No worries,’ she told him with a smile.


She did not understand how a simple wound could affect these guys so much. It was not as if she’d die from it. Whenever they see her injury, they’d always go “I’m sorry” on her.


“That’s too bad you can’t walk,” he smirked.


Before she knew it, her whole body was now spread across his back. Her hands were on his shoulder and his hands were at the back of her knees. She was not complaining, though.


My first piggyback with a guy. A hot guy, to boot. The girls going crazy over this guy would cross the sky to trade places with me anytime.


She suddenly felt like she was in high school. You know that giddy feeling when you’re with the person you like? Jitters were flying around, butterflies in your stomach.


She knew that anyone can feel that, it’s just that the last time she felt something like that was back in high school. The moment she stepped foot into her university years, she was focused on just one thing. Being a surgeon.


As much as she likes Gi Kwang, there weren’t much jitters. She likes being around with him but there weren’t much antsy feeling.


They were now outside the house. It was her first time to actually go out of Jiyong’s vacation house. The wind wass so refreshing and Top’s scent was intoxicating. She subtly tried to smell him, her chin was on his shoulder. She had the best access to his neck, shoulder, shirt and hair. The smell of his hair gel, his shirt and the smell of his spicy perfume was enough to make her blush.


Oh, man! He smells sooooo good! His scent is a mixture of citrus, cardamom, amber, and cedarwood.


His deep voice suddenly snapped her from her reverie.


“You aren’t done yet? You’re taking it all, leave some of my scent for the other girls,” he teased.


She hit him playfully on his shoulder and he chuckled.


“I was so not smelling you.”


“Oh yeah? How come I can hear you breathing in so loudly? I may not be able to see you from here but I know you had your eyes closed while doing it the whole time.” he said with a smug tone. They now reached the end of the staircase leading them to the sand.


She laughed softly. It was funny because it’s true.


When they were two feet away from the splashing waves, Top put her down. They both sat on the sand as they looked at the sparking blue sea.


They were both quite for a while. Then Top spoke, “How are your memories?”

She looked at him with sad eyes.


“Jiyong told me about it. I’m sorry,” his voice was low.


“I still cannot remember anything. Probably, it’s just me. I don’t wanna remember what happened to me, so my subconscious is blocking it. Post Traumatic retrograde amnesia can sometimes takes a while. Maybe days, weeks or months. I don’t think the brain injury is severe, they’ll come back.”, she said quietly.


“And when your memories come back, what are you planning? To the person responsible for this,” Top did not want to sound worried.


“It’s weird, that the “boss” didn’t hurt me, though. I- I could file a suit against him for assault and kidnapping. But, I’m just so busy with my transitional year, I cannot...”, she heaved a sigh.


“I will probably press charges but right now, the important thing is I’m fine. I have a lot of things to do before graduating in med school.” She stopped. Then her eyes grew big when she remembered she hadn’t informed the resident doctor in the teaching hospital about her absences. Crap!


“Crap! I  have to go now,” she stood up and she was panicking.


Top held her hands and gently told her, “Calm down. Jiyong already took care of that.”


“What?! How?!”


Top smiled. “He has his ways. He knows exactly how badly you want to become a doctor. He can and will do everything for you.”


Okay, now wait. Where is that coming from? Will do everything for me? Top made it sound like Jiyong’s in love with her. Is...he?


Top might have noticed the discomfort so he quickly digress from the topic


“You know Jiyong’s stage name?”, Top was smirking.


Aya shook her head.




”No kidding?”


“Nope, that’s his stage name. G-Dragon. Rawr!”



They were both laughing so hard. Not because of Jiyong’s stage name, but because of how Top makes a big deal out of it. And his “rawr” was epic.


“G-Dragon, huh? It suits him. I can just imagine how he swaggers while carrying that name around. His arrogance might have multiplied by 10 folds,” she said nonchalantly.


Top gave her a side glance before speaking. “He has a lot of swag, alright. But believe it or not, Jiyong’s a nice guy. Maybe he’s just arrogant when he’s with you. Kind of a ...defense mechanism.”


Aya chuckled. But Top spoke again. “You’ve met Seungri, right? Whenever he’s around people, we worry that they might misunderstand him. We know he’s just joking but other people might find him offensive.”


“Seungri is funny. He’s conceited, just like both you and Jiyong. But he seems really nice. He made me laugh about twice.” She laughed when she remembered their first meeting.


Oblivious of her surroundings, Aya had actually been closely observed by Top. She was laughing heartily, showing her pearl white teeth. She was sitting carelessly in the sand like a little girl. She was not conscious of her appearance but she was not being indecent either. She was just being herself. No pretense.


He smiled. Now that he met this girl, he’s starting to understand Jiyong. He looked at the sea. Sometimes, it does not need so much beauty to catch a man’s eye.


“Aren’t you offended that I have no idea how popular you are? Or that I don’t squeal in front of you?”


“That you aren’t mesmerized by our mere presence?”, Top raised his brow.


“Yeah, something like that.”, she said, mildly surprised with what he said.


“Well, that’s not entirely true, is it? A few moments ago, you were basking in spine-tingling scent of ME? If I didn’t tell you to stop, you probably would not.”


Aya gave him an exasperated look and they burst out laughing. They were both laughing their hearts out. Top realized that she was indeed a not-so-good liar. Whenever his comments were dead-on, she did not deny it and would just laugh.


Now I know what something in common with these three. They are all overly confident, it’s just that the two have their funny way of showing it.






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princess_jas #1
@lovis89 & queenj: believe me, TOP smells good. LMAO!
queenj #2
I wanna smell TOP too! LMAO! :P
lovis89 #3
lmao she was smelling TOP...<br />
i too would smell .... *runaway* :P
Poor Ji. O.O<br />
Oh well. Waiting for next chapter.
lovis89 #5
lmao he had to fake a food
I really like this so far. Keep writing!! :D
Yay Canada! It's just that most people like to use America(U.S.A) and forget the country beside it. >_>
princess_jas #8
Yay! Thanks for all the comments! Hope you enjoy reading the upcoming chapters. :)
lovis89 #9
lmao seungri "shout me handsome and i'll be running"<br />
Sounds good! :)