

Sorry for any typos or incorrect grammar. 


Bits and pieces of broken glass, all different sizes and shapes.


No one dared to make a sound. Some didn't even have the courage take a breath.


Pure hatred ran through his body and it showed in his face. He felt hurt, angry, broken.

"I knew it. I ing knew it." he chuckled bitterly.

The rest just stared at the man who was beyond pissed, when he barely ever got mad.

"Nope," he says as he puts his hand up, silencing the male who opened his mouth to speak up. "I don't want to hear it. I don't want to hear the sad excuse as to why you've done this to me. And I can't believe you all just sat back and enjoyed the show."

A few of the men stared at the ground while some played with their hands, not daring to meet the fierce eyes that were once always bright and lively. He really looked like he wanted to kill someone, or even himself.

The cringing sound of breaking glass filled the silent room once again as he made his way in front of the male who broke his heart, again.

"You" he says pointing at his target. "You bastard. What did I do this time? Huh? As a matter of fact, explain to me what I did a few months ago. Because I haven't done anything to deserve this , Luhan."

He looked like he wanted to cry. No one has ever seen this side of him. Not even the first time this happened. No one but one person.

"Hey, Jongdae?"


"Do you remember the first time?"


"I said, do you remember the first time I found out about this?" Everyone in the room now had their eyes locked on Jongdae. He didn't know what to say. He didn't want to say the wrong thing.

"Uh, yeah."

"Good, now do you remember what happened when it was just us in the comfort of our own room?"

The lump in Jongdae's throat was getting larger. So he nodded instead of speaking.

"Would you be a doll and share to everyone what exactly went down?"



"You, uh, you didn't sleep for four days straight, even after you guys made up." he visibly gulped.

"Keep going."

"You stared at the ceiling all night. You cried whenever you heard Luhan's voice and threw something whenever you heard Sehun's name and voice."

Sehun sunk into the couch, chin tucked into his neck.

"You threw up after every meal you had..." Jongdae whispered, flashbacks of the sight of Xiumin hunched over the toilet bowl and the gagging noises that were barely drowned out by the bathroom fan and shower popped into his mind, making him cringe.

"And why did I do that to myself?" Xiumin asked, his eyes never leaving Luhan's.

Jongdae sighed, wanting storytime to be over. "Because you thought if you were as skinny as Sehun you would-"

"Enough!" A booming voice yelled. Everyone's eyes were now fixed on Suho, even Xiumin's.

Suho got up and made his way toward Xiumin, pulling the latter's arm and dragging him across the room, into Jongdae and Xiumin's bedroom.

Everyone looked at Luhan when he stood up. "We're going out for a little." He spoke.

"We?" Jongin asks.

"Yes 'we'." He signaled himself and Sehun, who had his head in his hands. "Let's go Sehun."



"I told you this would happen." Sehun sighed as they exit the building. The weather seemed to have dropped from the bright sun and sky, to dark, cloudy, and cold, much like their mood.

"I know. It's like we switched ages." the elder chuckled then sighed as he put his arm around Sehun's waist, pulling him closer.

"I'm sorry."

They didn't say anything more as they walked to wherever Luhan's feet guided them.



His body shook violently as he cried in his friends arms. Face buried in his chest as his fingers clenched around the worn out cardigan that Suho should have thrown away ages ago.

"How long have you known?"he finally croaks out.

"Almost a week now."

"Why didn't you tell me?" Xiumin sobbed loudly.

"Because-because I didn't want this to happen. Jongdae told me about the last time and I didn't want that happening again." Xiumin nodded, signaling Suho to continue. "And, Luhan said he would tell you. He said he would stop what was going on between the two of them."

"I just can't look him in the eye anymore."

"I know Lu ed up-"

"No." Xiumin said sternly "Sehun." Suho sighed. It wasn't Sehun's fault. He wasn't the one who made the first move either time. He wasn't completely innocent, but it wasn't his fault.

"Sehun tried to stop Luhan. He tried to tell Lu that it was a bad decision. That he didn't want to be a home wrecker. But Luhan somehow convinced him."

Xiumin shook his head, not believing what Suho was telling him. He just knew Luhan was pressured into it both times.

"Seriously Min. Sehun was the one concerned about you and your feelings and your being." Suho argued.

"Luhan loves me" Xiumin breathes out.

the crying boy's head, Suho nods. "You're right, he does love you. But he also loves Sehun. You know Sehun was his first love." Xiumin's body shuddered violently as he finally let out the cry he had been holding in.

"I'd like to be alone for a while.."

The panic in Suho's face showed as he thought of what he did the last time he was in this situation.

"No, I'm not gonna-I just want to lay down and possibly go to sleep."


After walking for about fifteen minutes, they finally arrived at the park and sat down next to each other on the swings. Luhan just kicked the dirt on the ground with his foot as he pushed himself off the ground to swing while Sehun stayed still, deep in thought.

"Maybe you should just leave him." He finally speaks. "If you're going to keep doing this, just end it. You're ruining his life, Lu."

Luhan shook his head. "You know I can't do that. I love him."

"I know you do. But if you truly loved him, you wouldn't be putting him through this. This can't continue."

"Are you ending- are you leaving me?" Luhan asked, picking his head up to look at Sehun, who had his eyes fixed on a tree in the distance.

Sehun felt terrible, but he knew it was the right thing to do. Although he loves Luhan with all his heart, he can't continue hurting Xiumin, even if it means he's hurting himself in the end. Watching Xiumin's reaction and hearing Jongdae tell those past events gave him the reality check he needed.

"Yeah. I am. I love you but I can't be selfish. What we had before Xiumin came is left in the past. I knew this was a bad idea but I love you so much I went along with sneaking around."

Luhan heard the squeak of the swing set and looked up again. Sehun was now crouched down in front of him, his hands on Luhan's cheeks.

"I know what it feels like to be him. How do you think I feel when I see you cuddled up to him in front of me like nothing is going on between us? How do you think I feel when you openly kiss him in front of everyone? Though I've said I was fine with it and fine with sneaking around, it hurt. A lot." A small smile appears on his face.

"This is the best for us, Lulu. We can't- I can't do this anymore. It's hurting both Xiumin and me. Do you really want to see us both hurt?"

Luhan sighed and let out a small "no".

Leaning forward, Sehun presses a kiss on Luhan's nose, his favorite feature on his face.

"I'll be leaving first. Don't stay out too late." Standing up, Sehun ruffles Luhan's already messy hair and smiles one last time before turning his back and walking away, not sparing Luhan another glance.

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funnyevilbunny #1
I love Xiuchen and Xiuhan and Hunhan too...After reading the comments I'm scared to read this..
It's really a love triangle with the three parings. But My OTPs are Hunhan and Xiuchen and I just hate Xiuhan, but without Xiuhan it's just fluff. So I think Xiuhan is off fanfics only.
Chapter 1: .....oKAY. Luhan you just embarrassed me ! :/
Okay...maybe Xiumin should be with someone else, there is noway luhan will change
I want Xiumin with Luhan !
Huhan is so fake and forced to me. They are bandmates not "friends" Like Luhan and Xiumin. Xiuhan is so much more believable than huhan...
I haven't even started reading the fic ^^.
I don't think I will change my mind....will I ?
WolfValerie #6
I want xiuchen and hunhan. To me xiuhan is more of a bormance/friendship!!
Chapter 3: serves you right lu
im fine with xiuchen too
Chapter 2: Riah NO.
I cannot with you ---


Anyways ilu bb~♡
Chapter 2: I'm just going to go against the general opinion of reviewers and say, no matter what I LOVE XIUHAN.