◣The embrace during a summer breeze◥ ❤


Ahh, I woke up with a smile on my face. Those two girls were really quiet last night when they entered the hotelroom. I didn't even hear them. Carefully I propped my body up and looked around. 5:30 .. . I just sighed and wentstraight to the shower. Otherwise I might have no time later on when the others want to go and take one. This day shouldn't be my luckiest. When I headed down to get my breakfast, I almost fell down the stairs. I mean, I did! but only three pieces and landed on the floor. Woojin who was behind me, ran towards me in shock: "MINA! Are you okay?!?" Slowly I crawled up and Woojin helped me. "Sure.. sure.." I mumbled, holding my hand on my forehead since I got hurt there. "Aish Mina, you need to be more careful!" Woojin said loudly as we entered the room for breakfast. Some people heard it - of course, Kyungsoo did. When my name appeared anywhere, he would hear it. So he turned around to have a quick view over the situation and saw my hand placed on my forehead.

"Aish Mina, you need to be more careful!" I heard Woojin saying and turned around to see him woth Mina - for sure. He was always with her when Sora wasn't already with mina. // But.. why is he telling her to be more careful? .. // I thought and saw that she hold her hand on her forehead. // She might have caught a cold.. or did she fall? She doesn't feel well... her expression is full of worry and pain.. // "Uhm.. Kyungsoo? How long do you want to continue staring?" a classmate said and I looked at him in shock: "Ah is just seems that my friend got hurt.. whatever. I'll ask her later."

Actually I didn't see that Kyungsoo was staring at me because I was too fixed on my food and sat down next to Woojin who started smirking. "Whats the matter?!" I asked him, chewing on my bread. "Last night I saw Kyungsoo coming out of your room." He said, what caused me to choke. "Ahh that's my girl." Woojin said playful and continued: "What did you both do ha?" - "N-Nothing." I truthfully replied. "You can't act like there wasn't something. He smiled. Do you know how less Kyungsoo smiled lately?" - "What do you talk about. I saw him smiling when he was with those ." I rolled my eyes, using such kind of words really less. "Mina. You can't fool me around, I'm telling you." - "You want to hear it? Kyungsoo and I lied in bed, next to each other. Sora was with us but im her bed. And then we almost fell asleep after watching a movie. So I woke him up to send him to bed. He stood up, I sat up, and he kissed my forehead. After thay we hugged and Kyungsoo left." I told him the whole story a little sloppy but still he was grinning: "Aye.. I see something coming up between you both.."

Today our teacher let us visit the Tower bridge together woth Kyungsoo's class. Even though Kyungsoo and I could have talked, both were just quiet. We didn't even greet each other. Or it was just because whenever he came closer to me, I walked faster. To not let the others talk about us again. To be honest, the tower bridge was really beautiful. Too see it with your own eyes is just amazing. Some of us went shopping when we had free time, starting from 4pm. If we wanted to, we could stay out all night long. But I was just in a mall for an hour, then driving back to the hotel with some other girls.

Phone message
From: Kyungsoo
Are you already in the hotel?

To: Kyungsoo
Nope, I'm headimg back home with some others.

Sora stayed there but honestly I didn't feel pretty well and so I better wanted to go home. Since my head was hurting a lot, I quickly wanted to go to bed.

What a relief to be all alone in the room. No one is talking, No one is making any sound. I just fell asleep right away. even though I only slept an hour, it was enough for me.

When I woke up I heard my phone ringing and answered the call half asleep. "Eh? Mina here..." - "Come downstairs." a familiar voice said. "Who's that on the phone?" I murmured, still not realizing anything. "Seojun." and my eyed widened and I hung up the call immediately but he kept on calling me so I just walked downstairs, in front of the hotel and sat down.

"So??" I asked in a rush and Seojun sat down next to me, taking out his phone. "Isn't that Kyungsoo?" And Seojun showed me a picture of him. "Yah... where do you have that from?" - "It doesn't matter." He replied and I sighed: "I'm not into him. That girl just called out his name because me anf him are close friends. That's all." - "Do you think I'm blind? I saw you both together." Seojun mentioned and I rolled my eyes: "Who cares? Did we kiss? Or hold hands? No." - "But the way you look at him is different." by his words I startrd tearing up. And that only because I was scared he would hurt Kyungsoo sooner or later. "It's not true. So please don't hurt him.. He shouldn't even be involved in that!"

"I don't believe a single word you say. Stay away from him. You'll see what happens if you won't." Seojun yelled at me when he stood ip, causing me to tear up even more and there I sat, crying.

When Kyungsoo was in his room, he sent a message but I wasn't replying. He even went to our room but no one opened. // She might have met up woth someone.. or might be sleeping. // Kyungsoo thought anf went back to his room. "Yah, Kyungsoo!" A classmate of him yelled, staying on the balcony as Kyungsoo just entered the room. "Isn't that Mina downstairs?" And he waved Kyungsoo to come and have a look. "Sure.. it's her." Kyungsoo said, a little unsure why I was sitting there until I tilted my head, then I let my head fall into the palms of my hands.

"Something seems wrong.. She seemed to wipe something off her cheeks just a minute ago. Do you think she might be crying?" Kyungsoo's classmate asked and Kyungsoo rushed down the stairs in a hurry. "This man... he has completely fallen for her." The boy said to the others in the room.

As I burried my head into my hands, I didn't notice Kyungsoos steps because he was so silent that I didn't hear him. He just sat down next to me, mumbling in a smooth voice: "Mina.." and I looked up in shock, seeing him and wiping my tears away quickly: "Ah Kyungsoo.. what do you do here?" I asked, looking away. "Why are you crying my sweetie?"

Sweetie, Why would he call me sweetie though. "I am not cr.." I couldn't complete my sentence because Kyungsoo looked at me like 'Are you kidding me?'

"Ah... I can't tell you." - "Mina I told you everything you wanted to know about me. So now is yours turn. Whats going on. Who made you cry?"

I just took a deep breath but before I could give him an answer, I almost hugged him while we sat, my hug was just sideways and I cried onto Kyungsoo's chest. "Mina.." he just continued muttering. "Mina don't cry.." he said from here to there.  my Hands grabbed on the sides of his shirt while I was still crying and Kyungsoo carefully over my head: "Calm down... Just tell me.." - "Ah Kyungsoo-yah.. If I do, you won't like me anymore.." I sobbed but Kyungsoo only muttered: "Whatever it is... I'll still like you."

I looked up. Oh Kyungsoo, why do you have such a big heart to even say this?

Carefully he wiped my tears away and I said: "You know.. I have an Ex-boyfriend here in london who tends to hit people.. He's in a kind of gang, nothing too bad! But still they're dangerous.. one guy of them stabbed a man with a knife and he never got caught by the police. No matter what... this ex-boyfriend visited me when we arrived. He wanted to hug me and such but I just disagreed and told him I would like someone else." - "Someone else?" Kyungsoo asked. I just nodded: "I didn't know what to say so I only said I have someone else in my mind. And the girl from my class yelled 'Kyungsoo'. I tried to explain that it wouldn't be you but he didn't listen. He just came back a few minutes ago and showed me a picture of you.. that he knows who you are.. that I should stay away from you or he might hurt you."

Kyungsoo only looked at me for a little while, then telling me: "I'm never alone here. I'm always with someone who can help me." - "What if you're only with me? Am I able to help you too? Ah.. I'm so scared.. mostly he just lies with hurting someone. But sometimes it happens that he got involved in such things." I explained honestly and Kyungsoo stood up. He just stood up and looked down to me. I stood up, meeting his eyes shortly, then looking away: "You'll stop talking to me now, right?" - "Yes." he replied. My heart almost stopped.

Suddenly he grabbed on my wrist, pulling me closer and hugged me, mumbling: "I'll only stop talking for a minute to just hug you.. I'll be fine.."

And we really stood there for a while, just hugging each other - until his boys came out, whistling after us: "Ohhhh~ Kyungsoo gets the lady ha." - "Ahh just shut up Kevin." Kyungsoo said, releasing from the hug. I had to giggle a little and asked: "Aren't you going with them?" - "They want to drink.. I won't be joining them." he replied honestly and continued: "Hey, We'll have the room for us, wanna come up with me?" - "Of course, why not." I grinned.

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Chapter 6: kyaaaah~~ Update!!!! i love it so much. i know it's like 2 years ago but -_- i need a new chapter D: Love the story❤
k_nana #2
Chapter 6: Ahh..this story is nice and i luv ur writing style.Btw, ur so beautiful!!
really nice! but i wanted to ask whether you are you planning on getting a beta/editor for your story in order to improve the english? The syntax makes it quite confusing sometimes.

Waiting for the next chapter :)
Chapter 6: Awwwww.. Soo sweet!! Kyung soo~~ :) pls update soon!!
unnahxoxo #5
Chapter 6: Awww richtig süße Geschichte *3* hahaha Bin gespannt wie es weitergeht :3
Chapter 5: Awwwwwww kyungsoo >< ergh such s sweetheart!
MarkWifey #7
Chapter 5: Wooah ich bin so gespannt wie es weitergeht *~* Hab mir auch mal deine andren Fanfiktion angeschaut und die sind auch alle voll toll <3 Hab dich abbonniert ~ <3 Keep the good work! Fightiing!
Angelika5378 #8
Chapter 5: Awww so cute *---* ♥♡♥♡♥
MarkWifey #9
Chapter 4: qwq <3 Ich liebe eeeeees ; weiter weiter weiter! Ich bin schon so gespannt x3 Du schreibst wirklich toll!
Angelika5378 #10
Chapter 4: This story is sooo cute and fluffy ^-^ *-* ♥♥♥