Goodbye wonderful world

In love with an idol and my boyfriend

In class, I couldn’t concentrate at all, I was thinking about the moments I spent with Xero. It was hard to believe that within a few hours, we already attained sort of a fluffy friendship. I was thinking about my boyfriend. I imagined how I would feel if he did something like that with another girl. That was the moment where the beauty from happiness disappeared. I fell back to reality. I noticed how, Jongjun was shooting small notes at my table. I opened them and read ‘there are some rumors that you and Xero are in a relationship.’ I stared at my table, looked at him bewildered and denied it by shaking my head.

- Jihyo? Do you want to add something?’ the teacher demanded me.

- No.

- Then stop caring about other things.

Other pupils turned around and started to laugh. Later, for lunch break, I asked Jongjun, Minwoo and Yuwon what all the fuss is about.

- Well, some assume, that you and Xero are in a relationship.

- And why?

- I don’t know. I only heard about it this morning when I was passing by.

In the cafeteria, Jungha and Ryohoon joined us.

- Jihyo-sshi, I heard that between you and Xero is something.

- Yeah! Me too. I was informed this morning about it.

- But haven’t you told us, that you have a boyfriend?

- Yes, I did. And yes, I’m in a relationship, but not with Jiho!

- They say that he and you spend a lot of time together.

- Obviously, I need some friends while I’m spending one year here in Korea.

- I know, there is nothing wrong with that, but still, calm down, you shouldn’t betray your boyfriend.

- Geez! Nothing happened, I only get on well with Xero, he is funny and a positive human being. He is good to talk to. And could we change the subject please.

- Ok, anyways …

Finally, we got around to chat about other stuff. But after this conversation, I realized that I had to make a decision. And I found out that even people in Korea are not different compared to the ones at home. People will keep spreading around rumors, if they are true or not, they will make a fuss about it, laugh about other people and badmouth them behind their back. It may seem more civilized than at my actual school, but the main idea is the same.

After school, I headed home, surprisingly, Hansol stopped me.

- Hold on! (I didn’t turn around, since I wanted to be alone) Wait! Jihyo! Xero is looking for you!

- So what?

- I only mean, that he has to discuss with you about something.

- Tell him that I have no time.

- It’s urgent! (he grabbed my arm, an pulled me to his dongsaeng)

- What’s wrong with you guys! What’s the matter?

- He will explain it to you.

Xero was sitting near the stairs from the entrance of the campus, on a bench. He looked desperate.

- Jihyo, don’t be too harsh on him, he is fragile.

I placed myself next to Xero, and was waiting for an explanation.

- So what’s wrong Xero?

- I heard you have a boyfriend.

- Yes, so what?

- I like you.

[Fantastic, you have been for such a long time in a wonderful relationship, you travelled to Korea as an exchange student, you met your favorite kpop group, you are friends with your bias, and now he tells you that HE LIKES YOU! You don’t know what to reply. Already since Topp Dogg’s debut in October 2013, and after you finally picked your ultimate bias in your group, you have always been thinking about anything possible with him, you ordered their albums, you received a poster signed by your bias per coincidence!!! (the happiest day in your life) you covered their dances, you even wrote fan fictions about anything what you are dreaming about, and now you are sitting in your dream country, next to your dream boy and he just confessed that he likes you.]

If I were a single, no problem, I would date him right away, but since I’m already in a relationship, what should I do? That’s a topic I thought about often. However, I still had no clue how I should act.

I have three options:

  1. Should I break up sooner or later with my boyfriend, to get together with Jiho, and risk the difficult relationship with a desired idol, or
  2. Should I reject the confession from my ultimate dream boy, and stick together with my boyfriend who SEEMS to be my ideal partner so far, and risk a long term relationship for the next 11months, or
  3. Should I be yolo, and profit from the occasion and date my bias, but hide it from my boyfriend, and return back home as if nothing has ever happened?

I couldn’t give an answer to Xero, since I was too overwhelmed by his confession. However, to break the awkward silence, I asked him:

- What do you mean by ‘I like you?’

- … Well I like you. (he looked up to me, his mouth was formed into a pout)

- (I could only stare at him speechless) Explanation?

- I…want to… date…you.

KABOOM. Pouff. Total destruction. Here we have the confirmation. The only thing I could do was going home and think about it.

- Xero Oppa, give me some time to digest this situation. I have to go home. I will tell you as soon as possible what we should do okay? (I hugged him and left)

Instead of going home, I wandered to Namsan Park in Jung-Gu. I had to arrange my mind. I was observing the scenery, it was so peaceful. I imagined how it would be like if I were with Jiho in a relationship.

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Neiya_ #1
Chapter 16: Chapter 16; After I am finished reading this I fell so different. Xero really went high up in my Biast List. I can't believe that. Thank you for that amazing Story. Hope you will go on like thet. HWAITING!! <3
Chapter 16: Ahhhhh my Jiho feelssssss noo ;A; of course I am sad she didn't date Jiho but at least she resolved her conflicting emotions. Eoumd of applause for you Author-nim! /claps/ this is an amzing story though I wish the ending was longer x3 anyway, thank you for writing auch an amazing piece of art ^^
Chapter 12: Ahh leader hyung's words are harsh but he means well for the group... they can't let a girl bring them down no matter how much Jiho likes her.. :(
your story is great
Chapter 11: This is what happens with every idol who has dating rumors... it's sad that some fans are so hardcore in love with their idols that they wish death upon someone who comes into contact with them. I mean, if my bias gets a girlfriend, I may feel a bit sad and jealous because he's no longer a single man, but at the same time I would be happy that he found someone who can make him happy. Sometimes all they need is someone that can be there for them because of all the stress of their work especially with all the media being in their faec all the time and sasaengs making things worse for them.... I don't know where I'm going with this anymore I just feel really strongly about fans being so upset about idols dating especially if it's someone not famous.

heheh sorry for this mini novel of a comment >.< anyway, good job! keep updating your story is great ^o^
Chapter 10: I didn't think she'd tell her boyfriend! :o
Chapter 9: Jihyoooooooo! You have to accept his confessionnn pleasssssse ;A;
Chapter 8: Awww Jiho is so cute with her x3
Chapter 4: I just found your fanfic and seriously it's pretty good !! I like it :D
please update soon :)
Chapter 4: Having mini spazz attack cause Jiho is one of my biases x3 anyway good story! Update soon, yeah? ^o^