The 'Gentle' Wu

Love Season


'you'll be alright, girl...'


Seohyun massaged her stomach as she walked slowly towards the bus stop. It’s already late and there’s few people who waited for bus. She finished her work late today because of too many customer on that night. Suddenly, she squatted on the cold street while hold her pain.


     “No, it can’t be right now. Please.” Her face turned to red because of she held her pain inside. It is gastric. It hurts her so much. She didn’t have time to eat anything, that’s the main causes her gastric her. Her sweat formed on her forehead even that night was chilly. She bit her lower lips and tried to stand even it’s clearly hard for her to walk in that state. She squatted again and wipe her forehead.


     “Appa, it’s hurt.” She hold her tears from running down on her cheeks. It felt like stings have stabbed her belly mercilessly. She’s couldn’t walk anywhere, even to the nearest bus stop. She shut her eyes tightly, hope that her pain would erase slowly but it still didn’t go away. It’s still there.


     “Are-are you okay Seohyun?” A deep voice has made her startled as she shook her head, showed that she’s really not okay. Why would the man still asked her for that silly question? The tall man held her both arms and tried to help her get up.


     “We’re going to the hospital.” The stranger instructed her. Seohyun shook her head slowly and looked at the stranger who helped her just now. “You? What are you doing here?”


When Seohyun found it was the man who always pick fights with her, she’s tried to pull her arms away from the ert man’s grasped. Kris looked at her sudden behaviour and gasped.


     “Hello, I just wants to help you. I won’t doing anything.” Kris held her arms back but she still pushed away his hand, she doesn’t want the man in front of her touch her even an inch. “What’s wrong with you girl?”


     “I hate you and please, leave me alone. I’m begging.” She pleaded him with her cracked voice. Kris just shook at the girl in front of him, he doesn’t understand her. “Just go..” she pushed him away when he’s already stood in front of her. She kept pushing him, asked him to leave her alone. Kris sighed and hopped into his car and started the engine.


He took a deep breath and think deeply. He’s not that bad to leave the poor girl alone in the street but her way was too stubborn. She doesn’t want him to help her. He don’t know what’s wrong with this girl’s mind. At last, he took a decision and hopped out from his car and walked to the poor girl who still in pain.


     “What do you-” before she could finish her question, Kris picked her up in bridal style and put her in his car. “Let me go! Ya! You ert!” she kept hitting his chest when he tried to put a seatbelt around her. Kris ignored her and immediately drove his car to the clinics meanwhile the young belle beside her already pouted, angry with his sudden action. They’re enemies, how could he helped her and the most thing she hated, she have to accept the man’s kindness. Ahh, she hated her life!




     “Are you her husband?” The female doctor looked at the handsome young man underneath her spectacles meanwhile Seohyun still lied on the patient’s bed. Kris just nodded because he doesn’t want the old doctor ask a silly question such as why brought the young girl who barely you know in the midnight and what so ever that related to that kind of question. The doctor just shook her head and write a description on her form before look at him again.


     “Next time, watch her carefully, how many times did she take meal for a day. She loss so much fibre in her body besides, she’s dehydrated too much. Ask her to drink water more due to this season. She needs more protein and calcium in her meal. Take this list of medicine and give it to the nurse in front and she will give the medicine you need. Thank you.” Kris nodded for several times after the old doctor finished her lecture. He gave a full attention to the doctor, even during his university era, he’s never do like this. Wow! He’s ready to be a husband to someone. Clapped to himself. Well done Kris Wu, even to your sister or younger sister you never do this.

He helped her to walk even he knew she protested to walk by herself. He put her down in front of the receptionist table and he went to the pharmaceutical department to take her medicine.







     “Where is your house?” Kris asked the angered girl who still watched at the scenery outside of the window. She doesn’t want to talk to him. “Hey.” Kris shook her arm but she shoot a sharp gazed at the innocent man.


     “What?” he asked her innocently and later, he heard the belle sighed and shut her eyes tightly, she’s too tired to face all of these. Problem at her workplace, especially at the food factory, and now met with a stranger who she didn’t even knew who is him, who loved to make her blood boiled.


      “Send me home.” She talk softly, hoping that the latter heard what she’s said but the latter just ignored her. “Send me home!” she’s shouted at Kris. He just looked at her and wet his kissable lips. He’s enough with this girl.


     “In my whole life, I’m never get instruct by a girl, except my mum. But you, the day you interrupt my life you’re so brave to slap me using your precious tiny little hand, made me help you at this midnight, made I lost my beauty sleep and now you’re instruct me to send you home? Hello girl, this is my car, my own and you’re the one who need to follow me. I’m done!” his ear turned to red, showed that he’s in his mad state. Kris ignored her and drove off his maroon BMW to the exclusive condominium area, to his own house.


     “Why are you bring me here?” Seohyun’s voice started to crack. She’s scared that the man in front of her would harm or do something to her. Kris hopped out from his car and went to Seohyun’s side and opened the door for her. She’s slowly went out from his car as he tried to help her even she doesn’t want. She’s still in pain because of she didn’t take her medicine nor eat yet. He brought her up to his unit and helped her walked to a room that reserved for a guest. He placed her on the bed and pulled up the comforter till her waist.


     “Wait here, don’t do anything stupid, I’ll be back.” With that, he left her without looking at her and shut the door soundlessly. He took a deep breath outside from the room and leaned on the door. He doesn’t have any idea why did he helped this arrogant girl. He’s already insane!



Kris entered the door she’s ready to sleep. She’s complained by herself because of even she’s sick, Kris still didn’t prepare any food to her. What a ‘gentleman’ he is. Kris brought a glass of milk along with him and he placed it on the drawer beside the bed.


     “Drink this and eat your pills.” Kris shoved her medicine to her face but Seohyun just stared at him blankly.


     “What is it again?” “I- I don’t like milk.” She whispered slowly and took the medicine from Kris’ grasped.


     “What?! Can’t you appreciate what I have done towards you all this time? Don’t be a spoil brat could you?!” he’s exploded for the second time on that night. The reason why he took a long time to make a milk for her was he’s going out, wandering alone around the town to search a pharmacy that sell a formula milk for her because of her gastric. He’s never doing something like this, like an insane man, a really poor man begged for a milk for her sake!


Kris took the glass and shoved it into her tiny mouth, forced her to drink the formula milk. It’s better for her own health, not anyone. Her tears started to run down on her baby cheeks because of his harsh action. There’s no one ever done this towards her. She’s not a spoil kid but she’s really couldn’t drink a milk. She has a phobia towards milk when she’s in her childhood times. Kris forced her to drink till the last drop and put down the glass on the drawer when she’s finished gulped down the milk. He’s smiled and ruffled her hair.


     “See? You don’t die drink this milk, girl. Don’t forget to take your pills. Goodnight.” He left the poor crying girl alone, without thinking her feeling, what have he done towards her and its made her hatred towards him increased slowly.






     “Drink this! You want it so much right?!”Hyesung shoved a glass of milk into a tiny mouth of 5 years old child that kept crying. She shook her head kept apologizing from her auntie for what she had done. It wasn’t a big problem, she just took a cold milk from the refrigerator because she felt so thirsty due to clean drowns outside the house. It was summer and everyone would be tired if they’re worked too long under the hot sun.


     “Please Auntie, I’m really sorry. I won’t do it again. Please.” She begged the older woman to have mercy on her. But she’s ignored the little child’s begging, she forced her to drink the expired date milk. The milk spread on her face and almost entered her nose and she was choked by it. She cried because of its very hurt and painful. Both of her cousins, Minah and Hyeri smirked when their mother treated Seohyun like that meanwhile their brother, Luhan hide somewhere and pitied Seohyun. But he couldn’t do anything because he’s scared his mother would hit him.


     “I’m sorry Joohyun.”


After Hyesung satisfied with her punishment towards the little girl, she knocked the girl’s head with a glass and laughed happily. Seohyun sobbed while wiped her tears using her back of the hand. On that time Luhan came and handed her a handkerchief. He pulled her into a bear hug and pleaded the young girl to stop her cries.

The day after the incident, Seohyun kept throwing up and having a bad stomach-ache meanwhile her face pale and she’s really weak. But still, Hyesung didn’t bring her to the hospital and let her solve her own illness. She’s even locked Seohyun in her room until she’s recovered from her illness. Hyesung doesn’t want the little girl throwing up everywhere in her house. She hated that girl so much but she couldn’t kill her, she wants Seohyun’s properties and for that, she needs to wait until Seohyun reached her age. That’s why she’s the one who wants to take care of Seohyun after her younger brother further studies at USA. 





ITALIC = Flashback :)

Sorry for taking a long time to update.

Hope all of you enjoy this chapter :)

I love Seohyun Kris Luhan so much

And lastly congratulations to Nickhun and Fany unnie :D


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aysan-seo #1
Aren't you going to update ? We are waiting please update soon :(
update soon
Chapter 5: so that why she dislike milk
Chapter 7: update soon please.
the story is getting interesting.
miss this story
Betbet66 #6
Chapter 6: Please update soon. I found this story very late:))
Chapter 6: I'm so happy finally u come back,,nice story as usual.U are a great author I love all of ur story,,and thank for updating and wait chapt next