Mistress 6


That morning , when he stepped into the kitchen , he was greeted by the sight of his favourite breakfast. He was surprised seeing her in the kitchen making him breakfast. Victoria had been on protest for the week and for the time being he ate outside. Its alright if she did not want to cook.


Victoria was in the middle of making coffee , startled when Nickhun take his seat. She gave him her beautiful smile.

“ Morning . “ She poured a cup of coffee and inhaled his scent. The scent that sometimes make her inner side stir , Dunhill Desire Red – it is a sin for him putting that fragrance on him. It make her tempted.

“ Morning. “ He replied , hand reaching for the sandwich. Inside , he felt a little bit puzzled watching Victoria that look a little bit different from last week. And he felt relief seeing her progression. Maybe she had let the incident go .


“ Today.. can you come home for dinner?


“ She asked while taking her seat. Her lips curved into a bright smile , “ I will cook dinner for you tonight. “


‘ Okay... thats weird. ‘ Nickhun refused to her in the eyes. What happen last night still haunted him , his ego had been at the lowest ranks. He was embarrassed !


“ I don’t know.. if I got no works ,I will be back. “ Nickhun munched on his sandwich , hand reaching the newspaper.


Victoria gave him a nod . “ Okay , but I think you should come home. “


“ Why ? “ He raised his brows . Victoria only gave him a toothy smile.


“ Are you forget ? Today your mother gonna be here ! "


Nickhun coughed . Did he forget something ? “ What are you saying ? “


Nickhun stared at Victoria who kept giving him her radiant smile. Somehow ,he felt relief seeing her back to normal.


“Well , last time you said that your mom gonna spend a day here on 25th this month. “ Nickhun ‘s brain quickly recalled on his previous conversation with his mother. ‘ How can I forget ? ‘

“ Hmm... “ Nickhun was lost for words .


“ How about me? “ She pointed to herself.


Nickhun started to scratch his unitchy head. Thats right if Mom see there is a woman in his penthouse , what would he said to her . Although they are in the modern world and having a woman in a house is not a big deal but his mother is a little bit conservative. Her thinking is a little bit old.


“ You can stay at hotel. “ Nickhun brightened at his own idea. “ Later I will book a hotel for you. I will find it near our house. “


Victoria frowned. “ Hotel again ? I will die from bored ! Let me stay to Soora ‘s house ? “


Luckily she remember her old friend . Soora would not mind and will accept her with open arms if she want to stay at her house.

“ Soora ? Your friend ? “ Victoria quickly nodded , impressed that Nickhun remember her friend although they just met once.

“ No , you cant. “

He shooked his head , “ I will find a hotel near this area. “

Victoria eyes widen at his answer. She felt extremely pissed. “ Why I can’t stay there ?”

“ She work at a night club. I don’t like. “ Nickhun answered her. His eyes once again on the newspaper on his hand. Whatever happen , he would never let Victoria stay there. A place like that is not good for her.

“ At least I’m not bored there , someone with me... “ Victoria looked at him , hoping he would consider it.

“ Victoria , when I saw no.. thats mean NO ! His voice raised its volume. “ I would go there every day. “

Victoria pouted. Its not like this was the first time she was sent to hotel. Early this year , his youngest sister , Krystal came , she was sent to hotel. Last year , his uncle came , once again she was sent to hotel. Oh , she can not imagine how bored she will be at the hotel. “ If its like that ... “ Victoria stand while her reached for the plate to take it sink. It was useless to argue with Nickhun because the answer is still the same. She would still invite Soora to come at the hotel to accompany. Whatever ! He lips curved a smile.


“ After this , you came to my room. I don’t go work today. “


His words make her stopped washing the dish. She turned to look at Nickhun who is still reading the papers.


“ I said not now... “ Nickhun said after looking that Victoria became tense at the sink. He stared hard at her tensed face.


“ I want to ask you to pack your cloth. Thats all. What are you thinking ? “ Nickhun said in a teasing tone.


Victoria gave him a fake smile and she could feel that her face was red by the time. ‘ Oh my ! I am so embarrassed! I think he would ask me do something else.‘

“ Err.. I will go in a few minutes. “ She replied.




Victoria ran a little bit to the front door when she heard the bell been ringing non stop. She think that the delivery had arrived .

She opened the door. “ You are ... “ Her words died. She felt her legs were wobbly and shaky. If she can teleport right now , she would do it ! ‘ I’m dead. ‘

“ Vic , you are so slow ! “ She can heard his heavy step nearing her . “ I am so starve here ! “

And when he stand beside her , his eyes widen that it usual.


“ M.. Mom. .. “ Nickhun stuttered and his face lost its colour. The elegant lady in front of him looked serious and there was no trace of smile on her face.


“ Don’t you know how to invite me inside ? “


As fast as lightning , Nickhun and Victoria gave her a space to go inside. Victoria gulped , ‘ Oh no . ‘


“ You said you will reach at night... “ Nickhun take his place beside her. Her eyes lingered to the room and once in a while , she would stare at the the girl who kept on standing and looking down in front of her.

“ My meeting had been cancelled , so I came here . “ Her eyes stared at Victoria sharply , “ Who is she ? “

Victoria startled when she felt she was being questioned. She looked at Nickhun tensed face. ‘ How stupid of him. Why he kept on scratching his head , say something ! ‘

“ Oh , she ‘s my maid.. She just started two months ago.. “ Victoria nearly laughed at his answer. ‘ That was his best idea ? ‘

Mrs. Vera stared at Victoria up and down. She pondered at his single son words.

“ Vic , serve drink to madam . “ Nickhun ordered , like a boss.

“ Yes , sir. “ Victoria replied and bowed in respect. She felt scared at the laser came from Nickhun mother eyes. However , she felt like want to laugh withe their acting. She quickly leaved the mother and son.

“ Hmm.. Where do you get such a maid ? “ Her words make Nickhun startled. He glanced at her beautiful face , afraid that she might sense something.

“ One of my friend is an agent. He find her for me. “ Nickhun lied , prentending to watch the television.

“ Such a beautiful girl want to be a maid ? “ Mrs Vera smirked. She sensed something suspicious , but she would not say it yet.

“ Beautiful ? Well ,I think she look normal . “ He replied.

“ You don’t see her beautiful ? with such fair and milky skin ? “ Nickhun just shook his head . “ Not my taste. “


Mrs Vera smiled. She know her son ‘s naughty activities and she was sure that Nickhun kept something from her.


“ I disagree for her to stay here. “ Mrs Vera voiced her opinion. “ You are not married. Everything can happen and people will be talking about it. “


Nickhun smiled bitterly. He felt a little bit relief because his mother was in a good mood. Maybe she really believe that Victoria is his maid. Its not logic if he think again ,for a beautiful girl like Victoria to be a maid.

“ I know.. but I need a maid. “ He reached for her hand. “ I don’t have a choice , all the maids are woman , mom... “


“ Hmm.. when I ask Auntie Ming to came here take care of you ,you don’t want. “ Her eyes once again followed Victoria’s movement who is arranging the glasses on the table.


“ Well , Auntie Ming is not as beautiful as her, right Khun ? “ She .


“ Whats your name ? “ Victoria nearly startled when she was suddenly asked by her.

“ Err, my name is Victoria , madam .. Victoria Song Qian. “ She said , bowing a little bit.

“ Ever your name  sound like a artist , why would you be a maid ?” Mrs. Vera asked, reaching for the glass.

Victoria was a little bit nervous. She never lied. She glanced at Nickhun for a help , but he prentend to look anywhere but her. ‘ What a jerk !’

“ Err.. I just work for a moment.. “ Victoria answered softly and her brain quickly thinking of another words to say.


Nickhun prevent himself from laughing by looking at Victoria’s guilty face. He know that she was struggling to survive from the situation.

Mrs. Vera let out a soft laugh. Her answers are so unlogical. “ There are many works nowadays. Salon , spa and clerks. Even a high school student can get a job. “


Mrs Vera said. Victoria stared at the floor. ‘ This jerk , help me ! ‘


“ Err... Mr. Nickhun offered it to me , so I accept it. “ Victoria said , satisfied just by looking at Nickhun puzzled face. Nickhun looked so pleased when she was being investigated by his mother. ‘ Not fair! Now serve you right ! "

“ Nickhun , you should think first you know ! “Mrs Vera glared at her son.

Nickhun was stunned. He glanced at Victoria who gave him a satisfied smirk at him. “ I had done nothing wrong ! I just help someone who is in trouble. Is t wrong ? “


Mrs Vera let out a heavy sigh. “ Without thinking that something might happen ? A women and a man in a house alone.? "


Victoria stared down . She felt ashamed to what she had done.


“ Okay , fine my bad ! “ Nickhun said and lean his body to the sofa. His face was bitter.


Victoria felt amused looking at Nickhun in front of her. He had change when he was with his mother. This man always look serious twenty four hours and always full of sarcasm. And this day , she look a different side of him.


Mrs. Vera tapped on Nickhun’s tight. “ I tell this for your own good. “ 

Nickhun nod slowly.

“ So now , I want to borrow her. “ Mrs Vera sound cheerfully.

“ Huh ? Borrow ? “ His eyes widen.

Victoria also startled.

“Then , you want me to cook alone ? “ Mrs Vera said

. “ Oh... I think for what you want to borrow. My pleasure , mom. “ Nickhun gave her a toothy grin.

“ Mom, teach her to cook deliciously okay . Her cooking was bad ! “ He laughed at her playfully.


Victoria bit her lips. ‘ The nerve of him ! "




Hello guys ! 

Thanks foe supporting this story. And many of you said that the update was short , oh come on  you want me to update fast and long ? please give me a break. But anyway I would not change my style of updating , I'm sorry. 


Okay , on the bright side , I am pleased that you give me the feedbacks. Please avoid to say that my update are short. I am sad by that.. I am sure that one of the readers here had been on writing or what , you know what I am feeling , right ?


Thank you for reading , commenting and subsribing . Lots of love to all of you .

And yes ! thanks for upvoting this story and sending friend request to me ! I love it. Feel free to PM me ! I am always at your service.

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15 / 2 / 14 - CHAPTER 7 IS UP !! ENJOY


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Tari1402 #1
Chapter 17: Please continue for the next chap, really this a nice story..
Allohaa #2
Love this fanfic damn much. Can u atleast finish this fiction authornim. Give us some mecry :'(((
1722803358 #3
Chapter 12: porfavor.. porfavor.. actualiza pronto... que pasa luego con khuntoria???
phiekhunnie #4
Chapter 3: Dear author,,when will you comeback? I really missed ure storyline..
Did u see 2PM concert a few days ago on Nanjing,China?khun sitting on the front of khuntorian's ocean..please believe that we want to believe..khuntoria forever..no matter what okeyy..
Chapter 17: Dont disappear please author nim
putrilovefishy #6
Chapter 17: Authornim~
When will you comeback??
I really miss your story...
comeback please T-T
missyjuliet #7
Chapter 17: Please continue this story authornim.Dont abandoned this story because of that news.Although they are not together in the real world, lets make them be the happiest couple in this lovely site.Authornim please come back:( #Khuntoriaforever
roua-blel #8
Chapter 17: Don't listen to those people evry one know that fx is the second popular k-pop girl group and they are going to be the best with there new song
Chapter 10: Which episode does the photo belong to?
Syazwani1234 #10
Khuntoria!! ^^