
The Most Wanted News (HIATUS)





The first thing that Luhan do after arrive at the dorm is enter into his room and  dropped his body on the bed. He sighed and buried his face into the pillow. Look like he needs a miracle. A really big miracle.

Today was so tiring, and moreover he did not call his girlfriend and congratulate her happy Valentine’s Day.

Luhan lazily lifted his face and looked at the clock, it's 11:35 pm, and then He sigh, Seohyun of course would have been sleeping right now.


Hyung, are you already called Seohyun?” Yixing asked as he entered the room.

“No, not yet.” said Luhan shortly, then stared fixedly at Yixing, “Do you think she’ll get mad with me? What if she...  what if she would dump me? Oh maybe, Seohyun will come back soon and she would also be meeting with other male idols. Ah yes, isn’t that CN.Blue will also comeback. What if...”

Hyung, Hyung.. you shouldn’t think that’s far.” Yixing cut quickly, then opened one of the wardrobe in the room.

“What are you doing here?” asked Luhan, and watching the movements of Yixing.

“Did you see Xiumin hyung’s red hat? I want to borrow it.”

“Not there, in the other closet.” said Luhan, pointing to a smaller closet, “Where are you going?”

“Isn’t  that tomorrow off?” said Yixing  while he opened the closet door, “Tao wants to go buy the latest model Gucci’s handbags, Xiumin hyung and Kris hyung also agreed to go along. But unfortunately Chen have fan signing tomorrow? Hmm.. do you want to come along with us, hyung?”

“Heh, what?”

Luhan looked at Yixing, since he had not listened to Yixing.

Yixing gape, and then blinked, his mouth open, ready to talk while later the door opened again,


Gegeee...!! Did you already called Seohyun noona?” asked Tao loudly as he came into the room and holding his cell phone tightly.

“Oh you...”

before Luhan have times to answer, Tao already running towards Yixing.

“Yixing gege.. is that your hats? Well, that’s a lot.”

“It belongs to Xiumin hyung.” replied Yixing.

“Xiumin gege?!” Tao then smiled happily, “Xiumin gege!!” shouted Tao, while Xiumin was still in the living room, “I’ll borrow your hat for tomorrow?” And preoccupies again with Xiumin’s collection of hats, without waiting his answers.


“Yah! What are you doing in my room? Get out from here!” raged Luhan. Then get out of bed and walk to Tao and Yixing.

Gege.. I do not know you guys had a lot of good stuff. I can borrow your hat, right? Oh well your shirt too Gege, and shoes...”

“Huang ZiTao! Get out of here, go away.” Luhan push Tao out of the room, followed by Yixing who is in confusion.

“Am I also had to go hyung?” asked Yixing, confused, and just Luhan juat stared at Yixing sharply before he finally swallowed and walk out of the room.

So after Tao and Yixing walked out, Luhan quickly closed the door tightly and lay back on the bed again.

It felt so good without any disturbance, or not.


“Luhan gege, if you do not want to call Seohyun noona. I would call her.” Tao shouted from the living room, where usually EXO-M members gathered there while watching TV.


Luhan suddenly awake and staring at the door with a frightened face, “What?” Luhan immediately ran out of the room.


But it was too late,

Tao has been busy talking to someone on his cell phone. And that, that’s Seohyun’s voice. Unfortunately, Tao turn the cell phone into a loudspeaker.

“Noona.. are you still awake? Ahhh..  you are playing with dubu..?” said Tao then he looked at Luhan who just arrived and raise his voice. “Dubu..? Ah, is not he’s the dog that Luhan gege gived for noona last year’s birthday?”

“Ah nee, he has grown bigger now.” Seohyun replied cheerfully, and then heard the sound of dubu was barking, “Do you hear that? Looks like he likes you Tao-ah..” said Seohyun and Tao grinned,

Meanwhile Luhan just stood with disgust. Dubu is his gift, not Tao. He should just love him, and Seohyun. Of course. No Tao, no anyone else.

“Tao-ah, are you already back to Korea?”

Yee Noona, right now we have arrived at the dorm.” said Tao and looked toward Luhan. And of course other members of EXO-M that sitting around them laugh out loud.

“Oh, is there any other EXO members beside you?” asked Seohyun.

And Tao smile mischievously, then walks between Kris and Xiumin who were watching television, and leans his cell phone closer to them.

“Oh hay Seohyun...” said Xiumin, “Are you awake?”

Annyeong Xiumin Oppa. I haven’t slept.”

“Are you expecting a call from Luhan?” said Kris suddenly and make everyone shocked.

“Yah! What did you say.” said Luhan and walked over, he tried to grab the cell phone. But Kris is much more quickly and holding the cell phone closely and immediately walked away from Luhan.

“Seohyun-ah.. you know, Luhan afraid to call you.” Kris said loudly and everyone suddenly laughs, except of course Luhan.

“Yah!! Of course not.” Luhan shouted loudly and moved closer to Kris, “Do not listen to what Kris said Seohyun. “Yah! Kris, gave me the cell phone.”

But Kris did not listen and threw the phone toward Chen, who just caught it with pleasure,

Annyeong Noona, It’s me Jongdae. What’s Kris hyung said was right, noona should not expect Luhan hyung to call you first.” said Chen.

“Yah! Jongdae-ah what did you just say?” Luhan ran toward Chen, but he was already throwing the phone to Xiumin.

“You have to be more patient Seohyun-ah. Hmmm.. I felt sorry for you.”

“Xiumin-ah?” Luhan stared at Xiumin in surprise.

But then Xiumin smile, “Of course I’m just kidding Seohyun-ah.”

Tao who is standing next to Xiumin quickly took his cell phone and called out cheerfully,

Noona.. Luhan gege is scared right now. That’s so funny noona..” said him, don’t want to lost from his hyung.


“Of course. Luhan gege terrified if noona asked to break up.” said Tao,

and unknowingly,

for Luhan,

his world suddenly stopped.


“Oh is that so?” Seohyun’s voice sounded so slowly.

“Of course. Luhan gege forget Valentine’s Day and didn’t even call noona all day long.”

“Ohhh.. hmm Tao, and.. and others..” Seohyun’s voice sounded unconvincing, “Oh Hyoyeon unnie, nee.. ah sorry Tao. I have to hang up now. Good night.” and the phone ended.



And for an instant,

Luhan feel like if his heart also stopped beating.





Luhan tossing himself on the bed. He could not sleep. Seohyun’s face continued to appear in his mind. And he could not sleep at all, his chest pounding hard and this all feels wrong, as there is no right, there is something wrong, either in his mind or his heart.

Seohyun last words on the phone still ringing in his head. Everything sounded wrong. What if Seohyun really listen to Tao’s words? What if Seohyun was really angry and how if......


Luhan rubbed his head quickly.


“Hmm... Luhan, can you be quiet? I want to sleep.” sighed Xiumin softly. Then pull the covers up over his chin and turned facing the wall. Luhan just sighed and stared fixedly at Xiumin’s backs.

“Hey, are you still awake? Xiumin-ah.. I can’t sleep.” He said quietly.

“Hmmm ...”

“Do you think I’m a bad boyfrined?” said Luhan.

“Hmmm ..”

“Xiumin-ah..” Luhan shaking Xiumin’s body slowly.

“Luhan .. I’m sleepy. Okay? Can you just say tomorrow morning.” reject Xiumin and try to justify the blanket position back.

“But this is important, do you think Seohyun will actually ask for break up..”

“Ask her by yourself.” sniffed Xiumin, before then pulls the covers over his head and shifted away from Luhan.

Luhan could only sigh and just stared at the ceiling at his dark room.

Chiiiittt ...

Luhan closed the door with extreme caution. Although it may be useless because almost all peoples at the dorm had slept soundly. But Luhan still concerned, and who know if member of EXO-M are waking up, and then he remembered some previous incident when he found Tao was in the kitchen while eating chocolate with Kris who was asleep in a chair next to him, or when Chen was in bathroom, or when Yixing was cried in front of the TV while watched Titanic, or when ...

Anyway, Luhan did not want to remember it all. While not as important as this.




“Knock .. knock ..”

Luhan knocked on manager Hoon’s door. “Please, come on. Please open quickly.” Luhan wailed while looking closely at the wooden door in front of him.

“Knock .. knock ...”

Luhan knocked on the door again, this time louder, “Hyung.. hyung.. wake up. It’s me Luhan.” Luhan said quietly.

Not long after came a voice from inside the room and Luhan smiles happily, his legs twitching impatiently.


Hyung ...” Luhan said once the door is open. “Hyung, please take me to SNSD’s dorm right now hyung. Please, please. I must apologize to Seohyun right now hyung.”

“Yah! Luhan. What are you doing here?” asked manager Hoon, his eyes still half- closed.

Hyung, let me meets Seohyun. I couldn’t sleep Hyung. Please, please ..” whined Luhan.

“Are you crazy? What time is it?” said manager Hoon, and then walked back into the room, which was soon followed by Luhan. manager Hoon walked toward a small table near the bed and took his cell phone.

“Are you crazy? It’s still almost 3 am Luhan.” said manager Hoon.

“Yeah, I know hyung ..” Luhan plays with his fingers, “But I couldn’t sleep before meeting with Seohyun and apologized hyung.”

Aish you are.. you know, right? This is very dangerous.”

“I know hyung, but please ..” Luhan look at with manager Hoon pleading stare.

“I’ll take you if the sun had risen. Go back to your room and sleep!”

Hyung.. please. I really can’t sleep hyung. Please... take me to SNSD’s dorm right now hyung.”

Manager Hoon just shook his head, and immediately Luhan’s head bowed sluggishly.

“Or I’ll call a cab now.” He said quickly after that. His eyes sparkled with the idea that just he said.

“Yah! Are you crazy?”

Luhan nodded sure,


Hyung.. have you ever loved someone until you do not care about anything else? Please hyung...”



manager Hoon then looked Luhan nicely and sighed quietly, however he will never win, “All right, go get your coat.”

“Yes. You’re the best hyung.” And Luhan immediately ran off to his room.








Hyung, do you think I have to bring a gift, or not?” Luhan asked with worry while holding his cell phone tightly.

manager Hoon just looked at Luhan briefly, “What do you think?" he asked while continuing to look forward.

“I do not know... hmm.. this is my first valentine with Seohyun.” Luhan replied quietly as he plays his cell phone. “Do I really have to bring a gift hyung? Flowers maybe? or chocolate? or.. hmm.. romantic doll?”

manager Hoon then shook his head, “Aish, You. Have you never had a girlfriend before?”

“Hmmm.. that..” Luhan replied nervously and then looked out the window, “I hmm.. I’ve never celebrated Valentine before.”

“Are you sure?” asked manager Hoon with surprise, “Are you kidding? You must have been on a date previously, right?”

Hyung...” Luhan whine, “Of course I ever dated before. It’s just, it’s just that I never seriously with them.”

“So you’re going serious with Seohyun?”

“I do not know. Do you think that possible, hyung?” asked Luhan back.

“I do not know. Maybe ...” manager Hoon stopped the car, in front of them, the red traffic lights turn on, then he stared at Luhan direction, “Maybe if you’re sincerely love her, maybe you’ll be with her someday, as long as you want.” said manager hoon and then smiled genuinely.

Luhan sigh, yes maybe. With conditions as they are both idols will of course be very difficult to establish their love, let alone get to the next level, marriage maybe.

“Is that true, hyung?” He asked softly.

“Nothing is impossible in this world.” said manager Hoon with a mischievous smile.

“Heh, Hyung.. isn’t that Tao’s words.”








“Knock. Knock ..”



Knock ...”




“Hmmm ...” Hyoyeon’s face appeared from behind the door, “Oh My God. Luhan! What are you doing here?” She yelled in shock.

“Oh, Hyoyeon noona. Good.. rrr.. good morning. I want to meet with Seohyun, please noona. Please...I have to say something to her before everything’s too late. This’s really-really important.” said Luhan.

“Aish, now what else are you doing to my Seohyun?”

“I didn’t do anything noona. Please, I want to apologize and fix everything.” laments Luhan.

“Are you sure? So what are you doing here?”

“Hmmm.. it’s just. I-I forget that, that yesterday was valentine’s day and I didn’t call her all day long.”

“You know what?! There are managers who slept in the apartment next door, if you do something bad I would immediately scream.”

Yee.. I’m not going to do anything.”

“You promise?”


“If it weren’t for Seohyun, I would have told you to go home right now. Let’s go in, I was cold.”

“Thank you so much noona.” Luhan then entered into the dorm with a happy smile, and start to took off his shoes.



“Seohyun was sleeping in her room, and she was alone. But remember, if you do something bad. I will not hesitate to break your legs.” Hyoyeon said fiercely.

“Take it easy noona. I’m not going to do anything.” Hyoyeon narrowed her eyes and stared fixedly at Luhan.

“Promise.” Luhan said with a grin.

“Hyoyeon then nodded and went back into her room.




Luhan regulate his breathing slowly. Luhan calm please. Calm down...


Having finally managed to collect all his strength, Luhan walked to Seohyun’s room and knocked on the door.

This is not his first time to came in SNSD’s dorm. Of course he already knows where Seohyun’s room. Hmmm.. maybe this is his third arrival. The first one is when Luhan pick Seohyun on their first date and the second during the celebration of Sooyoung’s birthday some time ago.

There are voices from inside the room, and Luhan’s chest pounding. Seohyun will soon come and open the door. He quickly took off the cupcake wrapper who he had just bought, and put up some small candles on it, when the door almost open, with the rush  Luhan lit the candles,



“Happy Valentine’s Day..

Happy valentine day,

saranghaneun Seohyun-ah,

Happy valentine’s day..” He sang after the door is completely open and ing the cupcake he hold close to Seohyun’s face.

Oppa...” Seohyun said as she blinked in disbelief.

“Hey..” Luhan greeted with a smile as sweet as possible.

Oppa, what are you doing here?” asked Seohyun as she was surprised.

“Oh, hai.. happy valentine’s day, though I’m late. I-I’m sorry. You’re deserve to scold and blame me. I’ll accept everything.” Luhan bowed his head. Ready to receive tantrums and angry words from Seohyun. He deserved it, as a boyfriend he forget Valentine’s day and did not even call her during yesterday. Yes, Luhan deserve it.


“Is that a cupcake?” Seohyun asked suddenly.


and Luhan immediately raised his head, “Oh yes, this’s valentine cupcake.” Luhan scratched the back of his head, “Yes, I know this’s must be so lame. Hmm.. no chocolates, flowers or dolls. Yeah, I’m sorry. But I’m definitely going to buy you tomorrow, errr.. later when the sun had risen and the shops are already open, and ...”

“No, this is perfect.” Seohyun cut before Luhan rambles too much.


“Yes. This is perfect.” Seohyun said once again. “Hmm.. what, what we have to blow out the candles and make a wish like when birthday?” asked Seohyun later.

“Oh yes, yes.. of course. But both of us were going to make a request, for our relationship, hmm.. in the future.”


“Of course, I already told you this’s valentine’s cupcake. This’s special cupcake. Do you know?”

“All right, let’s makes a wish together.”



“You should made a wish first, and I would say after you.”

“All right.” And Seohyun staring fixedly at Luhan before then closed her eyes slowly and linked her fingers together in front of her chest,

“Thank you for giving me the best boyfriend around the world. He was so handsome, although sometimes when laugh he looks weird. But I love to hear his laugh, and when he dances I like hypnotized by it. I couldn’t ask for a more perfect boyfriend than him. I know as humans we will always have flaws, and I will accept him. I love him today, tomorrow and so on, and I want to continue to always love him, forever.” Seohyun opened her eyes slowly and looked at Luhan in front of her who had tears in his eyes, then they both laughed together,


“Oppa, your turn.” said Seohyun convincingly, and her right hand raised, holding Luhan’s cheek to wipe his tears.


“I.. I also want to thank you for given me the most beautiful and perfect girlfriend in the entire world.” said Luhan and then stared fixedly at Seohyun, She’s always perfect in my eyes, sometimes she complained obesity, sometimes she complain if her elbow is too sharp, sometimes she complains too high.” And Seohyun chuckled,

“But I love the whole existing in herself. In my eyes, she is the most perfect. And that there is no perfect man in this world. I love her today, tomorrow and so on. And I will always love her forever. And let her be my destiny, so I can say a sacred promise to our wedding someday.”


“Oppa ..”


But Luhan actually raised his free hand,


“1 ...” he said slowly as he fingers forming a figure.


“2 ...” Seohyun replied.


“3 ...”


And they blew out the candles together,


and Seohyun came back to close her eyes before then Luhan unify their lips.


“I love you ..” he whispered between the kisses.

“I love you too ..” Seohyun replied smiling happily, really happy.








“Its really delicious. You do not want to eat this?” Luhan asked as he sat back on the couch, Seohyun sat beside him, her legs straightened on his feet.

Oppa,  I’m on a diet. You must have accidentally bought a cupcake to tease me. Don’t you?”

“Of course not, there is no more stores open. So I bought a cupcake at the coffee shop that was still open.” Luhan said and then put the cupcake in his hand on the table.

Seohyun pouted, “Of course the shops were closed. Now it was early in the morning.”

“So are you still angry?” Luhan asked as he moved closer.


“Really?” And Luhan increasingly moved closer.

“Of course right. Oppa had come to me and apologized. So I had to forgive you.” Seohyun said softly.

“Did you forgive me?”

“Hmm.. “ Seohyun nodded shyly.


Oppa..” she called later, while still bowed her head.

“Hmmm.. what is it?” asked Luhan slowly as he rubbing her hair.

“What, what you said was true?” Seohyun plays with  Luhan’s bottom shirt. “Is that Oppa was really serious?”

“What?” Luhan asked with a mischievous smile.

Oppa..” Seohyun looked up and scowled.

“Which thing that I said? Hmmm...” Luhan raised his face and pressed his nose against her, and rubbed them together, make Seohyun tickled.

Oppa..” said Seohyun with spoiled, and Luhan back a small laugh.

“Saranghae...” Luhan said gently.


“Hmmm... I’ve never loved anyone else as deep as I love you.” Luhan said and hugged Seohyun, “You’re the first woman who could really steal my heart. I used to think that I will not be able to love a woman seriously, yes of course I will marry. But later when I reached the thirties.”


Luhan then took off his arms and stared straight at Seohyun, “But that all changed completely when I met you.” He said and made ​​Seohyun’s cheeks flushed, “You make me really crazy about you. Do you know? You should get a punishment for stealing my heart since the first time, it is not a good thing Miss Seo Joohyun.”

“I did not steal your heart.” protest Seohyun, “Oppa, Oppa who liked me first.”

“Aish.. you. You should still be punished.”

“What is my punishment? I didn’t do anything.”

“Your punishment is you...” Luhan paused, “You also have to give your heart to me. You understand.” Luhan said firmly.

“But I’ve given my heart to you.”

“Really?” asked Luhan in surprised.

Oppa ...”

And without warning Luhan kiss Seohyun quickly. Not giving her a chance to refuse, and Seohyun kiss Luhan back. Put her hands on the back of Luhan’s neck.

“Hmmm..” Seohyun moaned softly, and Luhan kissed her strongly, pressing her lips and put his tongue deeper into . His hands holding Seohyun’s arm tightly.

Luhan’s lips then moved down, kissing her chin and getting to the bottom, kissing her neck which makes her even more loudly.

“Huhhuhh...” Luhan breath irregular rumble, “I can’t give you marks..” he sighed as he continued kissing her neck again, “You have a concert tonight...”

Oppa..” Seohyun holding Luhan’s head and made ​​him look towards her.


you can give me marks in another place.” She said softly but Luhan could still hear it before then smiled happily and went back down to kiss her over again, and his hand pushed her slowly on the couch.



------------- to be continued




I'm sorry with the ending part, lol.

Did you know about KhunFany..?? Congratulation for them.^^ do you think that maybe SeoHan will be like them? I don't know, you don't know either too. So, let's hope for the best for them..^^ yeahhh


Have a nice day..^^ Hwaiting!!!

and before I forget, thanks for all the lovely comments and votes..^^ thank you




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06/22/2014 I'm so sorry but I think I'll hiatus for I don't know until when. I hope you'll understand, thank you^^


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Seohan0924 #1
Chapter 5: Update soon plz~~~~
Chapter 5: Update soon author-nim ~
Chapter 5: Waw seohan so sweet :") love this chapter so much kekekeke please update soon^^
eugenenni #4
Chapter 5: They are so romantic!!! Luhan is sweettalker. What will happen next? Update soon~~
JungieKwon #5
Chapter 4: Aigoo~ SunHyun so kuteeee :3
Looking forward to Lulu's plan :3
Update soon plz ^^
SoshiLuver327 #6
Chapter 4: Awww :( Poor Seohyun and Sunny unnie </3
Luahn!! Hurry up and say happy valentine's day to Seohyun unnie before her heart breaks!!!
Please update soon ~~~
eugenenni #7
Chapter 4: OMG Luhan forgot valentine day!!! Sunny so cute, lovely and funny!!!
Thanks for the update~~
JungieKwon #8
Chapter 3: Yeah right Luhan ah~, you're manly *clappp*
And beautiful, kute, jealously, cheesy talking :)) Well just kidding!
Kidding? No way? I'm saying the true haha =))
Update soon plz ^^
Chapter 3: Why do they tease luhan oppa I think he's manly right^_^