Nice to meet you

In love with an idol and my boyfriend

Nervously, I went back to the three boys, who were recently joined by four other guys. I greeted the new table guests with a hello and a bow, but deep inside of me, I was already lying half dead in my grave. I sat down on my seat, between Jongjun and oh my f-ing god Shin Jiho aka Xero. I kept staring at my milk, after I opened it, but not drinking it. Bjoo, who sat in front of Xero, looked at me and started to laugh. I looked up, at Bjoo, at Atom and slowly at Xero, who smiled at me. My body was frozen from joy. My heart was running for a gold medal in the Olympic Games. Then, Xero talked to me.

- I saw you this morning.

- ( I was staring straight ahead) Oh, did you? And where was that? ( I smiled at him)

- So you didn’t notice me? I was leaning against the lockers, I was watching you the entire time! Seems like, you first got the keys to my locker?

- Oh, good to know that I received your locker. (I was laughing strangely)

- ‘So there have you been! We were looking for you!’ Hansol said to his dongsaeng. (Thankfully, Hansol relieved me, because that would have been an awkward moment with Xero, and I didn’t want to appear as a lame chick.)

- Well, I, I have to go now, it was nice to meet you! (I got up and went to the ladies’ room near the cafeteria and my locker)

But because of my rush, I completely forgot about my banana milk. After checking myself in the mirror, to make sure that I looked good, when I met Xero, I went out of the restroom, and what a surprise, he was standing in front of my locker, as he already knew, that I still had to get something out of it. The good thing was, he was alone. I prefer talking to somebody alone, than in front of others.

- Hello Shin Jiho.

- Hello Shin Jihyo. (really odd, that my given Korean name, sounded exactly like his) You forgot your banana milk.

-  I know. (I grinned at him fiercely)

- I heard, it’s your first day here at school.

- Yes.

- Should I show you the campus?

- If you want, sure why not!

- So, shall we meet after class, here next to our lockers?

- Okay, then see ya later.

I took out my things that I needed for the next class, and walked away coolly. But, I acted way too cool, so cool that I forgot my keys on my locker. As I was aiming for my class room, Xero found my keys on the door, shook his head because of my clumsiness, but had his cute smiley face.

Later at 3pm, after some quite refreshing classes, I went happily to our meeting place, and Xero was standing there, playing with my keys and talking to Hansol. I was too shy, to go to them, since I didn’t know how to act, therefore I did so, as I would have lost the orientation. Instead, of turning to the hallway where they were waiting, I just went straight ahead, but sadly Hansol discovered me passing by. He informed Xero, and the two were running after me.

- JIHYO, HOLD ON!’ the two of them screamed.

- (putting up my acting skills, turning around and acting surprised) HUH? Oh there you are, I forgot where my locker is.

- It’s right there, never mind, you forgot your key!

- Aish, I’m so clumsy.

- That’s okay, so shall we look around? (Xero waved at Hansol, Hansol waved back and shouted ‘Have fun’, and we left.)

We were leaving the school building, my heart was fluttering, my hands were shaking, and my eyes got wet from luck.  Xero leaded me throughout the campus, he explained me everything about the different buildings. I enjoyed being at his side. I wished that this moment would never end. However, as always, why do all good things have to come to an end? Time flew so quick, it was already past 4pm. As we arrived back to the main entrance from the campus, Minhyo was waiting there for me, she looked furious.

- YA! Shin Jihyo!! I was waiting here for over an hour for you!! ( She grabbed my arm hard, pulled me away from Xero, and rushed the stairs down with me, I couldn’t even say goodbye properly to him, so I just waved, and he waved back, and had a sad smile on his face)

- Ouch!! You are hurting me, let me go! (Minhyo let loose of my arm)

- I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to hurt you, but where have you been so long?

- Well I didn’t know that you would wait for me… The entire day, you didn’t have time for me! So I thought that I should go home on my own!

- Sorry.

- Jiho showed me the campus.

- I could have done that! And you know, omma and appa don’t like that we arrive late at home!

- You never informed me anything! It’s not my fault!

- I know, it’s my fault. I should have warned you. Nonetheless, why do you speak to him? He is one of the most famous guys at our school.

- Yeah famous, because he is an idol, right?

- Yep. But…

- But he still is a human being just as you and me, right? (yeah exactly, an ordinary person, where I get really nervous)

- Yes, I know, but… Oh, never mind.

- What’s wrong? And could we go someday in Dongdaemun shopping? I heard that this is one of the famous places to go shopping!

- Aish, go ask your Xero!

I was looking at her shocked. Have I done something wrong? We went back home by metro. As we entered the flat, nobody was at home.

- Now tell me, why do omma and appa want us to arrive early at home? Where are they?

- At work.

- Until when?

- 6pm.

- What? We could have gone to the city!

- Leave me alone. (She rushed into her room and locked the door)

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Neiya_ #1
Chapter 16: Chapter 16; After I am finished reading this I fell so different. Xero really went high up in my Biast List. I can't believe that. Thank you for that amazing Story. Hope you will go on like thet. HWAITING!! <3
Chapter 16: Ahhhhh my Jiho feelssssss noo ;A; of course I am sad she didn't date Jiho but at least she resolved her conflicting emotions. Eoumd of applause for you Author-nim! /claps/ this is an amzing story though I wish the ending was longer x3 anyway, thank you for writing auch an amazing piece of art ^^
Chapter 12: Ahh leader hyung's words are harsh but he means well for the group... they can't let a girl bring them down no matter how much Jiho likes her.. :(
your story is great
Chapter 11: This is what happens with every idol who has dating rumors... it's sad that some fans are so hardcore in love with their idols that they wish death upon someone who comes into contact with them. I mean, if my bias gets a girlfriend, I may feel a bit sad and jealous because he's no longer a single man, but at the same time I would be happy that he found someone who can make him happy. Sometimes all they need is someone that can be there for them because of all the stress of their work especially with all the media being in their faec all the time and sasaengs making things worse for them.... I don't know where I'm going with this anymore I just feel really strongly about fans being so upset about idols dating especially if it's someone not famous.

heheh sorry for this mini novel of a comment >.< anyway, good job! keep updating your story is great ^o^
Chapter 10: I didn't think she'd tell her boyfriend! :o
Chapter 9: Jihyoooooooo! You have to accept his confessionnn pleasssssse ;A;
Chapter 8: Awww Jiho is so cute with her x3
Chapter 4: I just found your fanfic and seriously it's pretty good !! I like it :D
please update soon :)
Chapter 4: Having mini spazz attack cause Jiho is one of my biases x3 anyway good story! Update soon, yeah? ^o^