An Old 'Friend'

Midnight Friend

Seriously? You are now happily rolling on the floor laughing at me? I'll kill you three times, Yamapi!!!

I just glare at Yamapi who still on the floor laughing out loud at my new image. That top doesn't suit me at all!!!

"Yui...!!!" I'm almost cry while looking at Yui who repeatedly apologize with a serious face. Our hotel suite (me and Yui) is full with Yamapi's laughter.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry... I never thought that those dress makes you looks like an idiot.. sorry.. sorry..." says Yui with monotone voice. She rubs her chin and just repeatedly says sorry (while insulting me!)

"Don't just stand there and say sorry! You should get me another dress!!!" I said with my leg never stop kicking Yamapi who still laughes like crazy on the floor. Suddenly someone taps my shoulder from behind. I look back and saw Toma with a serious face.

"Who are you? What have you done to our Ryuu-chi? Return to your planet, now!" he said and I send him flying to the blue sky. "Sayonara!!!"

"Ne, Ryuu-chi..."

I look at Yui after heard a familiar voice saying my name. Those damn Arashi!!! All the Arashi members stand beside Yui in a same position as Yui. Rubbing their chins.

"And why the heck are all of you suddenly show up here!!??" Of course I yell at them.

"Where are the short skirt that we asked you to wear?" Aiba throws a very stupid question.

"That arms... Are not belong to a girl." says Jun, referring to my muscular arms. 

*veins pop!

Sho takes out a leopard printed short skirt from his back and throws to my face without saying anything.

*veins pop!

"Hmmm..."----> (Yui is thinking about the short skirt.)

"All of you are SO ANNOYING!!! YAMAPI..!!! STOP LAUGHING!!!"


Our bus takes off half an hour later after KEI took off with their bus. And it's all because we are too busy searching and fighting for a right dress for me which can cover my muscular arms. Well, I am a martial artist so growing a muscle is a normal even for a girl like me. Though I'm not like a K-1 wrestler but my arms are different kinds from Yui's arms.

Yeah... Those Arashi also joined in that dress searching and they were non-stop talking about short skirts and . ERT!!!! >////<

By the way, my dress now is better than the previous one since it covers my arms and it shows my feminine side. Yui forbids me from wearing my jeans so she gives me her short pants. I feel a bit uncomfortable because I didn't use to wear a shorts before plus it is too tight!

I take the same bus with those idols because Yui and Yamapi insist me for me to get on the same bus with them. Usually most of the stafffs travel separatedly from them but me; I got a special ticket to ride on the same bus with the them. Yes, as Yamapi's dog! (T_T)

On the bus, while we are playing cards...

"Ryuu... what's this?" Toma suddenly takes out two small sticks from my backpack. Toma, what are you doing with my backpack?

"Huhh? It's kinda like a stick." says Yamapi, taking those from Toma's hand. Toma continues rakes through my stuff in my backpack.

"It's my portable drumstick! Now, give it back!" I snatched my beloved drumstick from Yamapi's hand. Yui who sat in front of me takes a card from my hand. (We are playing Joker.)

"Drumstick? Why the heck are you bring those together with you?" asks Yui, furrowing her eyebrows.

"What those? These are my precious things. Aside from using it while playing my Victor Stoica, I can use it in various way." Well, I know my eyes are glittering while talking about my precious things.

"Various way?" asks Yamapi.

"Yup!! I can use it as my weapon when I'm fighting. You know, same as tonfa or nunchakus. Well, I named it as 'Mr. Tanaka.' My precious..." And suddenly before I finish talking, Yui snatches Mr. Tanaka from my hand.

"Confiscated!"  Yui put them in her handbag.

WAAARRGGGHHHHH...!!!!!!! Mr. Tanakaaa...!!!!!

"Yuuiiii...." My glittering eyes turn into waterfall..

"You can't have any fight anymore, remember? So you don't need Mr. Tanaka as your weapon anymore." says Yui in monotone voice. Yamapi nods and takes a card from Yui's hand.

"Yupp.. And your Victor Stoica is happy with someone else in America right now." says Yamapi and his words stab me right through my heart... Who is happy with my Victor right now???

"Stop your stupid crying face. You just need to hurry up being a lady and return to America." says Yui again.

"Ryuu-chi... I'm hungry." Toma now takes out everything from my backpack. "Where's food?"

Err.. Toma..? That's my bra...


"BEEAAACCHHHHH....!!!!!!" I yelled out loud after we arrive but Yamapi whack my head pretty hard after that.

"So noisy.." 

We arrive at Shirahama Beach at South Tokyo after spent a long journey in bus. Staff have to set up the place for shooting and I busy help them to set the place. We will stay for several days here to shoot several major scenes. We already book a hotel rooms for us near the beach.

"Ryuu-san, would you mind pass the drink to KEI?" one of the staff asks me. I just nod and put several drinks on a tray. One female staff already distributes drinks to Japan members and from my glance, she is already in a brink of tears when serves drinks to Arashi. Poor little girl!

I offer a drink to a Korean female actress who sits on a chair while holding her script. She gives me a radiant smile.

"Arigato..." *sparkle

Wooww..!!! I almost got a major nosebleed! She is an existence which is different from Yui..!!!

I just throw a stupid smile and quickly move away. I put the tray on a table and glance at that Goddess.

Damn..! I should ask her to tutor me to be a fair lady!

Suddenly a shadow of a man drops in front of me. A hand reaches a glass of drink on the tray in front of me from behind.

"You are still the same as before, Angel..." a male voice behind made me stun for a while.

Angel? In this vast world, there's only one person who calls me 'Angel'. One person. Even my parents call me 'Suzuran' or 'Suzy' (eventhough I dislike it!).

I slowly turn around and startled.

Right in front of my eyes, I saw a smile that I have not seen almost for a couple years.

"Kim... Jeong Hoon..." I slowly spelled that name. The guy who stands in front of me grins happily.

"I'm glad that you still remember that name."


Arashi's Nino pulls Yamapi's hand from behind and drags him towards the other Arashi's members who wait for him under a canopy.

"What? What is it?" Yamapi keeps asking but Nino pulls him and brings him to other Arashi.

"What? What's wrong?" asks Yamapi again when he and Nino reach to the canopy.

"What? You say, what? Look at them!!!"  Ohno yells and points his finger to a couple who is chatting near KEI's canopy.

Huhh? That's Ryuu...

"Ne, Yamapi... Do something! She's your fiance,right?" says Aiba, showing his unsatisfaction. Yamapi just gives a deep sigh.

"She's not my fiance.. Well, that fiance thing actually a big joke that I made." Yamapi tries to give an explanation.

"We don't give a damn about the validity of that fiance thing. What we are trying to say is, GO GET OUR TOY BACK!!!!" Sho scratches his head and Nino bit his handkerchief.

"That little twerp!! How dare he trying to flirt with our toy!" Jun clenches his fist. Yamapi just face palm! He takes a breath and looks back at Ryuu who is chatting happily with an actor from KEI.

Ryuu.. How can you get so close with Kim Jeong Hoon?


I do not realize the look that Yamapi and the Arashi give me from that canopy. I just happily chats with Kim Jeong Hoon without care much about my surrounding. We sit aat the table after Jeong Hoon asked a staff to give me a chair.

"I thought you have changed." says Jeong Hoon much to bring a wonder to me.


"You start to work, and dress more like a girl. And I know that you have stopped fighting." says Jeong Hoon again. I laugh. Uhh.. Don't know why, but I just remember Mr. Tanaka!

"But it seems like you still the same Angel that I know." Wooww... I just remember that Jeong Hoon or sometimes I call him Jerry is such a sweet talker!

And for no reason, my cheeks feel hot. I remember that I used to feel that way when he was a vocalist to my band before. I can feel my palms sweat a lot and my throat feels dry.

"Uuu...aa..mmpphh.." I can't utter any words and my voice just stuck at my throat!

"RYUU-CHIIII...!!!! What's wrong!!?? Why suddenly your voice get stuckk...???" Suddenly several pairs of hand grab me from behind.


They drag me away from Jeong Hoon.

"Heat , right? Your throat are dying, right? Here, drink this!" Aiba shoves a 1.5 litre mineral bottle to my mouth and forces me to drink!!!


Bleehh... I'm the one who will die!!!

"Yamapi..!!!Help me...!!!" I saw Yamapi who stands next to Jun and try to grab his attention.

But it seems hopeless because he shows a 'this is very fun!' face...!

Jaeng Hoon stands up after saw the girl who just chatting with him being dragged. He tries to utter a word to stop those Arashi but one of Arashi stands in front of him. Ohno, the ringleader stares him in his eyes.

"Stay away from her!"

"Huhh?" Jaeng Hoon a bit surprised when Ohno can speak Korea fluently. And also got surprised by the meaning of those word.

"What do you mean by 'stay away from her'?" Jaeng Hoon asks while glancing at the girl who now chasing the other Arashi and Yamapi across the beach.

"Hmm... I think you can understand it clearly. Do you see the guy with the red shirt?" Ohno points to Yamapi who let himself being catched by Ryuu, just to throw her to the water. Jaeng Hoon furrows his eyebrows.


"THUNDER SWING IN THE SEA...!!!" Yamapi just throws me into the water. And Arashi gives him an applause.


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mskeziahhoon #1
Chapter 9: Please update ASAP ....... :)))))
hanzxxx #2
Chapter 9: Aieeeee....been waiting for so long....tqvm!! :-)
exo_23 #3
title is so mysterious!
hanzxxx #4
rolling on the floor because she forgot tu punch her card?pftt...buahahahahahahahahhaaa!!!!pi...stop with the flicking...XDD aishh..naughty arashi XD love this update.thanks :)
RuhiTheFangirl #5
ok kwl ^_^
RyuuShaoran #6
umm...i don't really sure because i never think of it before....well, let's say that she is just 20years 'bout that? :P
RuhiTheFangirl #7
i have a old am i in this story??<br />
i've only just started reading it and i'm really enjoying it ^_^
hanzxxx #8 first i really like keiko in this story..but after she reveal the truth...welll.... XD ryuu is so cute XD she's like the cutest thing ever!rough,yes but so damn cute heeee (^__^)
hanzxxx #9
hehehehhee XD enjoyed this ch. till the last bit XDD they r all too funny,cant stop lauhing XDD hehehehehee
RyuuShaoran #10
it just some sort of misunderstanding that Ryuu punch Pi.. she thought that Pi might 'do' something to her since she couldn't remember what had happen last night because she terribly drunk..:P