Chapter 6

Fire and Ice

Shopping is always fun with the two girls, they'd create fun out of the most boring of tasks and there was never a dull moment with them. The two were more than best friends, they were practically sisters and they loved each other to bits. They were shopping for snacks and literally went wild! Everything good they saw, they took tons of and dropped them into their nearly full cart.

This weekend they had their two favorite cousins coming over to their place to stay with them for a while, apparently their main branch elder had decided that Miyoung and Sora needed some assistance for an unknown amount of time, in order to continue their duty as the cities 'guards'. Sora for one didn't understand why this was necessary especially since it's been so long since they'd actually had to fight. Sure they've had a few happenings ...perhaps once every two weeks but other than that...things were quite quiet on their side. And not to brag or anything but her and Miyoung were pretty efficient so some demons here and there were nothing that they couldn't handle easily.

On the bright side, their two favorite cousins will be staying with them and going to their University so they were extremely excited for that.

"I only brought this many skittles?! Oh gosh Jieun is going to finish this much all by herself!! Wait here, I'm getting more." Miyoung quickly dashed away before Sora could respond. With a shrug she pushed the cart into the aisle with drinks in box sets, they definitely needed tons of soda.

She took a set of coca cola as well as sprite but then remembered that Eunmi liked fanta. Sora glanced through the aisle and her eyes brightened up when she saw one last set of fanta. Lucky!~ although as soon as she reached for it another hand was about to reach for it as well.

"Ah.. I'm sorry." She backed away and bowed her head.

"Oh no, you take it! You saw it first, Noona." Sora looked up to see a boy, taller than her with slightly wavy dark hair that covered his forehead, he had a big adorable smile and his features just screamed 'cute!'

"It's completely alright! Please, you take it." Sora shook my head. The boy reached out for the fanta and picked it up...putting it in Sora's cart.

He gave her a sweet smile, "Only one of my Hyungs likes Fanta anyways so it's not important Noona."

Sora's inner fangirl giggled at his cuteness, "Well thank you. You're such a gentleman."

"My names Jungkook!" He grinned.

"Hello Jungkook. I'm Sora." She held up a peace sign and grinned.

"Noona you're so pretty."

"Aww thank you Jungkookie, you're so cute!" Sora couldn't help but pinch his cheeks lightly, "I'm sorry I couldn't resist." Sora laughed.

"It's alright!!" Jungkook beamed.

"Are you shopping alone here Jungkook?" Sora asked as she pushed her cart down the aisle slowly and Jungkook walked at her pace, next to her.

"Anio. I'm here with my Hyung but he went across the street to buy his favorite manga book and I'm buying snacks for myself and the rest of the hyungs." Jungkook explained. "How about you Noona?"

"My friend is with me and she went to get skittles, she should actually be looking for me now." Sora looked behind her to see if Miyoung was anywhere close by.

"Let me push the cart Sora Noona!" Jungkook said suddenly taking the cart handle, making Sora let go.

"Thank you Jungkookie. You're such a gentleman but it's alright..." Sora smiled.

Jungkook gave her a cute grin, "but I want to do this for Noona."

Sora's expression softened and it took all her restraint not to just hug Jungkook and pinch his cheeks!! This boy was just so cute and adorable! At that moment Sora's phone rung and she gave an apologetic smile to Jungkook before answering it.

"Miyoung where are you?" Sora wondered.

"Hey Sora." Miyoungs voice came out in a whisper, "Listen, I caught a sense of demon energy when I went close to the windows of the supermarket so I went outside to check it out. I'm hot on its tail right now."

Sora's eyes were wide and she cupped the phone nearer to so that Jungkook couldn't hear, "You don't have any weapons on you! Miyoung! Why didn't you tell me? Should I come to you now??"

"It's just one demon Sora. Relax. I'll be finished in 10 minutes tops."

"Alright. If you're not back here in 20...I'm going to find you." 

"Sure. No worries. Bye."

The line was disconnected and Sora looked at her phone worriedly.

"Sora Noona? Are you alright?" Jungkook asked.

"Huh? Oh yes!! Sorry Jungkookie my friend just called and said she wasn't feeling too good so she went home. I'm on my own right now." Sora laughed.

"No you're not Noona! I'm here! I'll stay with you."

Sora pinched his cheek lightly, "Thank you Jungkookie. Let's continue shopping neh?"

Jungkook nodded happily and Sora laughed at how cute he was. The two went around the supermarket, eventually getting another cart for Jungkooks stuff, they went through the aisles and picked up their favorite snacks and foods and while doing so they talked more. Sora asked Jungkook about high school and apparently Jungkook went to Seoul high school which was Sora's high school as well so they talked animatedly about the teachers and lessons.

Sora found Jungkook to be really cute and fun to talk to. He was so open and carefree that eventually the two started talking like best friends or like brother and sister.

They laughed at stuff and fooled around with the items on the shelves, they finally ended up at the cashier with carts filled to the brim and the two laughed at how comical their situation looked.

"Jungkookie? Where's your Hyung??" Sora asked, realizing that no one had come looking for Jungkook.

Jungkook actually looked worried, "Hyung usually comes back really quickly. He never let's me stay alone somewhere for too long..."

"Maybe he got caught up with something. I'm sure he'll get here eventually." Sora reasoned.

"Neh." Jungkook nodded. It was their turn at the cashier and the surprised look on the cashiers face made Sora and Jungkook laugh.

"Sh..should I scan these all together?" The cashier pointed to the two carts. At the same time Sora nodded her head, Jungkook shook his head.

"Don't listen to this kid." Sora ruffled Jungkooks hair playfully.

"Sora Noona! I can't let you do that!!" Jungkook said firmly.

"Too bad Jungkookie. Who's the Noona here??" Sora raised a brow, "And I thought you were a respectful dongsaeng!"

"But...but Sora Noona..."

"Nope! I'm not hearing it." Sora laughed. The cashier finished scanning everything and they all worked together to place the stuff in bags and putting them back in the cart to take to the car.

"Noona...the total price was too much. Please let me pay you back." Jungkook asked desperately. He had practically choked when he saw the 500 something total.

"It was mostly my stuff anyways Jungkookie so don't worry about it, besides I wanted to pay so not another word!" Sora stuck her tongue out at him childishly.

Jungkook sighed in disappointment but soon reverted back to his playful self while he helped Sora put all the bags in the trunk of her car. Afterwards Sora glanced at Jungkooks cart then around at the parking lot seeing that it was empty.

"Jungkook? Where is your Hyungs car?"

"Ah...we walked here. Our house isn't too far away." Jungkook rubbed the back of his neck, embarrassed.

Sora laughed and popped open her car trunk, "Come on. I'm driving you home."

Jungkook once again tried to convince Sora otherwise but Sora wouldn't have it. She couldn't let this adorable kid walk home alone with all those bags in his hands!!

"Let me just call my Hyung to see where he is." Jungkook took out his phone.


Miyoung had followed the demon into a dark alley and she let her powered being energy flow through her, unmasking herself as a main branch member. The demon she had followed turned back with a distressed look and began running.

"A chase huh?" Miyoung smirked, "I don't think so." She raised the scarf around her neck up to cover half of her face and she ran after the demon raising her palm up and creating a wall of fire to block the demons path.

A demon looked like an ordinary being but that was only an illusion so that normal beings would stay unaware of the other world that lived amongst them. When the illusion wore off however, a demon looked like a navy blue flame but still shaped like a human. Instead of normal eyes and facial features though, their eyes and mouth were completely white.

Miyoung ran at the demon and threw a kick straight at its torso making the demon fly back and hit the wall. Miyoungs fist was covered in a red flame and she grinned before punching the demon full blast and causing it to turn to dust.

"What was a weaker demon like you doing roaming the streets?" Miyoung muttered, she was about to bring her scarf down when a familiar voice called out.

"Yah! Who are you??" Miyoung turned around to face the male, raising her scarf higher. Her eyes widened when she realized who it was...V! What the hell was he doing here?!

"I asked you who you were!?" V glared at Miyoung.

Why wasn't he questioning Miyoungs actions? Didn't he see what she had done? Didn't he see the demon? Why wasn't he freaking out or running away?!

Miyoung looked behind her and noticed a gate, she smirked and looked back at V. She gave him a cheeky salute and ran to the direction of the gate, she jumped onto the closed garbage dump and then jumped onto the gate. She landed neatly on the ground and ran like there was no tomorrow.

V was watching the girl with wide eyes, "The ..." He muttered. His phone rang and he quickly answered it. "Yo."

"Hyung where are you?" Jungkooks voice sounded stressed.

"Oh ...sorry Jungkook. I caught a demons energy when I went outside of the supermarket and I followed it, I completely forgot to call you." V ran a hand through his hair.

"I went shopping with Noona and she wants to drive me back home. Are you going to come here?"

"Noona?" V questioned, "What the hell Jungkook? You can't just make friends with random strangers and you can't just let them drive you home."

"But Sora Noona is really nice!!"

V's eyes widened...could it be a coincidence? "Did you say Sora? Give me this 'Sora Noona' Jungkook."

"Sora Noona, my Hyung wants to talk to you. He thinks you'll kidnap me or something." V heard Jungkook say.

"Aish! Kid you can't just go saying stuff like that!"


V in a breathe. He'd know that voice from anywhere. It was her. "Hey there Sora. I see you've met my favorite dongsaeng."

"Taehyung-sshi?! You're Jungkooks Hyung??" Her sweet voice exclaimed.

"Neh. Sorry about him, he can be a handful sometimes. I hope he hasn't bothered you."

"No, no! He's really great and adorable. I enjoyed shopping with him. I'm going to take him back home though alright?"

"Ah yeah, I kinda had to do something so that's why I couldn't get Jungkook but I should be there in about 10 so you don't need to go through the trouble of driving him home."

"Taehyung-sshi, it's pretty late. I'll just take Jungkookie home now, it's no trouble."

V let out a sigh, "okay Sora. Thank you. Sorry for this."

Sora laughed, "No worries Taehyung-sshi. Bye for now."

The line disconnected and V stopped a cab to go home. By the time he arrived back home Sora had just left and Jungkook was talking animatedly about how nice and pretty she was.

"Hey V, you missed out big time." J-Hope teased.

V ignored the jibe and got RapMons attention, "Something strange happened." He started off trying to find a way to explain what had happened earlier on, "I sensed a demon and I went after it, it was a lowly demon so it wasn't much but when I caught up to it, there was someone else already beating it."

"Hold on. Someone else?" RapMon raised a brow.

"That's impossible, we were all here." Jimin frowned.

"This someone else was a girl." V continued, "And...she was a main branch member."

Everyone was now wide eyed and in shock, they shared glances and all looked at RapMon who was at a loss for words.

"There's a main branch member stationed here? Are you sure it was the main branch?" Jin asked.

V nodded, "Once she spotted me she ran and hid her power sense. Only the main branch members can hide their power like that."

"But why would she run? Shouldn't she have demanded to know who you were and what you were doing on her turf??" Suga wondered.

"You're right Suga. She should have done that. Haraboji never told us that the main branch were situated here....but we've been fighting the demons for years now and we haven't run into each other." RapMon realized.

"So all those times we sensed demons and they just disappeared..."

"Yeah." RapMon nodded to Jungkook, "The main branch was fighting them."

"Do you think it's only that girl?" J-Hope looked towards RapMon who shrugged in return.

"There could be others. But right now...we have to lay low. If the main branch finds out about us...they'll find out about haraboji and we can't risk that."

The rest of the boys agreed and they were quick to try and forget about the whole ordeal as they went back to their playful selves.


"Miyoung! Finally! What took you so long?!" Sora called out from the kitchen when she heard the front door open and close.

"OMG. OMG. OMG. OMG!!" Miyoung came into the kitchen where Sora was.

"Are you okay?" Sora looked at her friend in confusion.


"Ooookay then..."




"I'm sure it is. Let me guess? You ran into the hottest guy ever?" Sora teased.

"NO!! ...Well you would think he's the hottest guy ever." Miyoung smirked.

Sora grimaced, "okay, what happened? Why are you freaking out?"


"You ran into V? Well he was apparently at the shop in front of the supermarket so it's not too surprising that you bumped into him...and hey! I do not think that he's the 'hottest guy ever' ! Seriously Miyoung I was expecting..."

"Sora!" Miyoung rolled her eyes. Sora looked at her innocently and shrugged. "I didn't bump into V. I was pummeling this demon when all of a sudden V appeared!"

Sora's eyes widened, "Did he see you?!"

Miyoung shook her head, "I covered my face before he could. But Sora, he didn't even freak out or anything! He tried to run after me instead!"

Sora was quiet for a moment, "What do you think that means? Maybe he was just curious? Maybe he freaked out afterwards?"

"It's just too strange Sora. It was a random alley way far from the market, what was he doing there? How did he come to that specific alley? And he didn't even freak out or run away, instead he tried to come after me and he asked who I was."

Sora sighed, "It kinda that only the main branches power can be sensed when it's not hidden, we can't sense the lower branches power at all."

"You think V is a lower branch member?"

" I don't think that. We would know if he was wouldn't we? Besides what would a lower branch member be doing chasing a demon? They can't sense them like we do." Sora frowned.

"True. Only the main branch can sense them. I guess it was a coincidence. But still..."

"Let's just forget about it. Come on Miyoungie~ our Halloween costumes arrived when I came back home." Sora smiled. That was all it took for Miyoung to completely forget about what happened as she raced to the living room to look at her costume.

Sora however, bit her lip in worry as she continued to ponder over this. It had to have been a coincidence, there was no reason for her to be worried or to even think about this any longer than necessary. But she just couldn't shake away the feeling that this wasn't all it seemed to be.

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I'll post up chapter 6 soon enough and you readers deserve so much more tbh *cries in korean* forgive me!!


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Chapter 6: You are back!!! Praise the Lord of Fanfic! My heart is racing while reading this. Anyway, could you do something with the font? Halfway through they just got freaky small. WELCOME BACK SARATENSHI-ssi!
ChibiChu #2
Chapter 6: Hey! You're back! Yay~ loved the update btw!
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 5: Love it..make others found their other halves too..
ChibiChu #4
Chapter 5: Really nice story! I love where it's going ^^