The Savior

And Because Love Battles


She woke up with the sunlight hitting her face. She fidgeted a little to hide from the dazzling ray of light. She’s not used to light nowadays. Having been kept in a dark room for god-knows-how-long surely made her uncomfortable with light.


She actually had a nice sleep. She could not remember the last time she slept this well. Everything was different from the last time she was conscious. There was no longer stale scent in the air. It was replaced with the smell of the ocean and jasmine. The wind steadily brushing through her exposed skin was comforting.  There was no icy cold floor. She was now comfortably lying on a soft and warm mattress. Everything in the room was so relaxing she could fall back to sleep.


She opened her eyes, this time not with tiny slits. Her eyes scanned the entire room. This room is apparently not dark. The white curtain was swept to the side of the huge glass door. Outside the glass door was a terrace with wood banister and two single couch with a table. I wonder what I can see if I sit on that couch.


Just beside the glass door was a wall with a flatscreen tv plastered on it. There were pillows on the floor. The low table just below the television held neatly piled magazines. She smiled. I am saved from a nightmare. I can never thank that person enough. Whoever saved me from that hell...I can never thank him enough.


A loud snore snapped her from her musings. She looked at the corner of the room just beside her. The single couch which she initially thought was a couch was actually not empty. A young man in his twenties was sleeping peacefully with his head hanging down. His white long sleeves blended with the white wooden couch. The book he was reading was now on his lap, ready to fall any minute now. He studied his face, he really is young. In fact, he’s goodlooking and the white long sleeves and blue jeans looked perfect on him. He is probably the same age as him. Is he the one who carried me last time? Is he my savior?


She suddenly remembered him. He must be so worried, not knowing where she was. I need to see him. He must be really worried by now. I have to see him.


She quickly sat bolt upright in bed. As if on cue, the young man opened his eyes.and looked at her. She looked back at him and noticed his big, gorgeous eyes. Their silent eye-staring moment was interrupted by the grumbling of her stomach. The young man tugged a small smile on his face as he shook his head.


“You must be so hungry. You have not eaten for about 36 hours now. Man, all you did was sleep,” he said, smug look evident on his face.


Ugh, he looks perfect back when he was just sleeping. Why does he have to use that tone? The tone that always annoys me. But I am too weak to fight, not to mention to fight with the man that actually saved me. Bad idea. Ungrateful .


“I can never thank you enough...for saving my life. For bringing me here and taking me away from that place. Jeongmal kamsahamnida,” she sincerely mean every word she said. She was still looking at him straight in the eyes, though it’s hard for her to look at the man who was now standing while she was sitting on the bed. Her neck was now hurting.


The young man just looked at her. He seemed perturbed, he tried opening his mouth but decided to close it again. Then he knelt down enough for him to level with her eyes. By any chance, can this man read minds? I was just hoping he’d sit down so I would quit looking up at him. And he actually did.


“About that matter, you have to talk to Hyung about that. He’s the one responsible for this...for you. I was just asked to watch over you while he was gone. Now, eat,” he got up and went to the table at the far end of the room.


When he returned, he was carrying a tray of food. Porridge, rice, samgyupsal, bread, milk, banana and oranges. watered at the sight of food. She didn’t care how she looked when she devoured the food. As soon as he put the food on her bed, she started eating them without a word.


“ the corner of this room. If you want to go out, you have to tell me or Hyung or the other Hyungs. If you want-”, he was cut off when he looked at the woman she was talking to. She just finished everything in just a few minutes.


She looked at him, clueless. “I’m sorry, how long were you talking?”


His eyes bulged from their sockets. “Mwo?! You weren’t listening?”


His expression was enough to make her laugh hard. It’s probably because of the food that she has now energy to laugh or maybe he was just too funny when he’s surprised. His expression was so animated.


“I’m sorry, I lost my focus the moment I saw the food,” she said shyly.


“Ah jincha. I said my name’s Seungri. This house is my Hyung’s house. Sort of a vacation house, it’s open for all the members. Whenever we want to unwind, we go here. It’s a long drive from Seoul, though. By the way, if you want to use the bathroom, it’s at the corner of the room,” he pointed at the door facing the glass door.


“Hyung will be back later tonight. Whatever happened, I hope you have to understand that...,” he paused and he looked at her with a sad smile.


“Never mind.”, he heaved a sigh before speaking again. “I am sorry. I am really sorry for what happened to you,”  his eyes were consoling. Then he went to the bed and pick up the tray of food.


“Water,” he said while pointing at the glass of water at the sidetable.


“Thank you,” she smiled at him.


“I will have to go now so you can take a shower. You badly need one. I’ll just leave the door open so that it’ll be easier for you to call me. If you need anything just shout the word “handsome” and I’ll come running”, he said with a smirk.


She gave off a heartfelt laugh again. “Okay, I will. Handsome. Thank you for watching over me.”




The water on the tub was so warm and comforting. She does not know what’s wrong with her because she seems to have an affinity to sleep nowadays. The constant gushing of the water from the faucet and the comfort of the warm water were enough to lull her to sleep. She placed her head at the side of the tub, her eyes were blinking slowly until she was into nothingness again.




He was driving for hours now and the sun was already up. He went out of the studio about 3am and now it’s almost 8 in the morning. He didn’t eat anything before leaving, he was so agitated. He tried practicing the things that he was going to say to her as he continuously bit his lower lip. What’s she gonna say to me? How is she going to react?


The moment he reached the vacation house, he ran hurriedly until he reached the front door. He found Seungri sitting on the living room couch with the book on his one hand and a coffee on the other hand. He looked like an ahjusshi. So out of character.


“How is she?”, he said while panting.


Seungri looked at his weary face to the medicine kit he was holding before he answered. “She’s okay. She has eaten now and she’s in the shower. Probably.”


“Why’d you let her alone? She’s still weak. What if she slipped in the bathroom? She’s wounded you know that,” his voice was now increasing steadily.


“I would be more than happy to see her in the shower, if only you won’t have me killed,” Seungri retorted sarcastically. Jiyong gave him a look- a look he knows as “shut up”. Seungri cleared his throat and spoke again in a serious tone.


“Hyung, she’s gonna be okay. She doesn’t look weak. I know women when I see them. She’s not a crybaby. You should know her better than that,” he said. For a fleeting moment, he threw his Hyung a disgusted look.


“After what happened to her, she can still laugh. If that’s not strength, then I don’t know what is. I haven’t even seen her cry the entire moment I was with her”, he continued.


Jiyong just looked at Seungri and considered his words for a while. When he was about to turn, Seungri spoke again.


“One more thing, hyung. I don’t think she remembers what happened to her. I am not even sure if she’d recognize you. She seems different...different from what you told us about her,” Seungri said those words without looking at Jiyong. His eyes were fixed on the book he was reading while taking a sip on his cup of coffee.








Author's Note:

Oh goodness, I can't believe I adore GD (and BigBang of course) this much that I wanted to write more. Comments, suggestions, questions are welcome. Just keep 'em coming! :)

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princess_jas #1
@lovis89 & queenj: believe me, TOP smells good. LMAO!
queenj #2
I wanna smell TOP too! LMAO! :P
lovis89 #3
lmao she was smelling TOP...<br />
i too would smell .... *runaway* :P
Poor Ji. O.O<br />
Oh well. Waiting for next chapter.
lovis89 #5
lmao he had to fake a food
I really like this so far. Keep writing!! :D
Yay Canada! It's just that most people like to use America(U.S.A) and forget the country beside it. >_>
princess_jas #8
Yay! Thanks for all the comments! Hope you enjoy reading the upcoming chapters. :)
lovis89 #9
lmao seungri "shout me handsome and i'll be running"<br />
Sounds good! :)