Washing Dishes

My Bean Called Lee Hongbin

"Everything alright?" Lee Hongbin called anxiously again for the umpteenth time peeking around corner as he watched Leo hand over the washed dishes to Minkyung who dried it and put it away in the cupboard. 

"Everythings fine! Go relax with Ken!" Minkyung answered back as she made a shooing gesture with her hand which sent water droplets flying everywhere. Hongbin scrunched up his nose as some of it landed on his face.

"Whoops! Sorry!" Minkyung giggled as she stuck out her tongue and continued to dry the dishes. Hongbin silently walked over to her and poked her side.

"Yah!" she exclaimed sa she whirled around. Hongbin chuckled and bent toward her.

"If Leo is mean to you, just let me know and I can take over drying the dishes for you." he said with a wink and Minkyung chuckled.

"Just go back to Ken." she said and Hongbin rolled his eyes.

"Alright then! I take back my words!" he said as he walked back with a smile. Minkyung shook her head and turned back around to take another washed dish to be dried from Leo. After a casual silence, Leo surprised Minkyung by quietly speaking up first.

"Thanks for putting up with Hongbin. I know he can be a pain sometimes, but other than that, he's a nice guy."

"Huh? What did you say?" Minkyung asked in shock, but Leo just shook his head with a faint smile lingering on his lips.

"It's nothing." he said quietly before continuing to wash dishes. Minkyung looked curiously at him.

"Ok... So... How long have you been living with Hongbin?" she asked tentatively, and Leo shrugged. 

"2 and a half years." 

"Oh. Thats quite a long time. How did you two meet?" 

"At school." he said simply with another shrug. Minkyung nodded thoughtfully.

Before she could ask another question, Hongbin's voice interrupted her train of thought.

"Sure you don't need help?" 

Minkyung smiled as she turned around to see Hongbin peering around the corner anxiously. Minkyung rolleld her eyes. 

 "Goodness. Are you worried I might not be doing a good job or something?" she said sarcastically as Hongbin laughed. 

"Noooo. It just feels weird to have a quest help out and work." he said as he walked over to stand beside her. 

"I volunteered my service so there's nothing to be worried about." she said, but Leo shook his head and took away the drying cloth from her hands.

"Hongbin's right. You should just relax in the living room. I can take care of the rest." he said as he continued to wash the dishes. Minkyung pouted as Hongbin cheered and dragged her back outside to the living room where Ken was lying down.

"Thank goodness you're back! I was dying of boredom over here." he said as he sat upright again. Minkyung sat down and smiled as she turned toward the kitchen as Ken began to jabber away about something else. 

Thank you, Jung Taekwoon for beginning to open up to me just a little more... Even though you look scary, you sure are nice.

"Yah! Minkyung! Were you even listening?" Ken asked in an exasperated voice. Minkyung shook her head in appology and Hongbin groaned. 

"Great. Now he has to restart his story." Hongbin said as Ken pretended to punch him.

Minkyung laughed. Thank goodness I met these good people. 

"Yah! Minkyung! Were you even paying attention??!!"





Woo~ 6th chapter finished! Sorry I haven't been updating recently! Preparing for graduation and etc. has been really time consuming. But now that school is over, I can focus of updating and writing more chapters more often so hopefully I can get this fanfic completed! *Crosses Fingers*.


And OMG!!!! VIXX's 'Eternity' comeback was woah.... it was absolutely amazing! Although the music video was sad, it was really captivating and I really felt the emotion through the MV and through the song. For some reason, VIXX NEVER seems to dissapoint me with their music. It's so catchy and good! I always find myself having at least one of their songs stuck in my head through out the day ^-^ I guess i'm gonna have to buy this album as well *Sobs* there goes my money T-T" But with all of my thoughts aside, how did you guys like their comeback? Please let me know in the comment box! I'm curious to hear everyone else's reaction to the song and MV! 

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Chapter 13: Yay!! You updated and that would of been me right there lol
Chapter 12: So cute ^\\\^
Nanilona #3
Chapter 11: I‘m dying! It‘s sooo cute! :3
Altariaaa #4
Chapter 11: cuteeeeee omggg!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Awwwww Hongbin I just can't this story is cute
xoxo12xoxo #6
Chapter 11: Awwwwwww :33
Chapter 11: I've been so obsessed with "Some" ever since it came out! Match that with a chapter fluffier than whipped cream and, bam! Perfect recipe for aw~
(Wow I'm so lame) But in all honesty, can't stop smiling, it was adorable and totally worth the wait~ ^^ ♡
Chapter 7: it's so cute and i can't even stop smiling reading this ;;;;;;;;;;;;; <3
Chapter 7: Yay! You updated!!:)