
The Most Wanted News (HIATUS)






Yeoboseyo.. Oh, Luhan Oppa. What’s up?”  Seohyun voice sounded from across the line.

“Hey beautiful.” answered Luhan.

Oppa..” If only this time Luhan is there beside Seohyun, he could definitely see her cheeks were flushed, and he will be happy to continue to . But not right now, in this situation when they’re apart.

“You just woke up..?” said Luhan.

Anni..”  Seohyun shaked her head, although Luhan could not see it.

“I was at the airport. I am going to China.” Luhan said later.

“Hmm.. I know.”

“You know?” asked Luhan while pretending to be shocked.

Oppa..” Seohyun sulking, and Luhan could only laugh.

“Did I tell you before? Really? Ah, aniyo.. How could I forget? Hmm.. when I told you..? Isn’t we haven’t met for a long time?”

Oppa.” Seohyun back sulking, “We just met yesterday.”



and Luhan laugh out loud, while Seohyun could only frown alone. Of course they’re met yesterday in the 3rd Gaon Chart K-Pop Awards.

“What are you doing?” He said then, and try not to tease Seohyun again.

“You’re not teasing me again, aren’t you?” asked Seohyun behind.

“Of course not.”

“I’m on the way to the SM building. Today there are more dance practice before comeback later.”

“Hmm...” Luhan nodding.

Oppa, what’s wrong?”

“Oh.. anyway. I’ve seen your teaser photo.”

“Oh that, do you like it?” Seohyun asked hopefully. But Luhan was silent and Seohyun began to worry, “Oppa.. are you okay? You doesn’t like it?”

“Do you have to wear a dress like that? Your make up even too thick. And, red lips and all.. what the is that?! And you look so y and seductive, and you’re lying on the floor and, and I don’t like it. You’re just too much, even that allowed on the photo teaser to be, to be like that, heuh?!” babbling Luhan so long. And Seohyun could only laugh. Her worried is lost already.

“Why are you laughing? There is nothing to be funny.”

Oppa, don’t you already know the concept of our comeback. And you even said you liked the song.”

“I.. I do like the song, but still...” Luhan pout.

“All right, I know. Oppa is jealous, right?”

“Of course not. I am manly. Jealousy is not my style.”

And this time Seohyun burst of laughter. “Oppa, is not that Kris Oppa’s words?”

“No.No.Nooo.. that’s my own words.”


“All right. Oppa, now I want to talk to other EXO members.”


Oppa, just give your phone to the other EXO members.”

“What do you want to say? Just tell me. I am EXO members too.”

“Aish, Oppa is jealous again. I just want to congratulate EXO because EXO have won last night.”

“Didn’t you already said congratulation last night? What else you want to say?”

Oppa..” Seohyun sulking again.

“All right, I’ll give my phone to Xiumin. Don’t do anything else. You understand?”

Nee Oppa..” Seohyun answered even though Luhan couldn’t hear it, because at the same time he gave his cell phone to Xiumin.

If any member of EXO Luhan can trust, of course it is Xiumin. He can no longer easy to believe the other EXO members, especially after the completion of filming in a haunted house for EXO Showtime. No. No. Luhan isn’t afraid at all. No! He just wants to entertain his fans. Yes. Just that. No. There is no fear at all.

But it is true,

Luhan can’t believe EXO members other than Xiumin. Especially if it’s about Seohyun. If there are people who should stay away from Seohyun, number one is the other EXO members than him. Especially Byun Baekhyun. Luhan frown, his memory is still clear how the other EXO members staring at Seohyun, like a tiger’s chasing prey.


“Luhan, who is this?” Xiumin swinging Luhan’s cell phone in front of his face, and awakened him from reverie.

“Oh, it’s Seohyun, she wants to talk to you?”

“Seohyun?” Xiumin raised his eyebrows, Seohyun usually do not want to talk to him (if it’s not about Luhan, works, and coffee, and music and okay, she does talk to Xiumin).


“Oh, uh .. Seohyun ..” said Xiumin in confusion.

“Oh, hi Xiumin Oppa.”

Yee?” Xiumin stared at Luhan, and only replied with a nod shoulder. And then he just started eating steak in front of him again.

Oppa.. you still hear me?”

Y-yee.. ?” replied Xiumin with sputtered.

“Xiumin Oppa, can you keep Luhan Oppa? He complained of sore throat at me, and his body aches due to exercise. I just want you to watch him. Don’t let him drink too much beer. I’ve been giving vitamins to Luhan Oppa yesterday, so please remind him to drink it, and..”

“Woah, woah.. Seohyun-ah wait a minute.” cut Xiumin as he raised his voice, and several members of EXO staring up at him with a puzzled look.

Oppa, why?”

“Wait a minute.” said Xiumin before then stood up and walked away, the other EXO members are now even more confused and looking at Luhan for answers.


“What?!” he asked, and Luhan turning to resume eating.


Actually Luhan also curious, but he believe in Xiumin, and moreover is impossible for Seohyun to lie.

Not long after, Xiumin back while smiling and restore Luhan’s cell phone.

“It’s done?” he asked, looking at his cell phone. Telephone lines have been disconnected.

Xiumin just nods and goes back to eating. Leaving Luhan without any explanation, and Luhan really want to know what they are talking about.



No. No.

Luhan’s not jealous.

Yes. Luhan’s not jealous.



I’m not jealous. No way Luhan’s jealous. This is definitely wrong, his brain must have been disturbed. It is impossible for Xiumin and Seohyun to lied. But.....

Arrgghhh.. Luhan rolling around on the bed. Right now in China already 10 pm. It’s mean in Korea 11 pm.



Luhan took his cell phone. Yixing, who slept in the room with him already fast asleep in bed next to him, and Luhan could only sigh.

Yes, several times ago Seohyun send messages, but none of that talk about her conversation with Xiumin this afternoon, and until now Luhan not reply to even a single message from her. Because he think that what Seohyun did is form of dishonesty, yes, dishonesty. And yes, once again Luhan isn't jealous. No. Luhan nodded knowingly.

And that means abstinence for Luhan to call Seohyun firstly, and ask about the incident this afternoon.


Seohyun who should first call. Yes. Luhan confident in his action. But..........


Call her. No. Call. No. Call. No.


Luhan rolled back on top of his bed.


Kring. Kriiiingg ...

Asa! Luhan smiling happy and see his cell phone. But his face changed disappointed instantly and answer the phone with a half-hearted.

“Are you still awake?” asked Xiumin from across the line.

“What’s up? I’m not sleepy.” grumbled Luhan upset.

“Haha. You're not yet talk to Seohyun? You should call her.”

“What do you mean? She also must have been sleeping.”

“Are you sure? I was just having a conversation with her in kakao-talk.” teased Xiumin.

“I do not care. Good night. I’m going to sleep.” Luhan hung up in disgust.


What the hell! What’s that? Instantly Luhan opened his kakao-talk account and saw that Seohyun is still online. Huft! Why is she just having a conversation with Xiumin? Why not him, her boyfriend.


But then his cell phone rang again, a call from Chanyeol. With upset face, Luhan push of a yes button.

“What?” asked Luhan imediatelly.

“Hyung, are you still wake up?” asked Chanyeol and Luhan just nodded, “Hyung, let’s play?” sounds Baekhyun’s voice in back there. “I was playing cards with Chanyeol. Oh, Kyungsoo and Jongin also come to play, and Sehun too.” Baekhyun said happily.

“I do not care. Good night. I’m sleepy.” Luhan hung up in disgust. What else do they do? heuh, playing cards? Luhan long sigh and lay staring at the ceiling.


Kring. Kriiiing..

Luhan once again took his cell phone and pressed the yes button .

Gege.. let's playing cards.” Tao audible voice filled Luhan's ears .

“Aish. You again. I am sleepy.”

“But Gege.. I want to play cards.”

“Play with the others. I’m going to bed.” Luhan hung up immediately. Aish, surely they’re playing a prank at him.


Kring. Kriiinggg...

Arrgghh... Luhan growls.


“What else? I said I did not want to play. I want to sleep.” Luhan said with annoyance.


“Oh, Oppa.. Am I bothered you?” heared Seohyun’s sweet voice, and Luhan widened his eyes soon.

Instantly Luhan also awakened.

! Luhan look at his cell phone screen and Seohyun’s name clearly displayed there. Aish, Luhan mutter under his breath, other EXO members right now surely was laughing and he’ll not forgive them so easily.


Oppa.. Are you sleepy? Well, I will hang up if...”

“Don’t! Don’t hang up!” Luhan cut immediately, “I’m not sleepy.” Luhan shook his head. “I’m not sleepy."


“Seohyun, this afternoon...” Luhan said suddenly.

“What Oppa? Spit it out.”

“Mmm ...” Luhan wanted to ask but his pride is still too high.

“This afternoon? What’s wrong with this afternoon Oppa?” asked Seohyun who is curious right now.


“Hmmm.. What are you talking about with Xiumin..?”

And Seohyun immediately laugh from across the line. However Luhan like her laughter, but if in any situation like this it might not be.

Oppa is jealous again, right? Come on, admit it.”

“No, I'm not jealous.”


“Hey, do not you believe it?”

Seohyun nodded, “Yes, I believe anyway.” She said with a smile. No, no way she would believe.

Oppa, when are you going back to Korea?” asked Seohyun later.

Tch, what is it? Now you miss me?” Luhan overthrow himself from the bed and walked to the balcony and opened the curtains. Beijing’s view at the night looks so beautiful.

“Of course not.”

“Hey, how come you did not miss your handsome lover Seohyun-ah.”

“Handsome. Hmm...”

Luhan then looked at the sky. Unfortunately pollution that occurred in Beijing could not make him see the stars or the moon, although in any situation like this would be very romantic.

Oppa, are you looking at the moon?”

“Hmm.. Beautiful is not it?”


“Unfortunately the moon can’t be seen from Beijing.” said Luhan later.


“Uh, Oppa... you just ruin the atmosphere.”

“But that’s the fact. Whether in Seoul you’re also looking at the moon? Where are you right now?”

“Hmm.. I’m in SNSD’s dorm Oppa. Unnies decided that we’re should stay together in the dorm until we went to Macau.”


“Hmm.. Oppa. Do you know what day tomorrow is?”

“Tomorrow? Tomorrow is Friday, isn’t it?”

Gubrak !

“It’s not. That’s not what I mean.”

“Then what?”

“Ah well, I’ll sleep first Oppa. And don’t forget to turn on the alarm clock. Okay? And for tomorrow, you also definitely will know. Good night.”


“And I miss you so much Oppa, really-really miss you.. I Love you, saranghae..” Seohyun said quicly, and immediately close the connection.

Luhan was silent. His mind is still digesting Seohyun’s words, before then smiled happily and kissed his cell phone screen over and over.


“I love you too Seohyun.. Wo ai ni..”




“Aish Hyung, can you be quiet?! I’m so sleepy.” Yixing throw pillow towards Luhan.



------------- to be continued



Actually I should post this chapter yesterday, but my friend comes and we talks until night. I am sorry.. TT_TT


this's the update.

and do you already listening to Mr. Mr. album..?? I like their songs and so catchy..^^ I wish that SNSD are not have trouble again, especially with Mr. Mr. comeback.

Have a nice day..^^ Hwaiting!!!



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06/22/2014 I'm so sorry but I think I'll hiatus for I don't know until when. I hope you'll understand, thank you^^


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Seohan0924 #1
Chapter 5: Update soon plz~~~~
Chapter 5: Update soon author-nim ~
Chapter 5: Waw seohan so sweet :") love this chapter so much kekekeke please update soon^^
eugenenni #4
Chapter 5: They are so romantic!!! Luhan is sweettalker. What will happen next? Update soon~~
JungieKwon #5
Chapter 4: Aigoo~ SunHyun so kuteeee :3
Looking forward to Lulu's plan :3
Update soon plz ^^
SoshiLuver327 #6
Chapter 4: Awww :( Poor Seohyun and Sunny unnie </3
Luahn!! Hurry up and say happy valentine's day to Seohyun unnie before her heart breaks!!!
Please update soon ~~~
eugenenni #7
Chapter 4: OMG Luhan forgot valentine day!!! Sunny so cute, lovely and funny!!!
Thanks for the update~~
JungieKwon #8
Chapter 3: Yeah right Luhan ah~, you're manly *clappp*
And beautiful, kute, jealously, cheesy talking :)) Well just kidding!
Kidding? No way? I'm saying the true haha =))
Update soon plz ^^
Chapter 3: Why do they tease luhan oppa I think he's manly right^_^