Chapter Four

Fire and Ice

"You should stop drinking."

Miyoung eyed the y man in front of her and she let out a sigh, glaring at him and gulping down her entire drink, "what's it to you?"

"You're going to hurt yourself." Jin shrugged.

Miyoung laughed bitterly, "hurt? How much more can I hurt? No you're wrong...I'm so hurt I'm immune to it now." 

Jin looked at the drunk girl worriedly, he didn't say anything but watched her stagger towards some guy, who grinned evilly, "hello there y girl."

Miyoung gave him a flirtatious smile and danced with him, Jin tensed up as the guy grabbed Miyoungs hips and before he could grind her against him, he was pulled off harshly.

"What the man?!" The guy slurred out.

Jin glared at him menacingly, " off." The guys eyes widened and he dashed off quickly. Miyoung weakly hit Jin on the chest, "damn you! What's wrong with you?! Just go away, I don't need to feel guilty!"

"You feel guilty around me? Why?" Jin asked.

"I don't need to tell you anything." Miyoung glared at him. Jin took a step closer to her and glared back her.

The intensity between the two was nerve wrecking. And the strangest thing happened that the two of them couldn't comprehend. One second they were glaring at each other the next second Jin hoisted her up by her thighs and Miyoung wrapped her legs around Jins waist, the two were kissing furiously and Jin pressed Miyoung up against the wall. His hands were roaming her thighs and waist while Miyoungs hands were in his hair. The two were kissing passionately and things started literally heating up. They broke for air and Jin immediately attacked her neck, Miyoung raised her head and tilted it to the side to allow him more access and she let out a steamy moan as he nipped and kissed at her neck.

When Jin went back to kiss her lips, he flinched, "ow." He put a hand to his lips, "that burns." He muttered. Miyoungs eyes widened and she pushed him away, she straightened herself up a bit and looked at Jin in horror, " no...oh my god!" She dashed off and Jin tried to reach for her but she was pretty quick.

Miyoung found Sora with Taehyung and she quickly grabbed her best friend, "we have to go!"

Sora looked confused, "alright but..."

"Now!!" Miyoung said.

Sora's eyes widened and she just nodded, she glanced at Taehyung and gave him a bow of her head before leaving.

"What's wrong Miyoung??" Sora asked once they were outside.

" know that feeling you got around V?" Miyoung said her eyes frantic and scared.


"I think I felt the same around Jin." 

Sora's eyes widened, "what happened? What was it??"

"I don't know!! It was terrifying!! One second were glaring each other down and the next second I'm making out with him!!"

Sora flinched, "okay Miyoung calm down and turn down the heat, you're burning me here." Sora rubbed her arm. Miyoungs eyes widened, "oh ...I burned him!!"

"You did what?!" Sora exclaimed.

"I don't know what went wrong with my powers!! But I burned his lips a little! I turned the heat off immediately so I didn't burn him badly. But holy hell Sora...that was intense." Miyoung shook her head.

"Miyoungie...who are these boys?" Sora said.

"I have no idea Sora. But we should stay as far away from them as possible."


"Do you think your powers are acting up or something?" RapMon wondered as the boys drove home.

"I have no idea, but that was the strangest thing I've ever experienced." Jin shook his head, "it was too strong of a pull to resist."

"Maybe it is because of our powers and these girls are the victims." V frowned. "I don't want to hurt Sora."

"Maybe we should talk to haraboji about it?" Suga suggested.

"He'll definitely know what's up." J-Hope agreed.

"We'll call him at home then. For now, I want you two to stay away from those girls. We can't bring innocent beings into our situations." RapMon decided.

V looked a little stricken but nodded nonetheless while Jin just frowned but agreed. When the boys reached home RapMon immediately called up haraboji on the huge big screen.

"My boys, how was the first day of University?" Haraboji appeared on the screen with a smile. The five boys bowed and greeted their boss.

"We're doing quite well. We are able to catch up to all that we've missed easily." Jin replied.

"That's good to hear. I know you boys will make me proud."

"Haraboji...we have a concerning matter that we need to tell you about." RapMon started off.

"Go on Namjoon. What's wrong?"

"Something strange has happened to Jin and V. They met two girls and they explained their meeting as a strong magnetic pull that left them dazed. I listened in on the girls conversation and they seemed to find it really strange. The occurrences are getting stranger and stranger and we're worried that their powers may be influencing this." RapMon explained thoroughly.

Haraboji sat there, contemplating what he had just heard,  "tell me Seokjin, Taehyung. This 'magnetic pull' does it feel like a force bringing you and the female together? And if you're torn apart or interrupted do you feel confused and unguarded?" 

Jin and V nodded a little embarrassedly. "So is it our powers acting up?" V questioned.

Haraboji smiled widely, "No my boy. This is all quite normal to beings such as ourselves. You and Seokjin have found your other halves."

"Other halves? What's that?" Suga asked.

"I hadn't explained that to you boys yet since I never knew you'd find your other halves at such a young age. I found my wife when I was 30!" Haraboji laughed. "But let me explain to you how us, powered beings, find our other halves. It's a lot like love at first sight, but it only starts to work when you get close enough to each other. Every powered being has their other half that they are destined to find within their life span. Taehyung and Seokjin have found their other halves in these two girls and that's why this seems so strange to you boys."

" I'm destined for somebody??" J-Hope said in awe.

"This is just...whoa...that's a lot to take in especially for you two." Rap Monster looked at a wide eyed Jin and a gaping V.

"B..but... It's not like we can tell them this! They're just normal beings..." V shook his head.

"I can't exactly tell this girl that she's my other half and by the way I have teleporting powers." Jin frowned.

Haraboji chuckled, "don't worry too much over it my boys. I'm actually quite happy for you two! And after you become close to these girls they'll begin to understand the difference in you themselves."

"Thank you haraboji. We're glad we know what's going on now." RapMon nodded.

"Good luck boys." Haraboji gave them one last final smile before disconnecting. The boys all fell back onto the couches.

"Sora's my other half??" V said dazed.

"Lucky. You get the perfect girl with a rocking body and out of this world good looks." Suga muttered. V glare at him a little and J-Hope laughed, "watch out Suga, Vs getting overprotective already."

Jin was touching his lips, a deep frown on his face, "I still can't shake off the feeling that there's something strange with those two I mean...why would my lips burn all of a sudden."

"Maybe things were getting too hot." Suga teased.

"Besides it's not like they're powered beings, we would have sensed it from them." J-Hope shrugged.

"That's true, and only the main branch can turn their power sense off. If those two girls were powered beings we would know. They're just normal girls." Rap Monster nodded. 

"It feels like settling down...I never asked for this. Especially not with that loud girl." Jin sighed.

"Let's just hope she can cook for Jins sake." J-Hope snickered.

"V's going to have it the harder. His girl is Miss proper and elegant. Hot and y but quiet and shy." Suga chuckled.

"Don't start falling for V's girl now Suga." RapMon smirked a little.

Suga shrugged, "a great looking girl like Sora, I don't think I'm a guy V should be worrying about."

V contemplated that thought and almost facepalmed when he realized how right Suga was, Sora was beautiful, she probably had guys asking her out everyday!! V let out a groan and the guys all laughed at his dismay.


A/N : Hello everybody!!! :D I'm so so so sorry for the extremely late update. I've been so busy and this story just kinda left my mind :/ but hopefully...I can't make promises but hopefully I'll start updating more. Thank you so much !! Lots of love <3

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I'll post up chapter 6 soon enough and you readers deserve so much more tbh *cries in korean* forgive me!!


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Chapter 6: You are back!!! Praise the Lord of Fanfic! My heart is racing while reading this. Anyway, could you do something with the font? Halfway through they just got freaky small. WELCOME BACK SARATENSHI-ssi!
ChibiChu #2
Chapter 6: Hey! You're back! Yay~ loved the update btw!
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 5: Love it..make others found their other halves too..
ChibiChu #4
Chapter 5: Really nice story! I love where it's going ^^