Chapter One

Fire and Ice

"Have you heard the latest gossip?!"

Sora let out a laugh at how excited Miyoung was acting. Sora was sitting under her usual spot at the University under a gorgeous Sakura tree. On her first day of Uni she found this secluded place and ever since then she'd always come here to read or study.

"I haven't heard...but I'm sure I'll hear it now?" Sora teased. Miyoung quickly took a seat next to her best friend.

"We have five new transfer students!! And the first semester is already finished! They say that these new students are hot~" Miyoung giggled.

Sora grimaced, "is that so? We already hear enough screaming fan girls when Got7 walk through the corridors."

"Mark likes you." Miyoung teased and Sora's mouth opened in shock, "No he doesn't! Why would he?!"

Miyoung rolled her eyes, "huh...I don't know...maybe cuz you're gorgeous?"

Sora blushed a little, "Well thank you but you know that's not true."

"Oh please! Do have any idea how many girls would die for a body like yours?! You have an AND chest and you have been blessed with the hottest looks!! It's like when God was creating you he added a whole jar of beautiful when he only meant a dash." Miyoung exclaimed dramatically. She and Sora were quiet for a moment before the two burst out laughing and rolling on the grass.

When they calmed down Sora cleared , "So who's the new boy coming to our flat every weekend? You two seem cozy." She raised a brow.

"His names Myungsoo. He's a dance major. He's really y." Miyoung sighed.

Sora smiled playfully, "He must be if he's lasted this many weeks with the oh-so-very picky Miyoung."

"Yah! I'm not that bad....never mind." Miyoung looked away awkwardly.

Sora laughed, "remember that guy...what was his name...ah! Kris! You literally broke up with him  during the first couple days because he was 'too tall' to hug comfortably."

"But it's true!!" Miyoung whined.

Sora laughed and stood up, dusting herself off, "come on Miyoungie. I have class now and you have a quiz to study for."

Miyoung groaned, "don't even remind me! my business teacher is merciless!! Giving us quizzes every week."

Sora raised a brow at her, "you should definitely not be complaining about business."

Miyoung snickered, "oh right I forgot I'm friends with the medical student. I don't feel so bad anymore." 

Sora glared at her playfully and the two best friends laughed before linking arms together and going back into the grand buildings on their campus. Sora and Miyoung had been friends since birth, literally since their parents had been best friends. The two grew up together like sisters and attended the same schools, clubs and were practically joined at the hip. As they reached University the two bought a flat to live in together and they would visit their families every now and then.

Sora's personality was more of the quiet, sometimes shy girl who would be reading books instead of playing around. She'd always been nicknamed the Ice Angel because of her angelic looks yet unsocial ways. She'd never paid much attention to making more friends or talking to guys. And where Sora was the ice Miyoung was the fire.
Miyoung was the total opposite of Sora, she was loud, playful and more of the adventurous one. Miyoung made friends easily and was invited to all the biggest parties and changed boyfriends like clothes. Miyoung would never get too close with boys and that's why they never lasted more than a couple of weeks. In their Uni days, Miyoung had been to several clubs with her classmates and partied hard while Sora would refuse to go to such events and would much rather stay at home.

Sora and Miyoung were Fire and Ice. They were beautiful as they were deadly and there was much more to them than met the eye.

Yesterday:- Somewhere deep within Seoul.

"I'm very proud of you boys. That is yet another mission complete." The much older man smiled, resting his hands on his cane and leaning slightly.

The seven boys in front of him bowed deeply. "Thank you Sir." The oldest of the boys replied.

"After this mission, I'm afraid I'm going to lay low for a while. My health is not like it used to be."

"Are you alright haraboji?!" The youngest boy blurted out.

His hyungs glared at him but the older man laughed good naturely. "This old mans got plenty of years ahead of him so don't you worry. But I will be laying low for quite a while seeing as the streets have become quiet. I have certain...ah...sources taking care of any unwanted felons. For now my boys I've bought you a house and I've enrolled you in certain schools. I want you all to pursue a good education, it's very important to me and it will be beneficial to you as well."

The seven boys bowed and the leader spoke up, "Thank you very much. You've treated us so kindly since we were young and we don't know how to repay you for all that you've done for us."

The older man smiled, "I need nothing from you boys. I've had the pleasure of raising you like my own grandchildren, and I've grown very fond of you all. Now run along my boys, I've prepared transportation already. Your schooling starts tomorrow so rest up!"

"Deh!! Thank you!!" The seven boys said in unison bowing once more before leaving. 
The boys all got into a huge van that immediately drove away as soon  as they closed the door.

"I really don't want to study, but if haraboji says it's good for us, I'll do it!" The youngest said with a firm nod.

"Yah! Jungkook! You won't even last a week in high school!" Jimin laughed.

Jungkook pouted, "I will! Right V-Hyung?"

V just shrugged, "I say two weeks."

J-Hope chuckled, "Yo Suga, you gotta check out our majors." J-Hope gave a paper to Suga who was seated in front of him.

Sugas eyes roamed the paper and he let out a laugh, "V's in for medicine, our doctor of the group. Namjoon and Jin are for business. While you and I are in for engineering. That sounds about right for our roles in our group."

"So me and Kookie are in high school together." Jimin nodded.

"We're both seniors holla!" Jungkook fist bumped Jimin.

"Settle down in the back." Jin rolled his eyes.

J-Hope made a tsking sound, "you're never going to get girls with that cold attitude Jinnie."

"We're not there for girls, J-Hope, so you better forget it." Rap Monster glared.

They finally reached their destination and the boys stood outside gaping at the 'house' haraboji had bought for them.
"Whoa." Suga finally said.

"Whoa indeed." Rap monster shook his head.

"Oh yeah!!! Remind me to hug haraboji next time we see him!" J-Hope grinned and punched the air.

"I call dibs on the biggest room!!" Jungkook ran to the mansion like house.

"Yah! Get back here!" Jimin called, running after him. The University boys all shared glances and quickly dashed into the place, following their youngest. After sorting out the rooms and putting away their stuff, the boys gathered in the huge living room.

"This is the life." J-Hope sighed and relaxed back on the comforter.

"It's only for a while." Jin burst his bubble.

"I could definitely get used to this." V shrugged, looking around the place.

"I checked the garage. There are four vehicles for us to share. Tomorrow we'll take out two so Jin, you're driving the high schoolers to Seoul high school." Rap Monster decided. Jin nodded in agreement and the two younger boys were sent to bed, to wake up early the next morning.

"Me, Jin and V have classes at 10 while Suga and J-Hope, you guys have class at 9. We'll all go there together anyways to get our separate schedules and get used to the campus." Rap Monster decided. The boys all voiced their agreements and soon enough they all resided to their bedrooms, anticipating tomorrow.

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I'll post up chapter 6 soon enough and you readers deserve so much more tbh *cries in korean* forgive me!!


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Chapter 6: You are back!!! Praise the Lord of Fanfic! My heart is racing while reading this. Anyway, could you do something with the font? Halfway through they just got freaky small. WELCOME BACK SARATENSHI-ssi!
ChibiChu #2
Chapter 6: Hey! You're back! Yay~ loved the update btw!
Vtae84 #3
Chapter 5: Love it..make others found their other halves too..
ChibiChu #4
Chapter 5: Really nice story! I love where it's going ^^