Who will it be?


The sky has darkened and rain droplets are falling. It was now after two-thirty and Sehun was nowhere to be found. 

Luhan got home around eleven, after sitting by himself on the swings for about an hour after Sehun left him. He's been waiting in the dark kitchen for almost four hours. When Sehun said he was leaving, Luhan assumed he was going back to the dorms, but obviously, he was wrong.

He comtemplated on calling or texting him, but he figured Sehun just needed a little space for a while. But now he was getting worried. Sehun had a curfew of twelve o'clock a.m and he never stayed out past 11:45 p.m.

The kitchen light , blinding both Luhan and Jongin. Both looking sleep deprived and worried.

"Still not here?"


They both sigh as Jongin takes the seat opposite of Luhan.

The lock on the door clicked, making the men at the kitchen table slightly jump. The floyer creaked and they could hear the sound of the door open and shut softly.

Footsteps grow louder and louder whilst Luhan's finger taps the wooden table faster and faster.

Chanyeol walks past the kitchen, then walks backwards when he sees Luhan and Jongin with tired, gloomy expressions. Right as he opens his mouth to assure them that Sehun is fine, he gets interrupted.

"Why are you guys up so late? Aren't you tired?" Sehun slurs making is way toward Jongin, then landing on the floor beside his chair.

"Sehun, did you go to the bar again? How many times have I told y-"

"Listen here, Luhan." Sehun snaps, his head turning quickly to look at him. "I'm tired of you  telling me what to do. I don't need anyone telling me what's right and what's wrong, especially not you." his voice echos. Chanyeol and Jongin just stare at them awkwardly.

Luhan was hurt by Sehun's words. It hurt him so much because he knew what Sehun said was true. Who was he to tell him right from wrong when all he's been doing lately is wrong

He got up and left the table without saying another word or even glancing at either of the three men in the kitchen. 

"Well-uh-yeah. You two should get some sleep. Make sure he doesn't get injured on the journey to the room, alright?"

"Yes hyung." Jongin pulls Sehun up off of the floor after a minute of struggling and Chanyeol makes his way into Luhan's room. 

"No!" Luhan shouts after he hears three loud knocks come from the other side of his bathroom door. After about a minute, the door opens, revealing a smiling giant with a bobby pin in between his thumb and index finger. 

Luhan's lip turns up. "Dork." 

"Whatcha doin?" 

"Taking a ." Luhan answers, shrugging his shoulders casually. 

"Cool, cool. Uh-you alright?" Chanyeol finally asks. 

He gets a sigh and another shrug as a response. 

The giant steps into the bathroom and closes the door behind him. He takes a seat on the edge of the tub, ignoring the fact that he's really having a conversation with someone taking a dump

"When are you gonna talk to Xiumin?"


"He's still up ya know. Maybe you should-" Luhan sighs once again as he grabs some toilet tissue and wipes himself clean. 

"-talk to him and try to make things right." 

He flushes the toilet and pulls his boxers up. "I'll give it some time. I'm sure he doesn't want to see my face right now or hear my voice. Plus, I'm not even sure of what I'm gonna do. Like, do I want Xiumin or Sehun? Or do I want both?"

Chanyeol scoffs at the last question. "You obviously can't have both." 

A glare gets sent in his direction. 


They make their way to Luhan's bed and sit on the edge, Chanyeol looking at Luhan, whilst the latter stares at himself in the mirror ahead of them.

"Why couldn't I have just stayed straight?"

"C'mon Lu. You're way too pretty." 

Another glare, another mumbled apology. 

"Why did management have to get in the way of me and Sehun? If u wouldn't have gotten paired up with Xiumin, 'Xiuhan' would have never happened and I would've never fell in love with him."

Wrapping his arms around luhan, Chanyeol sighs. 

"Sleep on it. In the morning when you wake up, you should know who you want to stay with." 

"How do you know that?" 

Chanyeol chuckles deeply. "I don't. But remember when me and Baek were having problems?" Luhan nods. "I had a dream about what to do. So when I woke up the next day, I did what my dream told me to do. Now look at us." He smiles. 

"No need to rub it in." Luhan laughs half-heartedly. "But okay. I'll do that." 

"Good. Now go to sleep. I'll wake you up when it's time to get up." Chanyeol tries to get up but Luhan stops him. 

He raises an eyebrow, looking down at the man clinging to him.


"Wake up."




"Owww. You !" Luhan squeals as he pushes himself up off the floor, rubbing his elbow. 

The giant covers his mouth with the back of his hand, trying not to laugh. "Know who you're choosing?" 

Luhan hums and nods his head, slightly smiling.

Chanyeol's eyebrow raises again.

"You'll see."

Chanyeol and Luhan arrive at practice late due to Chanyeol's twenty-one questions.

The rest of the members  were spread out, Xiumin and Sehun on opposite sides of the room. 

Luhan looks beside him and Chanyeol gives him a big, creepy smile and two thumbs up. He nods and strides to the far left of the practice room. 

"Hwaiting, Lulu!" He hears Chanyeol and Baekhun call out in unison.

All eyes turn to see what Luhan was doing and why the couple was cheering for him. 

Luhan takes one last deep breath. His hands clammy and heart racing. He finally gathers up the courage to speak. 

"Hey. Can I talk to you in private?"







Yes I know. Terrible. Sorry /.\ 


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funnyevilbunny #1
I love Xiuchen and Xiuhan and Hunhan too...After reading the comments I'm scared to read this..
It's really a love triangle with the three parings. But My OTPs are Hunhan and Xiuchen and I just hate Xiuhan, but without Xiuhan it's just fluff. So I think Xiuhan is off fanfics only.
Chapter 1: .....oKAY. Luhan you just embarrassed me ! :/
Okay...maybe Xiumin should be with someone else, there is noway luhan will change
I want Xiumin with Luhan !
Huhan is so fake and forced to me. They are bandmates not "friends" Like Luhan and Xiumin. Xiuhan is so much more believable than huhan...
I haven't even started reading the fic ^^.
I don't think I will change my mind....will I ?
WolfValerie #6
I want xiuchen and hunhan. To me xiuhan is more of a bormance/friendship!!
Chapter 3: serves you right lu
im fine with xiuchen too
Chapter 2: Riah NO.
I cannot with you ---


Anyways ilu bb~♡
Chapter 2: I'm just going to go against the general opinion of reviewers and say, no matter what I LOVE XIUHAN.