◣The embrace during a summer breeze◥ ❤

Sora actually allowed to let me sit next to Kyungsoo and so I sat down beside him. I guess the others were wondering why now a girl sat next to him, when he told the others to go on distance. But both of us weren't caring and I took a last sip of my water before the bus driver started to drive again. I was obviously tired - the whole bus trip would be 11 hours long, takind the boat as well.

Now it came into my mind again, how mom yelled at me to be careful on the boat. Because she thought we would sink.

"Aren't you tired?" Kyungsoo asked carefully and removed the armrest between us and shoved it down. "I really am.." - "Rest on my shoulder." Kyungsoo almost demanded and I looked at him questioning. Carefully I too a deep breath and took out my heart shaped pillow: "Here, Take it. You lean your head on the window and I lean my head on your shoulder." - "Oh.. thanks." Kyungsoo let out a little smile, looking at my pillow. "Be caferul with it. I'm sleeping with this little one for some years now. Mom has to wash if every week." I explained and he let out a giggle: "I bet it was from a recent boyfriend?" - "It is." I replied and continued: "But he's nothing special anymore, I don't know.."

Kyungsoo and I stayed like this for a couple of minuted: hm resting his head on the window with my pillow in between and me resting on his shoulder. Actually it was quite comfortale - but only because he lowered his body a little for me to sit comfortably. Accidently out hands touched for a second because I had my eyes closed and couldn't see where I was putting my hands on.

"Your hands are Ice-cold." Kyungsoo muttered in such a calm voice, that I almost melted.

Wait what?! I almost melted? What am I talking here?

"Are you freezing?" he continued mutterind and I looked a little up to him: "A little,  I'm fine. don't worry." - "No.. Wait." and Kyungsoo took his Jacket to place it over my shoulder and made sure it would cover my back as well. "K-Kyungsoo you don't need to.. You know.." - "Shh Mina." he covered my lips with his index finger, causing me really to shut up and I just nodded, resting my head again on his shoulder and hoped that no one saw this.

And really! Kyungsoo fell asleep with me hooked onto his arm, even it a little. Our teachers made photos and even our classmates. I mean, I saw those photos later on and we looked really cute - I mean, I looked cute. Usually I looked like a on not self-taken pictures. But we'll come to that part later on.

"Kyungsoo, Mina, wake up, we need to get on the boat." My teacher woke us up with his ever so calm voice that actually was pissing me off for some reason. We could leave everything in the bus if we wanted and continued driving. Silence broke out and I went to Sora at first until somewhen we had to go into the bus again, then arriving our hotel.

I was never so happy to reach a place than I was today - and that only because I wanted to go to bed quickly!

"So you're free for 2 hours, at 6pm we'll meet downstairs to go through London a little. Just a comfortable walk." my teacher announced - and to my luck: Kyungsoo's class was having the same meeting with us, both classes were doing all the sight-seeing at the same time. You'll see that Kyungsoo gets along with the boys and girls pretty quick again after having this nice sleep on the bus. And as I said: I was just happy to have my bed now.

"Oh jeeeesus, this bed is like heaven." I yelled out in the room and almost flew on my bed, not giving a about my case or anything. All I wanted was to lay down and breath through for  while. "Should we wake you up in 1 hour?" - "Let's make 1 and a half." I told Sora and she nodded. I was in a 4-group room with Sora and two other girls. It wasn't our choice - AT ALL. We just didn't want to get seperated so we were in a room with them.

'Them', you ask? Right, those were wo pretty popular ones - Well: they were a little popular but pretty mean and such. They always talked bad about this and that person. They never mentioned anything about us though, but we know, they must have something against us deep down there in their black but yet existing soul. At least they weren't noisy when I wanted to sleep.

"Mina? Someone is here for you." Sora carefully woke me up when I was laying with my stomach on the mattress. "Who is it? I don't care.." and pressed my head into the pillow. "It's Seojun." Sora just quickly mentioned and I stood up in a hurry, seeing him already in the room. "S-Seojun.. Yah.. What do you.." I was perplexed now.

Seojun was actually my ex boyfriend from London and somehow he found out I was going to exactly this hotel. Yes.. we've been through a long distance relationship and he visited me once in Germany. "Hey.. I thought I could visit you.." Seojun said pretty shy but i knew he acted it - even if it was only a little acted.

"I was sleeping." I just answered and those 2 girls watched the situation like a cinema movie. Seojun was, as I mentioned - my exboyfriend - but he wasn't a good one. He was always fighting with guys in the club. Acutally he was pretty dangerous, no matter how nice he looked.

"I know.. I am sorry for interrupting your sleep. Can we talk?" - "Seojun. This is a classtrip. I drove 11 hours and I fxxking want my sleep now, got it? Also no one invited you here. No one." My words were harsh but I couldn't take his acting anymore. "Mina, I am really sorry, no matter what happened those past times." he tried to earn my attention but I just sighed: "I have someone else in my mind already. He's with me here in London so.." - "KYUNGSOO?" one of those popular ones yelled.

I facepalmed loudly.

"'Kyungsoo', ha?" Seojun lifted up his right brow and I was just shaking my head: "Nope, she's talking nonsense." -  He changed in seconds. it was more of a dangerous mode now: "Just wait. I'll find him. If I can't have you, he won't get you either." Seojun slammed the door and I turned around to those both girls: "Thanks."


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Chapter 6: kyaaaah~~ Update!!!! i love it so much. i know it's like 2 years ago but -_- i need a new chapter D: Love the story❤
k_nana #2
Chapter 6: Ahh..this story is nice and i luv ur writing style.Btw, ur so beautiful!!
really nice! but i wanted to ask whether you are you planning on getting a beta/editor for your story in order to improve the english? The syntax makes it quite confusing sometimes.

Waiting for the next chapter :)
Chapter 6: Awwwww.. Soo sweet!! Kyung soo~~ :) pls update soon!!
unnahxoxo #5
Chapter 6: Awww richtig süße Geschichte *3* hahaha Bin gespannt wie es weitergeht :3
Chapter 5: Awwwwwww kyungsoo >< ergh such s sweetheart!
MarkWifey #7
Chapter 5: Wooah ich bin so gespannt wie es weitergeht *~* Hab mir auch mal deine andren Fanfiktion angeschaut und die sind auch alle voll toll <3 Hab dich abbonniert ~ <3 Keep the good work! Fightiing!
Angelika5378 #8
Chapter 5: Awww so cute *---* ♥♡♥♡♥
MarkWifey #9
Chapter 4: qwq <3 Ich liebe eeeeees ; weiter weiter weiter! Ich bin schon so gespannt x3 Du schreibst wirklich toll!
Angelika5378 #10
Chapter 4: This story is sooo cute and fluffy ^-^ *-* ♥♥♥