Chapter 1: Kim Sung Chan High

Fairy Tale


Save yourself.

You're the only one left.

Sachi stood infront of the school's main gate, admiring it's golden pillars. An arc can be found on top, connecting the two pillars. She stood there in awe as she admired the school's emblem engraved on the middle. 

Mom, I'm here. I'm finally here. She thought to herself.

She took a deep breath as she took her first step into the school grounds, feeling a rush of power pass though her as she crossed the school's invisible barrier. From outside the gates, the school looked normal. But once she stepped into the campus, a sudden scene was displayed in front of her, making her more awed than earlier.

Students her age were using their powers here and there. She saw some using different elements, while some displayed powers quite similar to what she can do. But one scene caught her attention. She turned her head to the side after hearing someone shout. She watched as one small guy pick up a bigger guy, whom she assumed was bullying the smaller person. She debated to herself on whether she should stop the small guy, but she thought being involved in a fight on her first day of school would ruin her reputation. She shrugged the scene off and walked away to look for the entrance door.

It took her quite sometime to find the door, given that she had to avoid those fireballs that were accidentally directed towards her, and the school was a really big place. She sighed as she finally met her destination. She grabbed the doorknob, which was awfully small for a big door like that. She was about to grip the doorknob when she felt it turn, and was pushed towards her.

She jumped to her side, before bowing slightly to greet the person who was on the other side of the door, assuming that that person might be someone she has to greet.

"S-Sorry!" She stuttered, feeling her hand shake slightly.

Her upper body remained bent as she eyed the person shoes. She tensed up after seeing the pair of shoes stop in front of her. She immediately flinched as soon as she felt a big hand tap her shoulder.

"What are you sorry for?" Said a man with a slightly deep, yet gentle voice.

She lifted her head up immediately and her body soon followed. She stood once more in awe as she found a very handsome guy in front of her. She stared at him for she haven't seen anyone like him. The first thing she noticed was the man's forehead, which was unbelievably smooth, but she soon noticed that his other facial features were almost perfect.

Her eyes travelled to the man's tie. It was color red. A senior.

"A-Ah. I'm sorry. I thought you were a teacher or someone important." She said nervously as she curved into an awkward smile.

The man was silent for a while, before clearing his throat softly. "Well, I am important, in a way. I'm Kim JoonMyeon, the student council president. But you can call me Suho."

"A-Ah. Suho-sa-," She paused for a while and dropped her head slightly. "N-Nice to meet you, Suho-ssi." She whispered softly.

He chuckled softly before fixing his tie that was slightly crooked. "You must be the new student from Japan, seeing that you aren't that fluent in Korean yet."

Sachi continued to look down in embarrassment. She was slightly clutching her skirt as she felt some heat spread through her cheeks.

Suho noticed her silence and felt awkward himself. He cleared his throat once more and glanced at his surroundings. "Do you need directions to the office? Should I show you the way?" Suho suggested so he could escape the awkward silence with the new girl.

Her head once again perked up as she nodded furiously. "It took me a while to find this place. I might get lost again inside. Thank you, Suho-ssi!"

She sighed and felt her body relax, quite surprised that she was tense for the past few minutes.

Suho chuckled softly and nodded. "Let's go here." He pointed his hand towards the door that was still open, gesturing her to get in first.

Sachi nodded as well, flashing a soft smile towards the older male as she entered the door.

The other male soon followed, walking beside her as he gave her a small tour in the main building.

"This is where you'll find the important offices in school such as the principal's office, faculty rooms, guidance rooms, and all offices related to the teachers or important people here in school. Just like the teachers, we students also have a somewhat main building where teachers cannot enter, unless instructed by the principal."

"Woah." Sachi whispered to herself as she admired the interior of the main building.

Suho stared at the girl and slowly placed his hand over his mouth, trying to supress a laugh that attempted to escape his lips.

"Oh yeah," Suho stopped in his tracks after realizing something. The girl soon noticed it and stopped as well. She turned around and gave him a confused look.

"I haven't asked for your name yet."

Sachi smiled softly and place her right hand over her left, putting her legs and knees together as she slowly bowed. "I'm Minatsuki Sachi," she straightened up her back, her hands and legs were still in place. "Nice to meet you, Suho-ssi."

Suho bowed in response and gave the girl a small smile. "Nice to meet you, again. Now, let's bring you to the office so you could know your section. I'll bring you to your classroom afterwards."

"Eh? Don't you have classes, Suho-ssi?" The girl asked as she cocked her head to the side.

Suho shook his head and displayed his student council badge. "Privilage."

Sachi shook her head and giggled softly. "Let's go?"

Suho nodded his head in agreement and continued to tour the girl in the building. As soon as they arrived at the Principal's office, Suho knocked gently before opening the door slowly.

"Principal, it's Suho. I brought the new student here." He said as he entered the room, glancing back at Sachi and gestured her to follow.

The room was bright, there was a big window behind the principal's table. And between them, a very beautiful woman was sitting on the big chair.

"Ah. Thank you, Suho." The principal smiled as she gestured the male to close the door. Suho bowed slightly as he left the room while closing the door. 

The principal gestured the young girl to sit on the chairs in front of her table. "You must be Minatsuki Sachi. It's good that you have arrived here safetly. I heard that Nozomi was..." She paused as she bit her lip slightly. 

"... Killed, yes." Sachi finished the sentence for her. "Mom told me to go here and find you, Eun-ssi." Her voice was wavering. She intertwined her hands together and grips them. "I'm the only survivor from Japan who has these abilities."

There was silence between them. Sachi wouldn't know that tears were already streaming down her face, if not for the kind deed that the principal did for handing her a box of tissues.

"I'll keep you safe here. Nozomi was a very good friend of mine and I can't let her child wander around here without protection." The principal said as she opened her drawers to grab a piece of paper.

"Here's your room and schedule. Have your luggage arrived at the dorm?" Eun asked as she handed her the paper.

Sachi grabbed the paper and shook her head. "I haven't been to the dorms yet."

"Hm. Okay. Coordinate with your dorm head. There's only one dorm for everyone but you won't be roomates with a boy. Most likely, you'll room with a girl, or you'll be by yourself." 

Sachi nodded and scanned the paper that was handed to her earlier.

1-B. Crystal Hall, Kim Sung Dorm.

"Thank you." Sachi stood up and bowed, after which she returned the box of tissues and thanked the principal once again before turning around to head out of the room.


She stopped and turned to Eun.

"Don't hesitate to ask help from me, okay?" Eun assured the younger girl that she is not alone.

Sachi smiled warmly at her and bowed, before heading out.

"Well, that took you quite some time." Suho said, tapping his foot on the floor.

Sachi kept silent and showed the paper infront of the older male.

"1-B huh." Suho nodded his head slightly. "It's in the next building." 

Sachi nodded and remained silent.

They were walking in an awkward mood before Sachi gasped softly and turned to Suho.

"Suho-ssi, what's your power?" Sachi asked.

Suho was taken aback from the sudden question. 

"Thought you'd never ask. I can control water." He smirked, feeling so proud of his ability.

"Oh. That's nice." Sachi continued walking. "I still don't know mine though."

"Why is that?"

"Well, I don't know if I can see the future, or..." She mumbled some words that Suho wasn't able to comprehend. "Because it looks like I can do both but I can't control them."

Suho glanced at the girl's head as they walked into a different building.

"You have two powers? Well that's rare here." Suho nodded his head.

Sachi nodded slowly. "I know. Even in Japan. Well, having powers already makes me different." She whispered to herself.

Suho caught a glimpse of what she said but remained silent. He wouldn't know what to say anyway. The both of them kept quiet until they reached the classroom.

"Class haven't started yet so it's alright to go inside. Good luck on your first day and see you around, Sachi." Suho said as he turned to her and bowed slightly, before waving his hand at her. "Nice to meet you."

"See you, Suho-ssi. Thank you and nice meeting you too. See you around." Sachi smiled at him before opening the door. She glanced back at Suho's retreating figure before she closed the door behind her. She scanned the room for empty seats and she found one beside the window. She walked towards it and sat on it, placing her bag on the table. She glanced outsie the window and admired the scenery in front of her. She could see the football field from her seat and watched the students playing. Her trance was broken as soon as a bag was dropped on her table.

She jolted up and looked at the man in front of him. 

Another handsome guy. 

But he's not as handsome as Suho-ssi. She noticed that the guy was tall, and has slightly darker skin than most of the students inside the classroom. He glared at her and placed his palm on the table as he leaned towards the girl.

"That's my seat." The man whispered as he leaned his face near hers. "Get off."

To be continued.

Author's Notes: I have to end it here. Well, Suho was introduced first and it seems like Sachi got herself into trouble by sitting on someone else's chair. I'll update soon so leave your comments and subscribe! Upvotes are also welcomed. Thank you for reading this chapter and I hope you enjoyed it. See you in the next one! xoxo

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New chapter is up! Sorry for the long wait. [Fairy Tale]


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anonymoushf #1
Chapter 3: omg what's up with Kris.... :OOO update soon!!!
anonymoushf #2
Chapter 2: UPDATE SOON. =)))))))) Hahahaha demanding reader :)