You & Zico

Random stories by yours truly!

You ran as fast as your legs could carry you. Somehow you slept through your alarm, now you were trying to make it to school on time. It’s not like you were the top student or anything, but sitting through detention because of tardiness? No thanks. You checked your watch as you rounded the corner and breathed as a sigh of relief as you still had 3 minutes remaining, and the school was only about 30 feet away at this point. However, it seemed as luck didn’t want to be on your side this morning, because five seconds later, you ran straight into someone, causing you to fall on your with a squeak.

"Why don’t you watch where you’re going, huh?!"

You clambered up, getting ready to apologize, only to come face to face with Woo Jiho, the school’s infamous bad boy. 

"Ah, it’s you princess. What’s the matter with your eyes? Couldn’t you see I was standing here?"

"Mianhae, Jiho-ssi." you replied while bowing. "I was running late, and—"

"Didn’t wanna mess up your top student reputation?" he smirked. "What a nerd."

You felt your cheeks heat up at his words. Normally, you’d avoid Jiho as much as possible, because he just loved to tease you. You never understood why, but he’s notorious for his scary attitude, so you just let it be.

"I am not a—" you stopped as you heard the bell go off. Your eyes widened in realization that you were officially late. Jiho chuckled as he watched you stare at the school in shock.

"Looks like you’ve got detention now." he teased. "It’s like Christmas came early." you whipped around and gave him a glare.

"WOO JIHO!" you shrieked, causing him to jump. "You-you’re such a… you’re such a jerk!" you sped past him towards the school, hearing his friends chuckle and mock you, but you didn’t look back.


You sighed as you walked towards the detention room. If you didn’t oversleep, and if you were able to avoid Woo Jiho, this wouldn’t be happening right now.

As you opened the door, you internally groaned; your senior, Kyungsan was sitting at a desk. He was worse than Jiho; at least with Jiho, you could easily ignore his teasing, but Kyungsan took it to a whole new level.

"Well well, what do we have here?" Kyungsan drawled out. "Our school’s pride and joy has detention."

"Annyeonghaseyo, sunbaenim." you muttered with a quick bow, running to the farthest seat possible."At least I can get a head start on my homework." you thought as you began to take out your books. Just as you were about to open one, Kyungsan slid them off your desk. 

"Homework during detention, really? Are you that much of a bore?" he scoffed. You kept your head down, praying a teacher or someone would walk in to save you from this. 

"It’s such a shame. You’re like the girl next door; so kind to everyone, yet that’s all you got going on for you." he breathed out. "Boring and unattractive, you’ll never get a boyfriend."

You clenched your skirt in your hands, trying hard not to tear up. He kept going, and just as you were about to stop him, you hear the door slam open, revealing none other than Woo Jiho.

"Jiho-ssi?" you whispered, not understanding what was going on. He never came to detention! 

"Yah, !" Jiho said as he walked up to Kyungsan. "Leave her alone!" Kyungsan looked at Jiho with disdain in his eyes, and chuckled darkly. "And what are you gonna do about it, Woo Jiho?" 

You watched in shock as Jiho swung his fist towards Kyungsan, connecting with his jaw. Kyungsan stumbled backwards while Jiho turned around to grab your wrist.

"We’re leaving, now." he mumbled to you as he dragged you out of the room.

"Wait, where are you taking me? I can’t skip deten—"

"Shut up will you!" he hissed as he came face to face with the music room’s door. He slid the door happen and pushed you in, following behind and shutting the door.

"Why did you let him say all that to you?!" he questioned as he grabbed your shoulders. "Why didn’t you tell him to shut up, slap him, anything? Why do you have to be so nice all the damn time?!" you looked up at him, tears pooling in your eyes. You’ve had enough of this, enough of Jiho. 

"Why do you care?!" you screamed as you pushed him off you. He collided with a desk and fell to the floor. He looked up at you in a mixture of shock and confusion.

"Why did you—"

"All you do is pick on me! Call me a princess, make fun of me, and it’s annoying!" 

"Well what if I had a reason for all that, huh?"

"What, making my life hell?!"

"No, idiot! I like you!" 

"There you again, teasing me!" you sighed as you wiped away your tears. "Woo Jiho, you are the absolute worst person I have—" you were cut off by Jiho grabbing your head and placing his lips on yours. You froze, not knowing what to do. "When did he even get up?" you thought as he continued to gently massage your lips with his. Once he realized you weren’t responding, he stepped back slowly, staring at the ground.

"Do you believe me now?" he said in such a quiet tone, that you weren’t completely sure if he said anything at all. "I pick on you because I like you. I know it sounds stupid, but I keep picking on you, waiting for the day you would flip out on me, so I could confess…" he shyly looked up at you, and that’s when you noticed a light blush on his cheeks.

"No way this is happening." you thought as you tried to think of what to say to Jiho.

"But instead, I made you cry." he carried on with a frown. "I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to. I would never want to hurt you." You looked at his eyes, and saw nothing but honesty in them.

"I don’t expect you to like me back," he whispered. "I just wanted you to know." he picked up his backpack and headed towards the door. He turned back to face you right before opening it. 

"And don’t listen to that Kyungsan. You’re prefect the way you are." And with that, he slid the door open, and walked out.

You were stuck; do you stay in the music room, or chase after him? You bit your lip and weighed out the pros and cons of the situation.

"Jiho-ssi!" you yelled as you stumbled to chase after him. You stopped as you saw him leaning against a locker, looking at you with wide eyes.


"Would you like to get some ice cream with me?"

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Chapter 3: I want a Zelo imagine~~ pplleeaaassseee :3