Oetteokhaji??!! (어떡하지??!!)

My Bean Called Lee Hongbin

After eating dinner at a small Italian Restaraunt, Ken insisted through Hongbin's much protests to go and catch the bus to a nearby amusement park. All through the bus ride, Hongbin continued to give Ken cold glares but when Minkyung caught his eye, his features would immediately soften into a smile. 

As soon as they got to their destination, Ken quickly ran outside in a hurry, leaving the two no choice but to quickly follow. After paying for their admission (Hongbin insisted that he paid for Minkyung's), the three couldn't help but feel the excitement in the chilly air around them. Even Hongbin lightened up a bit.

"Oetteokhaji?? Oetteokhaji??? There are so many rides! I don't know which one to choose!" Ken exclaimed as his shiny eyes grew big and round at all of the rides there. Minkyung smiled at his dilemma. 

"Hey Minkyung! We should ride that one!" Ken shouted as he pointed to a rather large roller coaster. Minkyung gulped as she took in the size of the ride. She could hear the screams fo the passsengers faintly in the distance. She had rode roller coasters before with Haeri, but never a ride as big as this one. Hongbin chuckled as he saw her try to conceal her nervousness. 

Minkyung looked over at Ken was was looking at the rather large roller coaster with so much eagerness that Minkyung just couldn't say no.

"Sure...." she said, although her voice cracked. Ken gave her a big smile and took off to stand in line. Minkyung took a deep breath and began to follow Ken. Suddenly, a warm gloved hand gently wrapped around hers. Surprised, she looked up to see that it was Hongbin's. 

"You know you don't have to ride this if you don't want to. Ken can ride it by himself." He said, and Minkyung gave a shaky laugh as she shook her head. 

"How could I say no to him when he looked so happy to be here?" she said earnestly, and Hongbin just chuckled and shook his head.

Minkyung was soon regretting her decision as the three finally was secured to the ride, Minkyung sitting between Ken and Hongbin. Her heart begn to flutter like a humming bird while her palms began to grow sweaty within her gloves as she realized what she was about to do. She couldn't believe that with her luck, they sat at the very front of the roller coaster. 

"You okay?" Hongbin asked in concern as he took in her face that was become more pale by the second. Before Minkyung could respond, she felt the machine begin to vibrate.

"Here we goooo!" Ken exclaimed in excitement and Minkyung couldn't help but suddenly panic and grab Hongbin's hand as the ride took off at a high speed pace. 

"KYAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!!!!!" She screamed as she drowned out Ken's happy laughter as they approached the first drop


Hongbin winced as she squeezed his hand even tighter but felt his heart become fuzzy when she burried her face into his broad shoulder. 


As soon as the ride was over, Minkyung felt light headed and dizzy. 

"Let's ride this again!" Ken exclaimed and Minkyung felt panicked as she looked at Ken like he was crazy. As soon as the rides seatbelts released them, they all followed everyone out toward the exit.

"How can you like rides like this?" she said, a little breathlessly. Ken's smile turned into a frown as he looked over at Minkyung for the first time since the start of the ride.

"Oh! Minkyung! Are you ok??? You aren't looking so good..." he said with worry, and Minkyung just shook her head.

"I'm fine! No worries... I think I'm going to have to... catch my breath for a while..." she said breathlessly, and Hongbin frowned. 

"I'll get you some water." he said in concern and Ken shook his head.

"I'll go get her some. You should stay here and help her find somewhere to sit." he said as he hurried off to find a vendor. 

After finding a table to sit at, Minkyung was feeling much better, although her heart wa still beating rather fast. She was unsure if it was still the post-effect from the ride or if it was Hongbin's presense.

"You're looking much better." Hongbin said in relief after a while, and Minkyung nodded.

"I'm sorry, I think I might have held onto your hand too tightly..." she muttered in embarasmenet, and Hongbin smiled and shook his head.

"Nahh. Its fine. My hand is probably looking much better than your hair." He said with a chuckle as he pointed to her wind-blown and messy hair. She gasped as she took off her glove and ran her fingers through her hair as she tried to fix it. Hongbin shook his head as her attempts to fix it were futile. 

"Here, I'll help." he said as he took off his gloves and began to smooth her hair out. She blushed as she realized how close he was. If she leaned her head a little more, she could rest it on his chest comfortably. She blushed even harder as she tried to push away that thought.

"There! All better!" he said in satisfaction as he moved away and put back on his gloves.

"Next time, you don't have to force yourself to ride something you don't want to." he said, and Minkyung nodded and looked down.

Just before Hongbin could lean in to hug her, Ken came running back holding a large bottle of water in his hand.

"I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaack!!!!!!!!" He yelled as he came to a stop in front of them, causing Hongbin to to jump back in surprisement. Minkyung, who was oblivious to Hongbin's action looked up to smile thankfully at Ken who handed her the water bottle.

"Thanks, Ken!" she said gratefully as she took a sip. Ken turned proudly to Hongbin who just gave him another death glare.

"Huh? Whats wrong?" he asked him in confusion, and Hongbin just bitterly shook his head.

"Nothing... Nothing at all." he muttered darkly as he turned away to sulk. 




Oh my gosh! I can't believe that it has been exactly 2 months since I last updated T-T"

I never realized how busy life as a college student can be (the days are just flying by so fast.....) ><"

Now that things are slowing down, I'm glad that I can finally put out this chapter (even if there might be a few spelling errors here and there heehee X'D)


Thanks for reading and I hope I can put out another chapter soon!



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Chapter 13: Yay!! You updated and that would of been me right there lol
Chapter 12: So cute ^\\\^
Nanilona #3
Chapter 11: I‘m dying! It‘s sooo cute! :3
Altariaaa #4
Chapter 11: cuteeeeee omggg!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: Awwwww Hongbin I just can't this story is cute
xoxo12xoxo #6
Chapter 11: Awwwwwww :33
Chapter 11: I've been so obsessed with "Some" ever since it came out! Match that with a chapter fluffier than whipped cream and, bam! Perfect recipe for aw~
(Wow I'm so lame) But in all honesty, can't stop smiling, it was adorable and totally worth the wait~ ^^ ♡
Chapter 7: it's so cute and i can't even stop smiling reading this ;;;;;;;;;;;;; <3
Chapter 7: Yay! You updated!!:)