Chapter 4

Curse of Love

When Taemin got in the bus and took a seat, he waved goodbye to his mom from the school bus while smiling at each other.

He started listening to music on his headphone waiting to arrive to his new school where he would begin another journey of his life.

After a period of time he has arrived to school and he came down from the bus of school then took a deep breath and it seems on

the face of happiness and then start looking at the school buliding outside, which was a huge and impressive .


Then he walked the first step towards the school gate and then entered the school with his smile on his face .

The school was full of trees, gardens and roses . Taemin has a booklet, which contains guidance on trends and information about

The school and decks, and also contains the school instructions that called " Shinhwa "


It's a new student does not know how to go to his class and he want to recognize friends . in this time Taemin like the lost child

Who does not know anything.


" Shinhwa's laws "

There were 2 classes, the first one was the Elite class the included rich student who came from either very rich

or powerful family or in some students' case, both. the second one was the scholarship students who were less

rich than the elites.  The elite class have more advantages than the other class, they have better rooms,better food

and so on,they have their classes in the night unlike the scholarship class who have it during the daylight.

No one could leave the school without permission from the school and the students come out on their vacation to go to their

houses . does not allow to wander during the night in the main buliding of the school,where the teachers .


" The school description "

The school itself was rich looking,it was very big with three building. the boys students were staying, the girls dorm and the last

was the main buliding where most of the teachers resided. there was a big garden with a huge forest.


When Taemin was about to eat his lunch in the school restaurant he noticed a girl with  black hair and big eyes staring at him

While eating her lunch but he did not mined her. suddenly Taemin's telephone rang and he quickly answered .

It was a call from Kai telling him that he was coming back to Korea tomorrow and that he will enroll in his school . Kai  said to Tarmin " how are you my friend? Are the boys in korea have gravity or girls ? " Taemin  said to Kai" do not say girls and you know that I really prefer boys"

Kai  told him " ok do not worry my baby you should wait me in the airport tomorrow otherwise I will kill you"

Taemin said to him" ok I will wait in the airport for you goodbye"

Then the girl that staring at Taemin suddenly got up and walked towarde Taemin and she sat next to him where he was siting After that she introuced herself to him, and told him that her name Yoona .

After only one minute passed a group of boys income the school restaurant who enjoyed great prestige among students and their skin white and Taemin noticed the first one of them that has a big eyes and silky hair. he was completely a pretty boy .

He asked Yoona  about him and she told him " it's Minho "

Suddenly Minho  looked at Taemin  because Minho  sniff Taemin distinctive smell blood.............................

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Different8_8 #1
Chapter 4: love it so much and I'm so excited for the chapter ^^
LUHANproperty #2
Chapter 3: getting excited for the next chappie :)
LUHANproperty #3
Chapter 2: update soon,please!!
Chapter 1: OK I will update soon :)
lovelybutterfly #5
Chapter 2: I love it please update soon
I hope you like it