Chapter 2: English Class

Fairy Tale

Learn how to fight.

Protect yourself.

Live the life you're supposed to live.


She scanned the room for empty seats and she found one beside the window. She walked towards it and sat on it, placing her bag on the table. She glanced outsiDe the window and admired the scenery in front of her. She could see the football field from her seat and watched the student's playing. Her trance was broken as soon as a bag was dropped on her table.

She jolted up and looked at the man in front of him. 

Another handsome guy. 

But he's not as handsome as Suho-ssi. She noticed that the guy was tall, and has slightly darker skin than most of the students inside the classroom. He glared at her and placed his palm on the table as he leaned towards the girl.

"That's my seat." The man whispered as he leaned his face near hers. "Get off."

Sachi froze as she felt the intense glare that the man was giving her. She immediately closed her eyes and grabbed the thing on the table, which she assumed to be her bag, and scrambled off the chair.

"I-I'm-" She bowed down and whispered a soft apology as she hugged the bag. She could hear murmurs around her and she once again flinched as she felt the man stand in front of her. She hugged the bag tightly before realizing that the one she got was lighter than what her bag was supposed to weigh.

"Wow," The man sighed as he shook his head. Sachi glanced up to find the man shaking his head slowly, while his palm was pressed on his forehead. "First, you take my seat, and now you want my bag."

"E-Eh?" Sachi glanced down and looked at the bag she was holding, noticing a few keychains hanging. Her eyes widened as she immediately pressed the bag on the man's chest, mumbling her soft apologies as she kept her head down.

The man didn't do anything and just watched her. To be honest, he was finding the scene cute and was quite enjoying it. The corner of his lips curved up into a smirk as he leaned down, pressing his chin on top of the girl's head.

"Will it be safe to assume that you like me?" The man whispered, but it was loud enough for some of the class to hear.

Sachi froze as she heard murmurs and giggling around her, before raising her head up immidiately, causing the man's head to jolt backwards.

The cluttering and mumbling all stopped after the scene drew the class' attention. The man cracked his head to the side, his smile shaping up into that of a menacing one.

"I-I don't like you and it was an accident that I grabbed your bag, and it's not like I knew that you sit there. It's my first day so you can't really blame me. I'm sorry that your head was thrown backwards but it was your fault because you placed your head there, and god, I don't like you. You scare me!" Sachi said out loud in embarrassment. She froze after realizing what she had done and looked around. She saw what she expected to find--everyone looked at her in confusion, for she spoke her mother language and no one knew what she just said.

The man was about to speak up before their scene was disturbed by the door sliding open. An old woman entered the room and everyone went flying to their respective seats. Sachi remained standing, after grabbing her bag from the table.

Sachi stood behind the room, scanning for empty seats. She spotted one, but she was scared to move since the seat was in front, and it was probably taken too.

"Excuse me?" The old woman called, her gaze directed at the girl. "I presume you are the new student from Japan?"

Sachi hesitantly nodded. "Y-Yes."

The old woman gave her a soft smile and gestured her to come in front. "Come here and introduce yourself."

Sachi nodded and slowly made her way in front. She scanned the room, avoiding the gaze, or glare, of the man he was arguing with earlier. 

"I'm Minatsuki Sachi. I'm a transfer student from Japan." She bowed down and gave everyone a soft smile before turning to the teacher.

"Would you mind telling us anything about your ability?" The old woman kindly asked.

Sachi stiffened, before turning back to the class. 

"I'm not sure of my abilities as of now. But-"

"Then why are you here?" Sachi was cut off as she heard someone from the back part of the room rudely asked the question. The class started murmuring once more.

Sachi sighed and dropped her head slightly. She told herself to get used to these comments, since she now has a mind-set that everyone in her class won't treat her very well after the incident earlier.

"What I meant is, I'm not yet sure if I can see the future or..." She paused once more and mumbled her other ability. "...or both. So I can't really say what I'm good at." Sachi said feeling quite nervous after mumbling her other power which was obviously something that she isn't proud of having.

The old woman smiled at her, feeling her distress. She didn't press Sachi any longer and pointed at the seat that Sachi was eyeing earlier. "You may seat there."

"But miss, Sehun sits there!" Someone shouted from somewhere across the room, probably the same person who asked her the question earlier.

"Mr. Jong In. Do you have something against Ms. Sachi here? You've been interrupting her peace since earlier and Mr. Sehun rarely attends my class. It's his problem if he arrives here with his seat taken." The old woman sent a soft glare over the man who was arguing with Sachi earlier. 

"..." Jong In went silent. 

Sachi followed the gaze of their teacher. So his name is Jong In. Sachi thought to herself. She made a mental note not to associate herself with Jong In so she could have a peaceful life in Kim Sung Chan.

The class went quite well, despite it being her very first one. As soon as class ended, Sachi fixed her bag and was about to get up and leave before a figure stopped in front of her, making her unable to get out of her seat.

Sachi looked up and found Jong In in front of her, but instead of feeling scared, she was confused as to why the man refused to look at her, and was scratching the back of his neck.

"Can I talk to you outside?" Jong In said, grabbing Sachi's hand as he dragged her out of the room.

Sachi immediately grabbed her bag and followed the man without protest. They stopped walking as they reached the far end of the corridor.

Sachi couldn't help but feel scared.

"I'm sorry about earlier." Jong In said in a low, but soft tone.

Sachi couldn't quite understand because Jong In's voice was too soft, and the cluttering of the students can be heard echoing in the corridor.

"Pardon?" Sachi tilted her head to the side.

She saw Jong In sigh, but the small tint of red on the man's ears caught her attention. 

"I said, I'm sorry." Jong In said, quite louder than earlier.

Sachi was taken aback. She didn't expect him to apologize soon, no, she didn't expect him to apologize. She thought of the guy as a cocky, self-centered, and confident one; but she found this scene cute.

"It's alright," Sachi smiled warmly at him. "It was my fault that I sat there and I didn't think that anyone would have already marked that place as their territory."

Jong In smiled back at her, a smile of that of a child. "I'm really sorry. Can we be friends? Since you're the new kid, shall I tour you around?" There was a hit of excitement in Jong In's voice, which made him seem childish.

Sachi was again taken aback. How can someone who was glaring at her moments ago, be so cute and childish? She giggled softly and nodded. "Sure."

Jong In's smile grew bigger and reached his hand out. "I'm Kim Jong In. You can call me Kai and I can teleport."

Sachi reached her hand out as well, grabbing Kai's hand for a small handshake. "Sachi, and you know the rest." She smiled at him before standing from her table. "I don't have a class after this so I might as well visit the dorm."

Kai's face lit up, and Sachi swore she just saw dog ears perking up. "Me too! Do you want me to take you to the dorm? Can I see your form?"

Sachi opened her bag and handed Kai her student form. She inwardly smiled as she saw the man's facial expressions change in a matter of seconds.

"We almost have the same schedule, except for..." Kai paused, cocking an eyebrow in confusion. "You're taking up dualism?" 

Sachi nodded and looked up for a while. "I have two powers so I'm taking a classes that would help me master both."

"Woah. That's cool." Kai looked at her in amusement.

"Were you even listening to me when I introduced myself?" Sachi laughed softly. She felt a smile form on her lips as she saw a brush of red pass though Kai's cheeks.

"S-Sorry. I was too absorbed into being mean to you."  Kai whispered.

Sachi's eyes widened slightly, before letting out the laughter that she tried so hard to suppress.

Kai looked at her in confusion. "Why are you laughing?"

"I-I'm sorry. It's just that-" Sachi bent her knees and squat on the floor, covering her face. "I'm sorry. Earlier, I was thinking of not associating myself with you. I thought you were a jerk and a douche. Didn't expect you'll be this..." She paused for a while, thinking of an appropriate word to use. "...cute?"

Kai dropped his mouth and stared at her. "Cute? Did you just call me cute?" He huffed softly and stared hard at the girl. "Well, I thought you're the type who'll say sorry everytime someone talks to them. You know, the shy type. The one who easily gets bullied here."

Sachi kept silent and stared back at him. "W-Well, of course I have to be polite to everyone I meet. I don't know what goes around here yet. I haven't adjusted, given that I just arrived here the other day. My reputation is important and I have to establish a good one!" She cocked her head to the side and crossed her arms. 

She soon dropped them and fell into her own trance. 

How come I can speak so comfortably around him?

She looked back at Kai, who apparently seems shocked at what she just said.

"The other day? Then that means you haven't tasted this place's ice cream!" Kai declared, breaking the trance Sachi was in.

"Uh, I'd love to try the ice cream but, I need to get to the dorm first before anything so I can fix my things and see if I have a roommate or not." Sachi said, trying to be polite as she can.

Kai shook his head and apologized. "Let's get you to the dorm, shall we?"

He turned and walked towards the direction of the dorm, walking slowly as he waited for the girl.

"From what I heard, everyone lives in the dorm, right? Do you have a roommate?" Sachi glanced up at Kai as they walked slowly.

"Yeah! His name's Chanyeol. He's freakishly tall and he has this weird smile plastered on his face most of the time." Kai chuckled softly.

"Oh. Who's Sehun, by the way? The one who owns the seat in English class?" Sachi raised her eyebrow and glanced in front.

"He's my bestfriend. Well, it doesn't look like he'll go to school soon since he went with his parents to China to have a small family reunion."

Sachi nodded. She couldn't ask anything else. She could be a happy kid sometimes, but she's a quiet girl most of the time, and she just can't seem to keep her conversations going.

"We're here!" Kai declared as he stood in front of a big door. "Welcome to Kim Sung Dorm!"

He opened the door slowly, which made a loud creaking sound that echoed thoughtout the hall.

Sachi expected it to be as beautiful as the main building, and she found what she want to see. 

The layout was similar to the main building's, but there were brighter colors and the hall was brighter, per se.

She walked in slowly, before getting pulled by Kai. "Let's bring you to the dorm head so you'll know your room."

Sachi was once again pulled by Kai, and again, she followed without protest.

To be continued.

Warning: I had a few changes in the description and in the first chapter because it seems like I mistook teleportation with telepathy and I kinda thought that it was had to do telepathy so I changed it to light absorption. I though a lot about it and I think it would greatly contribute to the story line.

[140325] I changed Kai's roomate and made it into Chanyeol. You'll understand when you read the fourth chapter :)

A/N: That's all for this chapter! Huehue. Sachi would be the type of character that would draw a lot of people to her, despite having both extrovert and introvert qualities. But she won't fall for anyone... yet. Not until she meets all of the members, right? /laughs nervously

Anyway, thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it! Comments are very much welcomed. See you on the next chapter! xoxo

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anonymoushf #1
Chapter 3: omg what's up with Kris.... :OOO update soon!!!
anonymoushf #2
Chapter 2: UPDATE SOON. =)))))))) Hahahaha demanding reader :)