Mistress 12


Victoria only keep quiet when they reached at the highest floor. There are so many people there makes her felt a little bit suffocated. And what in his mind asking her to the cinema. She only follow him as Nickhun went to the special counter for the Gold Class. After buying it , Nickhun take her to buy the popcorns.


“ I don’t eat popcorn. “ Victoria said. Nickhun who is handsomely wearing the casual attire today did not hear her words at all. Two minutes later , he came smiling while holding two boxes of popcorns. Victoria pouted. Stubborn !


Because of the film choosen by Nickhun not starting yet , they spend their time on the bench that was prepared near it. Nickhun munched on the popcorn cheerfully. Victoria wondered while looking at him. ‘ Is he never eat popcorn ? ‘She did not even touch the popcorns Nickhun buy for her. That food was not her favourite.


“ Why you don’t eat it ? “ Nickhun asked , still muching on the popcorn.


“ I don’t like popcorn. “ Victoria answered , looking at the people that fill that place.


“ Why you don’t say ? “ Nickhun grinned when Victoria shot him a glare.He just want to make fun of her. Its not like he did not hear when she told him just now , he just ignore her.


“ I said already , but you don’t listen. “ Victoria pouted , frustrated.


“ Next time , say it louder. Its noisy here.” Nickhun hide his smile. His word was replied by a pout from Victoria. She turned to look at the other side. Nickhun just shook his head , smiling at her childish behaviour. He knew that she was not in the mood. But he still does not have a clue about it.


After finishing the whole box of popcorns , Nickhun pulled Victoria’s hand to one of the shop there. There were lots of teenagersin that beautifully decorated shop. Victoria was wondering what they were all doing in that huge boxes in the shops. She can heard their happy laugh inside.


“ What they are doing ? “ Victoria cannot help but being a curious cat.


“ You don’t know? Oldie . “ His joke was replied by her glare. However Nickhun quickly pulled her hands into one of the boxes. Victoria eyes went wide and there she began to understand. That boxes actually a machine for taking pictures and print it immediately. The pictures can be decorated by stickers and can be made as a memories. Thats why the teenagers were giddy about it !


“ You want to take pictures ? “ Nickhun words surprise her. “ I go change the money. “


Before Victoria could answer it , Nickhun was heading towards the counter already. After a few minutes , Nickhun returned with a few tokens . Quickly his fingers slide in the token into the machine and pushed a few button. Victoria just stare at him because she did not about all of this. In her place , there was no such thing.


“ Okay , ready? Pose as many as you can ! “ He said excitedly.


Victoria was stiff on the few shots until Nickhun grew mad at all.He was so excited posing and she was only make a poker face. “ I think I just taking pictures with woods. You are so stiff. “ Nickhun grumbled while entering a few more token inside it.


“ I don’t know how to pose. If I know , I would be a model ! “ Victoria pouted. Actually , she was shy to Nickhun. Of course she can pose all she want , but she was shy when it come to Nickhun.


“ Alright. This one the setting is fast. It will snap our pictures many times. So please don’t be like just now. Last warning , if it did not work , you will pay to me ! “ Nickhun said pointing at her.


And as soon as the machine snap their pictures , Nickhun spontaneously hugged her from behind and kissed her cheeks. Long enough to make her cheeks blushed. Her face was beep red when Nickhun let her go. She did not dared to look into his face. She felt hot all over. That man surely have the nerve to just kiss her passionately whenever he want. Her heartbeat became faster. Its not like she was never being kissed by him ,they had do more than that. It just it felt different . Maybe its because he do it outside the house.


After a few seconds , the machine printed the pictures and hold it out. Nickhun grabbed it and look at it , grinning from ears to ears. After that , he laughed.


Victoria tried to look at it but Nickhun quickly hide it. “ You can’t see. Hehe .” Nickhun said grinning naughtily. Victoria bite her lips. “ Hmphhh... “ She left him there.


Nickhun quickly follow her steps but he was still staring at the pictures on his hands. And his lips did not stop from curving into a wide smile. Looking at her sulky face , his smile become more bigger.


“ Alright , later I will let you see. But , not now. Come on the movies gonna start. Lets go. “ He wrapped his arms around her waist.


Once again , Victoria nearly fainted. Oh please ! His affection will be the death of her.







There were inside the car , Victoria just look around at the darkness of the night.


“ Is the movie good ? “ His question break the silence.


“ Its alright ,but I don’t really understand it . “


“ Don’t understand ? “ Nickhun shook his head. “ That simple story you don’t understand ? “


Victoria shook her head. “ I don’t like alien stories. Nonsense. “


“ Thats what we called a story. It beyond our imaginations. “ Nickhun replied.


“ Right , its our imagination but its not logic. “ Victoria mumbled. “ Human and alien getting married ? Alien does not have feeling like human ! Nonsense ! “


“ Whats wrong ? Their children is so cute .”


“ Cute ? Face like a human then body like a alien. This is not My Love from the star. “ Victoria replied.


Nickhun bit his lips. Nowadays that mouth really sharp , kept on retorting everything he said. Not gentle as the usual. If Victoria was protesting , he did not know the reason. Is it because of Lee Seunggi ? ‘ Nickhun , stop blaming Lee Seunggi. ‘


“ Then , what kind of story do you like ? “


“ Logic stories. About the reality of human life. “


Nickhun smiled teasingly.


“ Just say you like love story. Romance lover ! “ He said with a teasing smirk at the corner of his lips.


Victoria glared at him , pissed off because of his words that clearly mocking her.


“ Its true. Thats why you like to read romance novel. Daydreaming about your prince charming. “ He said , tease is still in his voice.


Victoria glared at him again and then choose to let her eyes wonder to the side , watching the darkness of the night.


“ Thats why people who like to read love novels , are emotional. “ Nickhun continued . He just want to see her reactions . “ Act like their emotions. “


Victoria heaved a heavy sigh. “ At least , when we read novels , our mind are opened. We can be somebody that was not us in the reality... “ she replied.


Nickhun laughed loudly. “ Thats why I said , you like day dreaming . “


“ Whatever , Khun. Its no use in talking to you. “








A big box was on top of Victoria’s bed. She went to it and picked it up. ‘ Its must be Nickhun who gave it. ‘ Well , who else ?


She eyed the box carefully. It was wrapped beautifully.


‘ Ahh , I have loads of works to do today ! Wash , iron , vacuum .... “ Victoria mumbled all the things she need to do and make her way out of the room , leaving the box alone.


Her phone had been ringing for a few times but Victoria did not notice it as she too immersed in her works , leaving it unanswered.





Victoria heaved a relief sigh and wiped her forehead. She was feeling tired from all the work but she felt good after doing it. After all , she was a clean freak. Even a peck of dust disturbed her and having Nickhun as detailed as he is makes her double check her works.


“ Well ,everything done. I just need to cook. Spaghetti or rice ? “ She talk to herself. She give up in thinking and decided to call Nickhun , asking him what he want to eat for dinner. She look around for her found and just remember that she put it at the living room.


She went to it and unlocked the screen. Five miscalled from half an hour ago from Nickhun.’ Is he has something important to say ? ‘ She decided to call him. After a few beeps ,Nickhun answered.


“ Errr.. hello , khun. “ Victoria said as he picks the call.


“ ...... “ Nickhun did not said any words.


“ hello ,are you there ? “ Victoria ask , wondering why he did not say a word.


“ Did you look at the box in your room ? “ Nickhun asked flatly , ignoring her previous question.


“ Huh ? Box ? .... Errr ... “ Victoria was speechless , she did not even look at it yet. “ errr.... not yet.. “ she said in a low voice.


“ ......”Nickhun was silent once again. And then the line was end.


Victoria stared at her phone in bewilderment. ‘ The nerve of him . ‘






Victoria sat on her bed and reached out for the box at the end of the bed. She stared at it for a moment , wondering its content. She carefully unwrapped it and opened the top. Inside it , there was a letter , folded nicely. She unfold it and read it content.






Patient’s name: Victoria Song Qian.

Doctor’s in charge : Nickhun Buck Horvejkul.

Disease: Maybe or maybe not falling in love with her doctors in charge *wink*

Symptoms : Always cook for him , be there whenever he need , barely admit her feelings.

Rules for this condition :

- These are happy notes / pills

- You must consume one notes / pills per day.

- Do not cheat , please be honest.

- If you are found cheating , the side effect will activated immediately.

- Thank you and enjoy your pills.






Her lips curved into a big smile and her eyes curbed into eyesmile , feeling touched at his way of persuading her. She looked inside the box and find the happy notes. She read it one by one, feeling touched at his warm words.






“ I did not know you were this romantic , Khun . “ Victoria quickly trailed behind him like a lost puppy as he stride inside the house. He sat on the sofa and leaned his body to it. Victoria immediately went to him and take a seat beside him , hand reaching to massage his shoulders. Nickhun immediately relaxed at her touch and closes his eyes. “ Don’t be too stress , Khun . “


Nickhun groaned and put his hand on his eyes, still did not cast alook to Victoria. “ Did you read all the notes ? “


Victoria immediately beamed and nod , “ Yes ,I cant wait! ... Errr..thanks .I’m touched.”


Nickhun stand and glared at her , “ Its clearly stated you need to take one per day. You cheat ! “


Victoria was surprised but she manage to catch the redness of Nickhun’s ears. Usually , when he was really mad or embarrassed , his ears will turn red.And looking at him right now, he did not look that angry. ‘ Is he embarrassed ? ‘


“ Are you blushing ? “ She cant help but saying it a teasing manner. She giggled and pointed at him , “ You are blushing ..”


“ Nickhun is blushing. “


“Ahhhh ... put me down !! “


Nickhun had grabbed her and carried her bridal style , heading towards the stairs. Nickhun glanced at her and gave her a devilish smirk , “ Your side effect is working now. “ Nickhun wriggled his eyebrows. “ Be prepared ! “



Soon , the room once again became the witness of how the two person become one.


Nickhun and Victoria , unresistable to each other.






Oh , my dear lovely readers. 

I am sorry for not updating regularly. Its just some of you said , that too much drama make this story not good , so that I decided to cut out someof it. / sigh / i also want they to be together as soon as possible. but the story line is way ahead. But don't worry ! I had cut some of the crap and decided to make it less complicated like Nickhun father divorce , bla bla bla , i means who care ? we want Khuntoria. and in this story , Nickhun mom is a good one not the evil witch like you all had reads in the novel. I decided to make it more simple. and of course , Suzanne  is coming next !

Stay tuned.

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Tari1402 #1
Chapter 17: Please continue for the next chap, really this a nice story..
Allohaa #2
Love this fanfic damn much. Can u atleast finish this fiction authornim. Give us some mecry :'(((
1722803358 #3
Chapter 12: porfavor.. porfavor.. actualiza pronto... que pasa luego con khuntoria???
phiekhunnie #4
Chapter 3: Dear author,,when will you comeback? I really missed ure storyline..
Did u see 2PM concert a few days ago on Nanjing,China?khun sitting on the front of khuntorian's ocean..please believe that we want to believe..khuntoria forever..no matter what okeyy..
Chapter 17: Dont disappear please author nim
putrilovefishy #6
Chapter 17: Authornim~
When will you comeback??
I really miss your story...
comeback please T-T
missyjuliet #7
Chapter 17: Please continue this story authornim.Dont abandoned this story because of that news.Although they are not together in the real world, lets make them be the happiest couple in this lovely site.Authornim please come back:( #Khuntoriaforever
roua-blel #8
Chapter 17: Don't listen to those people evry one know that fx is the second popular k-pop girl group and they are going to be the best with there new song
Chapter 10: Which episode does the photo belong to?
Syazwani1234 #10
Khuntoria!! ^^