Chapter Two

Fire and Ice

Jin went earlier then the rest to drop off Jungkook and Jimin and the other boys left a little while after them to the Uni.

"We're off to class!" J-Hope hollered as he and Suga separated from the other three boys. They were currently in the main hall and were surrounded by people, mainly girls, who were whispering and giggling.

"Do we look that strange?" Jin muttered, glaring ahead of him.

"I think they're talking about how good-looking we are." Rap Monster smirked, overhearing some girls whispering.

"Just what we need...attention." V sighed. The three went into the main office and received their schedules from a very flustered young lady who worked as an office lady.

"Thank you." Rap monster accepted the papers with a dimpled smile.

"'re welcome!!" The woman squeaked.

"Hyung I think you just over charmed her." V laughed. Rap monster looked confused and just shrugged.

"Class is in 5." Jin muttered.

V saluted to his Hyungs as they took different directions to their clas. V looked down at his schedule, "Biology 101. F12." He read quietly. He made his way through the halls, ignoring most of the stares he received. He climbed the stairs onto the first floor and looked at the numbers on the doors, he found F12 and went inside noticing that the professor was just setting up.

"New student, aren't you?" The professor asked, walking up to V. V bowed respectfully and nodded in affirmation.

"Well then welcome to Biology 101. Just a hint since it's your first day and I don't want you getting any crap from the other students. Take a seat near the back, it'll avoid any unnecessary disputes with the rowdy kids who think they own the chairs." The professor rolled his eyes.

V smirked, liking the professor already, "thank you sir." And just as he was advised V took a seat at the back, not really minding since the back is where he usually sat in all his previous schools. More students started to come into the class, and to avoid the stares V started randomly drawing in his copybook. The lesson had finally started and the professor began to talk about blood cells and such. Something V found easy to remember and know.

"Now who can tell me what happens in relation to platelets when a blood vessel in the body is damaged? Miss Sora?"

"Platelets clump at the site of the puncture and partially seal the leak. Platelets and the injured tissues release a clotting factor called prothrombin activator that converts prothrombin in the plasma to thrombin and...."

"Thank you Miss Sora." The professor laughed, "I'll have to stop you there so it would leave something left for me to explain." The girl muttered a soft apology and V glanced to his left curious to see the girl who answered, her voice was soft in a way, but when she spoke it was commanding of all attention.

V's eyes widened a little as he saw the girl sitting in his row but a seat away, she was in lack of better words, gorgeous. Long wavy dark hair that came to the small of her back, a cute round-ish face and red, oh-so full lips that made V wonder how they felt, her eyes were big and framed with thick long lashes and her eye color was a golden color, strange to her asian features but beautiful nonetheless. V had to admit that his eyes did drift lower from her face and he blamed his male instincts, his eyes were not disappointed at all. She had a very fair amount of chest and busty curves that men would die for.


V smirked a little and went back to paying attention to the lesson. When the lesson finished V decided that he had to talk to Sora somehow. He got up and noticed her piling her books into her hands, she attempted to leave when all her books suddenly came crashing to the floor. V grinned and this was his cue. He went over and helped pick up her books.

"Ah thank you. I'm so sorry, I'm not usually this clumsy. Thank you so much err..." She stopped.

"My names Taehyung, but people call me V." V smiled, giving her back her books.

"Well thank you so much Taehyung-sshi." Sora smiled and looked up at V.

Their eyes met and both of them were a little stunned. It hit them like a force field knocking their breath right out. They were stunned and dazed attempting to look away from each other but it was like a force between them like a magnetic field bringing them closer slowly and as shocked and confused as the two were, their bodies wouldn't move and their minds fell completely blank.

"Your names Sora right?" V asked in a quiet voice, stepping closer to her.

"Y..yes." Sora said in the same soft tone.

"Medical major huh?" V didn't break their gaze.

"Pediatric studies later on, I'm guessing surgical for you?"

"You've guessed correctly. You're quite hard to get a read on Miss Sora."

"I could say the same for you Taehyung-sshi. And I'm usually good at reading people."

"As am I. You're very interesting."


The two were now centimeters apart and their gaze hadn't broken, Sora was the first to notice their situation and an adorable blush coated her cheeks, she took big steps back, immediately breaking the force between them. V blinked back, confused and dazed.

"Thanks for helping me." Sora muttered, she bowed and dashed out of the room. V ran a hand through his hair and let out a frustrated sigh, what on earth was that??


Sora walked as fast as she could away from her class, she looked back feeling a little stupid after doing so, she shook her head and let out a yelp when she collided with someone.

"Whoa! Slow down there, where the fire at?!" Miyoung laughed.

"What? Oh nothing! Sorry." Sora said nervously.

Miyoung linked arms with Sora and grinned, "I have two of the new students in my business class!! And oh my god Sora they are shmexy as hell!! Especially the tall dark and handsome, brooding one. He is just dreamy~ have you seen any of the others?!"

"One of them is in my class." Sora said slowly.

"Oh! Is he good looking??"

The image of Taehyung came into Sora's mind, his lean body, messy bright hair, smoldered eyes, full lips and gorgeous smile. Oh yeah, definitely good-looking.

"He's fine. He's the one with reddish hair." Sora said.

"Girl that's not fine. That's hot damn." Miyoung snorted. Sora glanced to where Miyoung was looking and she saw 5 guys including Taehyung.

"Wow. Five incredibly y guys?! How is that even possible?? I still think Mr. Tall, dark and handsome is the most gorgeous. The one with the sweet smile isn't that bad either and the reddish hair one is super fine." Miyoung assessed.

"Have you...have you gotten near anyone of them? Something seems a little off..." Sora gulped nervously.

"...No I haven't. Okay spill, Sora. I've never seen you this antsy. What happened?" Miyoung looked serious.

Sora glanced around and bit her lip out of habit, "I was walking out of class when my books dropped..."

"Yup this sounds horrible already, Miss Elegant dropping her don't just drop stuff."

Sora was a little too overwhelmed to comment on that, "Taehyung, that's his name, came to help me out and I swear Miyoung I didn't even know what was happening, one second were picking up books the next second were standing this far apart!" Sora held up her pointer finger and thumb a couple centimeters apart, "it was like we couldn't control anything, like the was some sort of force field between us, like magnets or something!!"

"Simplest explanation, attraction? It's boring if you didn't end up kissing steamily against the wall." Miyoung teased.

"I'm serious, Miyoung it wasn't normal." Sora looked nervous.

"I know, I know. I just don't know. Maybe you're feeling a little off? Or maybe he was being a little too direct and that stunned you? Guys usually back away from you Ice Angel."

"Yeah...maybe." Sora contemplated.

"Don't let it get to you, come on Sora. It's just a guy, a really hot one at that, but still." Miyoung nudged Sora playfully. Sora let out a small laugh and nodded.

"Alright then, let's go eat, I'm starving." Miyoung grinned.


"Now that may have been the strangest conversation I've ever heard from two young, beautiful girls." Rap Monster quirked his head to the side, glancing at the two girls who were walking towards the cafeteria, "They found your meeting strange as well V." Rap monster told the other four boys what the two girls said exactly and J-Hope laughed, "I like that girl in your class, she's funny."

"She's loud." Jin muttered.

"She thinks you're tall, dark, handsome and brooding." Suga chortled.

"I'm super fine?" V raised a brow.

"I have a sweet smile!!" Suga grinned.

"Is that all you guys are getting from their convo?" Rap Monster sighed.

"But seriously Hyung, our meeting was really strange, it's just like she said. One second we're picking up books the next second were really close and dazed." V frowned.

"And just like the other girl said, if it didn't involve a steamy kiss against the wall, then it's probably just attraction." J-Hope snickered, fist bumping Suga. V felt his ears turn red and Suga had to add another comment, "it probably is attraction seeing as you went through the trouble of dropping her books."

"I didn't know what else to do." V muttered.

"A simple 'hello' usually works." Jin rolled his eyes.

"Listen to him V. Jinnie is always getting girls at the clubs, so if he says 'hello' works, then it works." J-Hope grinned.

"Speaking of clubs, we are definitely checking out that new one we heard about. I hear it's epic!" Suga exclaimed, he looked at Rap Monster expectantly and Rap Monster shrugged, "why not." 

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I'll post up chapter 6 soon enough and you readers deserve so much more tbh *cries in korean* forgive me!!


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Chapter 6: You are back!!! Praise the Lord of Fanfic! My heart is racing while reading this. Anyway, could you do something with the font? Halfway through they just got freaky small. WELCOME BACK SARATENSHI-ssi!
ChibiChu #2
Chapter 6: Hey! You're back! Yay~ loved the update btw!
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 5: Love it..make others found their other halves too..
ChibiChu #4
Chapter 5: Really nice story! I love where it's going ^^