
stranger that i want to know!

your pov:

you:(looking around)

*so diffrent with ur school,what usually happen..in ur school in this time everyone should already in their own class..BUT here it's still crowded..the students still around walking even hanging around~*

back to reality>.< (look infront)*the boy disapeared! *what the heck? where is him?! andwae!*(panic you not even remember that boy face)


you dont know what to do but then you remember mr.ryan said ''..in one of the class on block 8.. "

hah! block 8 8...8!!8 8 8 8..8..!(looking up) the lable said block 6..*oh two block more and that will be my class!*(walk quickly)


-after awhile,you found ur class and introduced ur self to ur class-


teac.lyn(ur form teacher):okey take sit __-ah~

you :(look around)*there is no empty sit*(just stand there like an idiot)


teac.lyn:um?__.?have a sit o.O(she look around)

one of ur classmate:oh! __-ah?go sit one the floor!.(smirking)

everyone in ur class laughing

you:*huh..is that a joke? :c*


teac.lyn:oh dear! i forgot about the chair and the desk!(knock her own head)follow me..CLASS KEEP QUEIT!(proceed to walk out)

you follow her...walking to the next class behind ur class. //here the class arangement- block8 (urclass) -->(chen's class) and so on//


teac.lyn:(knocking the door)i'm sorry disturbing you Lily~ do you have 1 chair and 1 desk?i have my new student..i forgot that we dont have any spare of chair and table..(laughing)


Miss.Lily?:hey~lyn!..oh i think we have one(look at the back of the class)

teach.lyn:(turns to you)urm..__ah go inside..there the chair and the desk..(pointing the empty chair and desk)


you:oh okey?(walk in and grab the chair and the desk and ur teacher go back to ur class)

*huh~dont leave me alone>.< aigoo! can i just pull this two item?huh..or carry one by one huh?-.-*

so you decided to pull both of it and....it so noisy xD (you just look down,blushing while dragging both of it)

(you can sense that everyone in that class turns to you)*it's soo embrassing>.



-everyone stare at you including the teacher of da class-

miss.Lily:oh someone help?her for awhile..*told her students*


chen pov:

our class havent start yet,miss.lily busy with her phone

-after awhile-

there a knock and "..i'm sorry disturbing you Lily~ do you have 1 chair and 1 desk?i have my new student..i forgot that we dont have any spare of chair and table.."


and so on..we just go back do our own things(my classmate not one of busybody people xD) ...SUDDENLY loud sound of dragging chair and desk can be heard, we all look behind including my cool hyung(kris) xD LOL


miss lily:oh someone help?her for awhile...(asking us to help her)

me:*new student?wait? >.< is she the one that i left behind? oppsy! should i help her? mianhae..oh ma god~ i fell really sorry..ha..ha why did i left the innocent girl?lol ha..ha*(i get up and help her)

-everyone turns to me-

(the new student surprised  and stop)

me:he..he..(just smile nervously)

*she smile back and i just conversed with her by my only eye ha..ha my eye said " can i help you to carry this? " and she nodding*


i let her to go in front with her chair and me follow her with her desk..


we arrived,and i put down her desk at her place..


she:thankyou.(while put her bag at her chair)

me:(look at her)*her voice soo..*

she:(then she smile at me)^.^

me:*my heart racing..looking her sweet smile o.o*

she:(then she sit down at her chair)*and she telling me with her eye " you can go.. " o.O

*back to reality! bow and quickly want walk out from this class and* -PANG-


ouch,ahhh..this door >.< (quickly turns the door knob) *chen what happen to you !this is embarassing!*

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Chapter 5: chen! Is soo chen hahaha XD nice of him~ i really wondering wut happen? Did she still dont know? About chen and jongdae?? Is she dont how to regonize some1 face? seriously i'm into ur story~