◣The embrace during a summer breeze◥ ❤

When I woke up this early early morning, I looked around and I knew, this was something special. Today was the day of our classtrip to London. Since we lived in germany, we took the bus to get there. But also other classes were joining us to minimize the high price. As you may know, London is an expencive city. It was 3AM when I stood up. Honestly? I was tired as fxxk. I stood up this early to actually take a shower before we will leave to the bus at 4:30. So because I need such a long time, it was basically taking me forever to even get up then. "MOOOOM? WHERE'S MY SHAMPOO?" I yelled, standing under the shower. "IT MUST BE IN THE SHOWER." She yelled and it actually was  right behind me. "OH, GOT IT." I yelled back and applied it. Okay, I was totally dizzy in the morning, especially at this early time.

I guess my mom was getting crazy by the way.

"Okay, and don't forget! Don't go out too late! I know you're able to be out all night long because you're old enough but... You don't know those people! Something could happen to you!" - "Yes mom it's fine, could you please stop touching my hair all over and ficing my clothes?" I nagged around but she kept talking: "And think of it, always.."

"Good morning mrs Lee." A familiar voice said. I turned my body to the left for a second to realize that this was Kyungsoo. He was talking to me now and then but it was never anything special. Short conversations when we saw each other in front of the classroom. Like a good morning.. or when he was taking the early train, he was entering the small corridor with a smile, sitting down next to me on the bench in front of our classroom and started a little conversation with me. And lately he wasn't taking the early train anymore so I didn't see him for a while - he was always coming too late.

"Morning." my mom said friendly, then bowing towards my body, whispering: "Who's that?" Kyungsoo, who has just heard that, said: "My name is Kyungsoo, Do Kyungsoo. A friend of your daughter." and Kyungsoo held his hand in front to greet my mom. "Oh, is that so?" my mom smiled and Kyungsoo smiled at me: "Aren't you tired? You look so awake."

I bet he was joking.

"I.. stood up at 3am.. I am a little tired.. It was worse when I stood up." I replied and asked: "How about you? Your eyes are pretty red.." I was always caring about him, no matter how less I knew him. "I'm fine, don't worry." he just replied with a small smile. I think he was lying.

"Whatever, so you know what to do right? You know that.." - "I'm not going to stay out all night, and so on!" I rolled my eyes as my mom was about to give me another speech. It was 4:50AM now and the cases and bags had to be filled into the bus. "Mom, It'll be alright.." - "Where's your friend, Sora?" Mom looked out for her when she appeared right next to me: "Oh thanks god I thought you would be alone." Mom continued nagging and nagging and nagging.. "And.. Be careful about that K-K-- Kyungsoo or what so ever." - "Mom, It's okay. I'm going now." and I turned around with Sora to walk into the bus.

Mom shed some tears because she was so scared and touched at the same time.

When we reached the first stop, a pull-in next to the highway, I stood up together with Sora and had my money in my hands. It was spring, better saying almost summer but the breeze at this early 8am was pretty cold. The pull-in was really nice and modern, with some fields in the background. "A hot chocolate please.. Yes in that paper cup.. Ah yes this one." I said to the person behind the counter.

Sora and I sat down on a table next to the door drinking hot chocolate - she had coffee btw. Oh poor you, don't you want to sleep?

Kyungsoo sat down next to me and placed his elbows on the table we sat on. "Well, I gotta go to the toilet quickly.." Sora said out of sudden, pretty awkward. "Ths girl.." I mumbled,  rolling my eyes. He just let out a chuckle and looked at my hot chocolate: "Enjoying it?" I nodded. "Do you want to try it?" - "It's yours." - "Kyungsoo-yah.." I said calm and shoved the cup towards him. "Thanks.." He mumbled and took a Sip, then another. "It's hot." His snoothing voice said and I let out a sigh: the others giggled because Kyungsoo and I sat together.

"Now tell me.. Couldn't you sleep well?" I carefully asked.

I mean I never really knew a lot about him or any problems.. sleeping issues.. "I can't sleep well lately." He finally answered. "Any reason for that?" - "I had.. some problems at home." He continued and I just nodded, not wanting him to talk too much. He might feel weird. "It's fine.." I just muttered and now I knew why he was always too late lately.

"Take another sip.. you might get tired and you can sleep. Or is sitting someone next to you who is extremely hyper?" I giggled and he did as well: "No.. that's not it, I'm sitting alone btw." - "A-Alone? Don't you have friends in your class?"

Oh Mina, are you completely out of your mind now for asking that?

"I do." he laughed but continued: "I just didn't want to get disturbed.. they understand it. Some of them know a lot about my problems lately so.. they kept distance because I pleased them to.." - "Oh.. Should I keep distance.." But before I could end my sentence, Kyungsoo placed his hand shortly on mine: "Yah.. I'm sitting down next to you because I want to talk to you.. please don't keep distance hm? Also.. I just meant that they should keep distance in the bus because I'm so tired.."

"Ah.. the bathroom here is so clean." Sora came back and Kyungsoo took his hand back immediately. "Alright.. we should all get some more air." I suggested and we three stood up, walking out and reaced the bus. But still - we were staying outside. "Ah.. the breeze is cold.." I said, rubbing my arms a little.

"Should I hug you to embrace your body?" He asked out of sudden and I just stared to the fields, slowly realizing what he just said and opened my eyes a little wider. He never hugged me before. I mean, now he even asked to hug me.. so polite. I turned into his direction slowly and placed my hands on his chest, resting my lower arms and my head on his chest as wel and recaived a nice warm hug. Sora talked to the others in between that time and again, I heard them talking about us.

"The students all keep talking about you and me.. It's nothing special that we hug.." -

"Not special?" Kyungsoo asked and I stuttered: "I- I cherish it a lot.. but you know, it's a hug. They pretend like something else is going on, you know." - "Sh.. I cherish this a lot as well. Just don't think about the words from other people." His really calm voice showed me that I shouldn't be caring too much about all this and I looked up, stepping a little back so that his hands slid down to my waist and looked at me: "Let me sit down next to you in the bus. I swear, I'm going to be nice.."

All what Kyungsoo did was releasing a chuckle and said: "Tell that Sora first before you make these desicions."

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Chapter 6: kyaaaah~~ Update!!!! i love it so much. i know it's like 2 years ago but -_- i need a new chapter D: Love the story❤
k_nana #2
Chapter 6: Ahh..this story is nice and i luv ur writing style.Btw, ur so beautiful!!
really nice! but i wanted to ask whether you are you planning on getting a beta/editor for your story in order to improve the english? The syntax makes it quite confusing sometimes.

Waiting for the next chapter :)
Chapter 6: Awwwww.. Soo sweet!! Kyung soo~~ :) pls update soon!!
unnahxoxo #5
Chapter 6: Awww richtig süße Geschichte *3* hahaha Bin gespannt wie es weitergeht :3
Chapter 5: Awwwwwww kyungsoo >< ergh such s sweetheart!
MarkWifey #7
Chapter 5: Wooah ich bin so gespannt wie es weitergeht *~* Hab mir auch mal deine andren Fanfiktion angeschaut und die sind auch alle voll toll <3 Hab dich abbonniert ~ <3 Keep the good work! Fightiing!
Angelika5378 #8
Chapter 5: Awww so cute *---* ♥♡♥♡♥
MarkWifey #9
Chapter 4: qwq <3 Ich liebe eeeeees ; weiter weiter weiter! Ich bin schon so gespannt x3 Du schreibst wirklich toll!
Angelika5378 #10
Chapter 4: This story is sooo cute and fluffy ^-^ *-* ♥♥♥