4th Song


(Daehyun POV)

I sit down at the coach, I left a sigh and my tears didn’t want to stop at all.


*Past scene*

“I saw it all, last night, at your bedroom.”

I hold my breath and tried to remember what happened last night. My heart stops beating that time when I remember I bought some chick into my room. I don’t know that he would be back at that time. He shouldn’t be back at that time.

“I guess you remember it all.”

I can hear Youngjae left a sigh. I don’t know anymore, last night I do, no, every time, I do that and I know I had betray his love from the first time I lost my job.

What can I do? I hear all his advice when he said he didn’t want me to work at there, I quit it. Then he begins to live by his own world with sleep at different room. I’m okay with that, because I know I was the one at fault in there. What else can I do? I had begin addicted with this alcohol stuff. I can’t get rid of that.

“I want you to move out from this house.”

I shocked when he said that, why? Why I must move out from this house? From this family that I had sacrifice all the things and bear it for 3 years then he wanted me to leave it like this?

“Why y…”

“I don’t want to talk anymore. I will process our divorce form and please, leave this house today.”

“But, Youngj..”

“Daehyun! You know how much I love you right? So please, take me as a stranger and forget about me, because I would do that too. Please Daehyun, I can’t bear this anymore. This family that we build, I’m sorry for hurting you, but you hurt me even more, sorry Daehyun.”

My tears flow even more from my eyes. I can’t do said any word now, I know I had make him disappointed so much, I just…

After he said that, with so many tears in his face, he walked out from this apartment and slam the door. I know I was the one that wrong, but…


I hugged my knees and bend down my head between it.

“Youngjae-ah, I love you.”

My tears just keep flowing and it won’t stop no matter how much effort I do to make it stop.

“I know I was the one wrong in here.”


I cried and all the time cried. I want to be back to the past, I want to correct all the mistakes I had made. I want to do that, I really wanted it, but I know I can’t. I just can’t win his heart again, his heart has broken into pieces that can’t be fixed.

“I’m sorry, Youngjae-ah…”

Suddenly my phone’s vibrating in my pocket. I hurriedly take it out, hope it was from him, but I know it won’t happen.

“What is it?”

I left a sigh and wipe my tears. I had to fix this.

“Daehyun-ah, let’s go to the pub.”

I sigh again and shake my head. I can win his heart again, I know.

“No, please delete my number and forget about me. Bye”

I end the call and delete all the number in my phone. All the useless phone number, reminding the only one I had now, Youngjae.

I stand up and put my phone into my pocket. He should be back by now. I left a sigh and going straight to my bedroom.

I get my suitcase, put all the things I had, well, it’s just some cloth that I bought and that’s all.

I hope he will forgive me if I tell him, yes, I need to try, even it’s 0,0001% of chance, I need to do that.

The front door begins unlocked, and I know it was him that coming back. I left a sigh and slap my cheeks to make me sober up.

“Smile up Daehyun!”

I put the fake smile, sincere for him only, walked to the door and it’s him, standing at there.

“Why you still in here?”


“Don’t call me like that.”

Youngjae has changes so much. I’m sorry for making you become like this.

“Youngjae, please listen to me…”

I held his hand carefully and hope he wanted to hear me, but he shove my hand hardly. I stand at there like a statue, he walked away from me and going inside like I wasn’t there.

You had change so much.

“Listen, Youngjae…”

I walked behind him when he going to his bedroom, he slams the door and I know, he doesn’t want me to disturb him.

I shut my mouth and sit in front of his door, waiting him to open the door. I wanted to fix this before I go, I wanted.

= LoozBabyz  =


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