Chapter 5: New Friends

Fairy Tale

A natural-born disaster.

A monster.

She must be killed.


"You should go rest. I'll just read here and watch over you so rest assured that the thing that happened earlier won't happen again!" Sung Young flashed a smile at the girl.

Sachi smiled back weakly as she laid on the bed again, immediately falling into a peaceful slumber as soon as she closed her eyes.

Sachi woke up after a few hours. Noticing that it has been past 6, since it was already dark outside. She scanned the room and found that she was alone. Her eyes landed on the boxes near her bed, and that's when she realized that she has yet to unpack her things.

She groggily walked towards the boxes, opening the first box her eyes landed on. A smile crept her face as she spotted the few things she had brought from her household. She placed her family's photo on her table, a sad smile forming on her lips. Oh how she missed them, but she knew she would never be able to see them again.

A single tear fell from her eyes as she ran her thumb on her family's faces, letting each and every detail be engraved in her mind. She then returned to unpack the remains of the first box. Her favorite kimono, her favorite chopsticks, her favorite cosmetics, and her family's crest. It was the only remaining thing that reminds her of her family, besides the photo.

She hid the crest inside her drawer and locked it. It was too much of a valuable item that Sachi couldn't bear show it to others.

The moment she left Japan, she swore to leave her past behind and start a new life, but she knew that was impossible since she can never escape the chains of the past, and she is bound to be caught one day. She knew her perpetrators won't stop looking for her until they have her head.

Yet her family knew. Her mother foresaw it, hence sending her to this school. She knew the school will temporarily hide her from them.

She unpacked the other boxes, which contained her casual attires and other basic necessities she needed. Sachi fixed everything according to her liking, until she was satisfied.

As if on cue, the moment she finished unpacking her last box, a soft knock reached Sachi's ears.

Before she could even recognize the people outside, she was already tackled by a female, which she immediately recognized as Sung Young.

"Sung Young, I can't breathe..!" Sachi mumbled as she tried to push the girl off of her, but her pleas were left unheard.

"Sung Young, let her breathe." Sachi immediately recognized that voice. Her head shot up and met the gaze of the Student Council President.

"Suho-ssi!" Sachi beamed after finally escaping Sung Young's embrace.

"Bwo, you look like you've seen an angel." Kai mumbled his soft response from behind.

"But Suho-ssi is an angel! If it wasn't for him, I'd probably be lost in this school." Sachi said as she poked her tongue out at Kai.

The eldest chuckled, shaking his head slightly as he watched the young girl.

"I'm surprised that you've opened up that fast, Sachi." The man said as he ruffled the girl's hair.

"Well, Kai here was actually fun to get along with. Did you know that he tried to bully me earlier?" She chuckles as she remembered what happened earlier that day.

Sung Young and Suho laughed, while Kai rolled his eyes to hide his embarrassment.

"Anyway, I' like you to meet some people," Kai said as he grabbed someone's arm from outside and dragged him in. Sachi's eyes widened at the height of the man. "This is Chanyeol. My roommate." Kai said as he pulled the man, who has a creepy smile on his face.

"Hi." Chanyeol said as he reached out his hand. Sachi, though, stared at the man's hand as if it was something that she couldn't touch.

"I thought Custodes and Cannons can't be, like, together?" Sachi asked, confusion etched in her face.

The rest laughed after hearing the girl's statement.

"No, that's not true," Suho replied. "Not all of the Cannons have bad relationships with Custodes. In fact," Suho grabbed Sung Young's arm and yanked it, earning a whine from the girl. "This girl's boyfriend is her Cannon counterpart."

Sung Young's face immediately turned bright red at the mention of her not-so-secret relationship with her Cannon counterpart.

"Ya!" Suho yelped as the girl flashed a quick burst of light in front of Suho. "Sorry. Didn't mean to blurt it out loud." He said as he rubbed his eyes gently.

Roars of laughter filled the room. Sachi's lips soon formed into a soft smile, a very inaudible giggle escaped her lips as she watched the scene unfold in front of her.

Yes. This is the start of a new life.

The bell rang, signalling the end of class. Kris, Baekhyun, and another man waited until everyone has left before the latter two stood up and faced Kris.

"So," Baekhyun started. "What's the plan?"

Kris scoffed, a smirk gracing his lips. "I want her."

Baekhyun nodded, a similar smirk was on his lips, but the man beside him showed great disapproval of their leader's choice. "But ge..." The man started. "I don't think she belongs with us."

"And why is that?" Baekhyun interfered before Kris even opened his mouth.

"She doesn't have that kind of..." The man paused for a second, trying to find the right word to describe what he wanted to say. "She doesn't have that kind of... feel."

"Elaborate." Kris said, propping his chin in the palm of his hand.

"She looks innocent, and besides, I saw her with Suho the other day and she's practically hanging out with Custodes!"

"...and Chanyeol." Baekhyun interrupted.

"Chanyeol is an exception, you know that. He's a big fan of that Kim Jong-whatever kid and you know that he'll follow him everywhere despite being a Cannon."

The two went on bickering about why the girl was not and was allowed to be a Cannon.

Kris, who no longer enjoyed the scene in front of him, cleared his throat, earning the immediate attention of the two.

"Tao, Baekhyun," Kris started. "I want you to check on her, and if possible, ask help from Chanyeol. Try to convince her to join us."

Tao sighed in defeat. He could never go against their leader so he had to comply to his wishes, even though it was against his will. "Okay, ge."

"Kkaebsong~" Baekhyun teased as he felt victory over the small fight he had with Tao.

At that moment, Sung Young passed by their room with Kai, talking about their homeworks. With a snap of his fingers, Tao stopped the time and walked slowly towards the girl. She observed her first, starting from her feet up to her head. He froze slightly, feeling heat spread through his cheeks. He has never seen a girl so pretty like her. That alone convinced him that she should join them.

He walked back to his original spot, sparing one last glance at the girl before snapping his fingers again. It was unknown to him that his color was still the same as earlier, beet red.

Kris softly hissed at the sight, sending a glare at Tao. "Don't even think about it, Tao."

The man, as well as Baekhyun looked at Kris with a confused look. "What?"

Kris shook his head. "I want her."

Tao immediately understood, leaving Baekhyun to his own understanding. "So!" Baekhyun beamed. "When are we starting?"

Tao glanced at Kris, before looking back at Baekhyun.



A/N: NOT PROOFREAD. SORRY THIS IS LONG OVERDUE I KNOW D= I recently had my muse back but it's kinda leaving me again, that's why the bottom half of this is kinda half-assed. I'm sorry for that. Hopefully this will only happen once, and this is really a short chapter ;; I'll make sure to make the next chapters longer. 

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New chapter is up! Sorry for the long wait. [Fairy Tale]


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anonymoushf #1
Chapter 3: omg what's up with Kris.... :OOO update soon!!!
anonymoushf #2
Chapter 2: UPDATE SOON. =)))))))) Hahahaha demanding reader :)