◣The embrace during a summer breeze◥ ❤

"Cute?" I asked him with a little giggle. "Sure.. I mean.." Kyungsoo got interrupted by our teacher, yelling: "Alright, we should slowly go back! Is everyone here already?"

Kyungsoo let out a big sigh and stood up, looking back to me if I would stand up as well and so I did. "He is really a mood-killer." I hissed and Kyungsoo laughed: "I don't like your teacher either. He's so weird. Like.. he still lives with his mom and doesn't has a wife. At this high age.."

Right, my teacher was 48 or something and all those previous things were correct.

"C-Could I actually get your number? Just to.. text you here and there, you know.. I don't know where your room here is." Kyungsoo carefully spoke up and I grinned: "Of course, I'll give you it when we reach the hotel. Unless you want me to fall." - "To .. fall?" Kyungsoo asked confused. "Yeah.. One time I picked out my phone to text someone and.. SOMEHOW, don't ask me HOW, I fell." I explained and Kyungsoo let out a laughter: "You really don't know how you did that?!" and I nodded: "I fell really bad.. My nose was bleeding and my arms were scratched up.. It was horrible." - "Ahh.. Poor you litle one.." Kyungsoo said with a soft voice and the teacher was counting us, if we were complete.

"Oh Kyungsoo, who's your friend?" That Lisa with the big cleavage-pictures asked and she semmed friendly! Until she took a look at my body, from top to bottom. She wasn't amused. And also. She must've seen me at least a few times before. "That's Mina. A close friend of mine." Kyungsoo answered.

What? A close friend? 'close' .. pfff what is he talking about?

"I haven't seen you together yet." Lisa said and Kyungsoo mentioned: "That's because we don't spend a lot of time together. But if we do, she's really close to me." - "Ah.. well. Kyungsoo. Would you mind to walk along with me?"

Girl, aren't you fine with walking next to him already?

"Uhm actually Lisa, I really want to spend some time with Mina. Even if it's not much." Kyungsoo replied and I swear, I could have laughed so bad now, but I just held it in, like a good girl behaves, right? "Oh.. Alright then.." and she went back to the other girl. "I can't believe that you just said that." I laughed and Kyungsoo did as well: "I was just honest. She's slowly going on my nerves." - "She only wants to sleep with you anyways." I sloppy replied, then I stopped walking in shock and covered my mouth: "I'm sorry!"

Kyungsoo looked at me, grabbed my wrist to gently pull me along and laughed: "I know it already." he let go of me again and I just breathed through: In.. and out. God, I'm always doing such mistakes.

"Alright my number.." I took my phone out and showed Kyungsoo the number on the display because I still don't know it. "Alright.. got it. I'll text you so you have my number too.. did you receive it?" - "Yep." I smiled at Kyungsoo and we went to get dinner with the classes. I sat next to Sora again and Kyungsoo was with his class. But a weird thing was happening when I actually wanted to go to my hotel room. I felt a hand grapping on my wrist.

"Yah, You want to go to bed before giving me a hug?" as I turned around, I saw tat this voice belongs to Kyungsoo and grinned: "I'm not going to bed yet! I slept before for an hour." - "Oh is that so?" He asked and I nodded with a smile. And it came up to my mind again: Seojin wanted to find Kyungsoo - my smile went away. ".. Mina, have I said something wrong just now?" Kyungsoo carefully asked and let go of my wrist. "Huh? Ah no.. I've just been thinking about something. Yah, do you want to spend some more time with me? Just come up to my room, what do you think?" I suggested and Kyungsoo smiled brightly: "Of course I want to." and bot of us walked up the stairs to the hotel room - it was empty.

"No one's here?" Kyungsoo asked. "Sora is still eating.. those other 2 girls might be drinking tonight." I said, throwing the card on the desk and sat down on my bed. Next to me - Kyungsoo. "You said earlier that I'm a close friend of you.. But.. we haven't talked a lot." Carefully I tried to bring this topic on, to also continue with another risky one. "I know Mina. But whenever I talk to you, I feel save. I can't explain this but.. I know that you will keep my worries and you always listen to my words so clearly. I feel like I've known you for years already. I'm sorry, is this weird?" Kyungsoo's smooth voice was so nice. He looked at me, waiting for a reply. I just rested my head on his shoulder, saying: "Not at all.."

I breathed through for a couple of seconds before I spoke up again: "What kind of family issues do you have at home Kyungsoo? I aven't seen you for a while in the mornings.. I was always so sad.. One time I saw you coming too late.. Also your eyes today.. Are they a lot like that lately?" I looked up to him and as our eyes met, he looked down immeadiately, taking a big breath through. "Mina.. I know.. I always wanted to meet you, even just to see you but.. though I couldn't sleep well, I woke up a little later and took a tram after my regular one.. and yes.. often I came too late.." he stopped for a little, breathed in and said: "My parents fight a lot.. in front of my eyes, yelling.. hitting.. everything. And I have to live with that every day because I can't afford an apartment.. I'm still a student, where should I take the money from? So I have to go through this every day.. Since I'm theonly kid in this family, I can't talk to the others. I mean.. basically no one knows about this. I'm sharing all this because I actually know that I can trust you.."

Sure.. I knew something like this was going on. "Kyungsoo.. Can't you live with your grandparents?" - "My parents won't let me.. I'm telling you.." he sighed and I rubbed my hand over his back: "I feel so sorry for you.. I know this feeling. My parents are fighting a lot as well. But I just keep on accepting it and live my life without them being included. Only for living there.. eating.. sleeping. They basiaclly don't know anything about me.. my feelings.. which juys I dated or kissed.. some things a mom should know.. or like to talk about. My mum is just.. different. More like a bad step-mother." I honestly told him and he sighed even more.

"I'm actually lucky to have you, aren't I?" Kyungsoo revealed a smile and I laughed: "Maybe a little." - "Only a little?" - "I'm not that good, trust me." I laughed but Kyungsoo only said: "Maybe you're just good enough how you are. At least for me." I seriously melted now - Such a beautiful speech. Sora entered the room and smiled at us: "Oh, A man is visiting us tonight? Great!" and we all burst out laughing - this would be a nice evening. We three watched a movie together, set on our beds, Kyungsoo and I set on my bed together, not sideways but really on the bed, like you would go to sleep. But only in a sitting position - only we lowered and lowered our bodies to actually really lay in bed. Then we took our phones out and played around.

We all almost fell asleep until I heard a noise and I was pretty awake again.  "Ah.. Kyungsoo-yah.. Better go sleeping in your bed huh.. you seem tired.." I almost muttered  and he slowly looked at me and lifted up: "You're right.. You're right.. And you go sleepng as well huh.." - "Sure.." I murmured, sitting on the bed when he already stood up.

"Mina?" He muttered. "Hm?" I replied, looking up to him. He bowed a little down, plached his index finger under my chin, his thumb on it and lifted my head a little.

Slowly he came closer and kissed my forehead gently with his thick and soft lips, murmuring after: "Thank you a lot for being with me.. being my friend.. listening to me.. all of that.. Just sleep well, promise me this." - "I promise." I said with a little smile, stood up and hugged him shortly before I said: "You too.." - "I'll try." Kyungsoo replied and left the room.

"Have I seen that correclty?" Sora smirked. I was shocked and turned around quickly: "SORA! I thought you were sleeping!" - "To miss all this? Never." She still smirked and I threw a pillow at her. "He likes youuu... He likes youu..." Sora teased me badly. "No he... He's just my friend." - "Your extremely lovely friend who kissed you more gentle than anyone ever before. And you know that you had a lot of guys. How many... 5?" Sora teased even more and I just asked: "Do you count my boyfriends or the guys I just kissed without being in a relationship?" - "MINA!" And she threw the pillow back to me, right onto my face - she was good at throwing things. "8." I just said out of sudden. "Hm?" - "8 - the ones that I was in a relationship with aaand the ones I kissed." I replied and Sora thought about it: "Ahh right.. forgot some. But.. If you think about it correctly. This was the most gentle kiss you ever received, right? Even though it was only on your forehead." - "Correct.. Wait. Do you count the guys that I kissed several times on the cheek as well? because THAT list would be long..." - "Mina, I can't believe that you came around so much." Sora laughed and I answered: "Only until I got 17 back then. There it almost stopped.. Ah let's sleep now. I'm tired as hell." - "You're right Mina.. dream of Kyungsoo, eh?"

And We both changed out clothes, brushed our teeth and just hoped that those two other girls wouldn't be noisy when they come back from drinking.

hey you guys, please make sure to leave a comment! I love writing this but if you give me support to continue all that. I love your comments!! Don't leave me back without comments e.e Ah yee, and this is me :D

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Chapter 6: kyaaaah~~ Update!!!! i love it so much. i know it's like 2 years ago but -_- i need a new chapter D: Love the story❤
k_nana #2
Chapter 6: Ahh..this story is nice and i luv ur writing style.Btw, ur so beautiful!!
really nice! but i wanted to ask whether you are you planning on getting a beta/editor for your story in order to improve the english? The syntax makes it quite confusing sometimes.

Waiting for the next chapter :)
Chapter 6: Awwwww.. Soo sweet!! Kyung soo~~ :) pls update soon!!
unnahxoxo #5
Chapter 6: Awww richtig süße Geschichte *3* hahaha Bin gespannt wie es weitergeht :3
Chapter 5: Awwwwwww kyungsoo >< ergh such s sweetheart!
MarkWifey #7
Chapter 5: Wooah ich bin so gespannt wie es weitergeht *~* Hab mir auch mal deine andren Fanfiktion angeschaut und die sind auch alle voll toll <3 Hab dich abbonniert ~ <3 Keep the good work! Fightiing!
Angelika5378 #8
Chapter 5: Awww so cute *---* ♥♡♥♡♥
MarkWifey #9
Chapter 4: qwq <3 Ich liebe eeeeees ; weiter weiter weiter! Ich bin schon so gespannt x3 Du schreibst wirklich toll!
Angelika5378 #10
Chapter 4: This story is sooo cute and fluffy ^-^ *-* ♥♥♥