chapter 2

Curse of Love

Taemin do you wear your clothes ?



YES I have finished my dad what about you ? there is no time my son. ok my dad give me minute . ok ! did you put my clothes in the bag ? I put theme now and I have call my mother and I told her that I will come to korea today, and my mother told me that she has prepared the food that I love .



Moreover she told me that I will go to the school where she working , ok my son you must be speed ,we will miss the plane . ok I'm finished . Taemin came out his room looking at each side in his home he said in a whisper goodbye my sweet home . and his heart was beating fast,


Because he will return to korean . Taemin was wearing a shirt is blue , trousers is white . it's bright and sunny day give a sense of comfort and happiness .then Taemin went out of the door of the house and wore his shose .then Taemin stopped a taxi and put the bags in the car .


We want to go to the airport, please can you go quickly we will miss the plane . taxi driver: don't worry . after quarter I reached the airport with my father ,then we sat in the lounge until it was time for take-off .Taemin boarded the plane with his father and he sat on his seat on the plane.


He put the headphone and start to hear songs , then he fallen asleep and he woke up when arrived in korea and start to hear a voice saying to him , my son woke up . he looked to his father and asked him we will land , yes we will land you must be ready . ok my dad I'm happy.


Taemin and his father came down from the plane when Taemin came down from the plane he inhale fresh air and laughed happily and said in himself finally I reached to korea .................


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Different8_8 #1
Chapter 4: love it so much and I'm so excited for the chapter ^^
LUHANproperty #2
Chapter 3: getting excited for the next chappie :)
LUHANproperty #3
Chapter 2: update soon,please!!
Chapter 1: OK I will update soon :)
lovelybutterfly #5
Chapter 2: I love it please update soon
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