5th Song


(Third Party)

The two adult man sit at the coach with Daehyun look at him with some tears in his face and Youngjae watch the television take it as Daehyun wasn’t at there.

“Please Youngjae, forgive me. I will change for you, please.”

Daehyun said that from the time when Youngjae step out from his bedroom until now. Youngjae looks totally ignore him and what Daehyun can say was convince him all the time.

“Daehyun! Have you had enough??”

Daehyun snap up from bending his head to the floor. He looks at the angry Youngjae beside him and Youngjae glare at him.

“But, Youngjae…”

Youngjae left a sigh and stand up. He goes to his bedroom and Daehyun walked after him but stop his action because of the younger glare.

When Youngjae has leave to his bedroom, all Daehyun can do was sit at the coach and left a sigh.

“What can I do to earn his trust?”

After a while, with Daehyun keep repreat those words, Youngjae has come out from his bedroom with some paper in his hand.

He approached the older and threw the paper on the table while glaring at him.

“Sign it, and I want you to leave this house.”

Daehyun looks at Youngjae with sad face, he is so sad that can makes him shed some tears.


“Hurry up sign it and I don’t want to look at your face anymore!!”

Daehyun left a sigh and looks at the paper. He held it near his eyes. Well usually he would wear glasses because he has eyes issue.

It was divorce form.

Daehyun left another sigh and looked at Youngjae with pleading face on. How he wish Youngjae would give him some forgiveness in his face and he will leave him with ease.

“Sign it!!”

Daehyun startled and he grab the pen. With big sigh and tears shedding from his eyes, he signs it.

We really end this relationship.

Daehyun handed the paper to Youngjae and what he wished that the younger would tear up the paper and hugged him now, how he wishes it would happen now.

“Now, get out!”

Daehyun sigh and stand up. He looks at the younger deeply into his eyes, he know Youngjae didn’t want to divorce too, deep inside his heart even it was a little.


Youngjae was about to sit but Daehyun held his hand. Youngjae looks back and the older bend down his head to look at the floor.

“Can I hug you, for… the last time.”

Daehyun can’t stop his tears. It was so hurt to say those last words. He looks up and faces Youngjae.

Daehyun smile while the tears shed from his eyes and he hugged the younger. He hugged him with a little bit tight but lease for Youngjae comfortable side. He does wish that the time stop right now, this moment where he can held the younger.

Youngjae pulled his body away from Daehyun when he felt that he can’t take it anymore. He end it with glaring to Daehyun and sit down to continue watch the television.

“Bye Youngjae.”

Youngjae keeps ignore him and watch the television. Daehyun still crying and get his body to move to his room, get his things and move out from this house, all his sweet memory house he has with Youngjae.

“I love you, Jae-ah”

He said that and closes the door. Daehyun didn’t know, how the younger state right now, he can’t know because he has left the house.

= LoozBabyz  =

(Youngjae POV)

I left a sigh when I hear the door begin close.

"I love you, Dae-ah"

I can't hold up anymore, the tears that wanted to shed all this time around him near me. I was glad that he has goes out from this house. I hope he will be alright.

Why the God like to judge us?

Why I need to be like this?  Well, I can’t forgive him when he handed me the paper but I don't know, my mouth can't do that. My mouth keeps his silent state.

If I forgive him, will he change and love me forever? Like he used to love me?

God, what did I do for making You to punish me like this? Why??

I cried as much as I can. I let out the pain sobs inside my heart from my mouth. I can’t think anymore, all I can do just keep crying until my heart can’t feel anything anymore.

Forgive me Daehyun. I really love you.

= LoozBabyz  =


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