The beginning

The Road to Redemption

Manila, Philippines: 09:00

“What did your dad say? Can you go?” Dara’s cousin Bom asked on the phone. Dara shrugged nonchalantly, forgetting that her cousin couldn’t see her actions through the phone. “He said he’ll think about it.”

“Aish….well at least he said he’ll think about it, he didn’t full out refuse,” Bom pointed out. Dara nodded and sighed, sitting on her bed. Looking around, she couldn’t help but notice that her room didn’t change much over the years. Sure, the bed had to be bigger due to her growth but other than that, nothing changed. Her room remained the same since she moved here from Korea nearly seventeen years ago. Dara’s mother had died and her father couldn’t handle the grief. They moved to the Philippines so that Dara could grow up as normal as possible. Of course Jaesang had to travel to Korea often so Dara ended up staying with the servants and bodyguards her father had hired to ensure her safety. With the exception of her cousins Bom, Chaerin and even little Minzy, her childhood was very lonely.

“YA!!!! Dara-sshi!”


“Where did you zone out to? Am I not interesting enough to talk to?” Bom asked in an annoyed tone. Dara giggled. “Sorry unnie, I was just thinking about the trip.”

“I know...I hope you’re allowed to go. Just imagine, the four of us driving across America….what could be better?”

“Yeah….” Dara sighed wistfully. She glanced up and noticed her father standing at the threshold. “Bommie, I’ll call you back.”


Dara hung up the phone and watched as her father glanced around her bedroom, a reverent expression on his drawn out face. His eyes landed on the pink teddy bear in her lap. “I remember when I got you that.”

“Yes, it was at that fair. I didn’t want to ride that dumb horse,” Sandara said, shaking her head as a small smile graced her lips. Jaesang nodded as he walked across the room and sat down on the bed beside his daughter. “You were so stubborn...but do you remember what I told you?”

“Neh, you promised you won’t let anything happen to me.”

“And I will always live by that promise,” Jaesang said softly. Dara nodded solemnly. She knew what was coming next. This was his way of refusing her gently. She sat up straighter and blinked her eyes furiously.

“You are an adult but I still see you as my little girl. I know I will regret this…” his voice trailed off as he held up her plane ticket. Dara gaped at her father. “You mean-”

“I trust that you will act responsibly, call me every hour-”

“THANK YOU APPA!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!” she crushed her father with her hugs. She felt light, even invincible. Jaesang chuckled and kissed his daughter’s head. He tried to shake off the feeling of unease he was suddenly having.


Secret Location: 15:45

The officers exchanged glances at one another then at the jail, worried expressions on their face. A young man sat hunched over in the cage, seemingly at ease with the whole situation. The commissioner walked into the room, glaring at the man.

“Well well, look what we have here. The big man himself….the dragon,” The commissioner gloated. The young man raised his head slowly, causing the officers to gasp. Even the commissioner blinked. At 26 years old, it was hard to believe that this man was a criminal, a ruthless youth that shed blood for no reason…

Or so they say.

Jiyong ‘the dragon’ Kwon and his four accomplices were under the training of one of the most dangerous men in organized crime, a man everyone knows as ‘YG.’ Rumour has it he took these children off the street and taught them to fight. According to the stories, YG trained 'the dragon' especially well.

The commissioner shuddered internally. No matter what sick revenge fantasy these kids were playing at, he knew one thing for certain.

He didn’t want this man in his jail longer than necessary.

“Get him his one phone call,” he snapped at one of the officers. The shaken officer nodded and grabbed the cordless phone hanging on the wall. His fingers trembled slightly as he held up the phone on the other side of the cage.

“For me?” Jiyong asked sarcastically. Everyone’s eyes widened and the commissioner tried his best not to roll his eyes. Jiyong’s voice was husky, softer than anyone would expect. Well, he is a psychopath after all. The commissioner watched as Jiyong’s fingers flew across the phone, dialing a number quickly.

“Hyung You’re alive!” Seungri’s chirpy voice answered the phone. Jiyong chuckled. “Listen, I don’t have a lot of time, you’re being traced as we speak,” Jiyong whispered, speaking quickly.

“Got it Hyung, you’re all set. We got your location.” With that, Jiyong hung up the phone, a satisfied smile on his face. He held up the phone to the commissioner. “Thank you sir,” he said, his dark eyes never leaving the commissioner’s. The Commissioner growled, disgusted. He grabbed the phone from Jiyong through the bars and left the room. He entered another room, his heart beating erratically. “What do you got John?”

John was staring at the computer screen in front of him, typing furiously before he sighed, rubbing his forehead. “Sorry sir I tried. Seems like he was a step ahead of us. It looks to me that his people are holed up somewhere in Asia but then again….”

“Damn it!” The commissioner cursed. He picked up the phone and punched in a number. John looked up at him with concern.


“We’re getting him out of here. Surely HIS people has pinpointed his location by now, they could be here any minute! I’m not losing any of my men!” The commissioner exclaimed. He could hear a faint, dark chuckle coming from the jail cell.


Manila, Philippines: 14:00

Jaesang rubbed his eyes as he sat in front of his computer. Dara left for her trip a few hours ago and he already misses his little girl. What was he thinking? Sure, Dara will be accompanied by a bodyguard, but he was still nervous.

Perhaps he should have sent 2 bodyguards?

The ringing of his cell phone interrupted his thoughts. He smiled and hoped that it was his daughter checking in. When he glanced down at the unfamiliar phone, he pursed his lips and let it ring. If it’s important, they will leave a message.


LAX: 07:00

Sandara was giddy. They had gotten off the plane at Los Angeles and were waiting for their connecting flight to San Francisco. Her cousins were so excited. Bom had left England yesterday as well. Dara couldn’t wait to be reunited with her sisters again.

"We are now boarding those travelling first class, people travelling with small children, and those that will be needing assistance.”

“Ma’am,” her bodyguard said, motioning for her to follow him. Dara nodded, a grin erupting from her face. It was only a matter of time now.


Manila, Philippines: 23:55

Jaesang noticed the blinking red button signifying that he has received a message. It was late at night and he had just come home from a small party with a few associates. He shook his head, feeling the light fog one has when they drink a little too much. He picked up his phone and listened to the message. As he listened, he felt all the blood drain from his face. He began to tremble, the fog dissipating. It was from the airlines.


“We regret to inform you that your flight has been turned into extradition flight at the last minute. We apologize for the inconvenience. If you are in an emergency situation, we will assure your safety while you are on board. If not, we will be more than happy to reschedule your flight. Thank you for choosing-”


Jaesang cut off the automated message and looked at his watch. His eyes twitched and his heart threatened to beat out of his chest. Sandara is already on the plane. He collapsed.


His little girl was on a flight with a dangerous criminal.



Flight 1560: 08:20

Dara scanned the plane, frowning slightly at how few people were on the plane. She shrugged and continued to flip through her magazine, tapping her foot impatiently. She fidgeted in her seat, unable to control her excitement any longer. They had just taken off and they would be landing in San Francisco in about an hour or two. Dara sighed dramatically and glanced at her bodyguard.

“Yes ma’am?”

“I-uh….I have to pee.”

“Of course ma’am,” her bodyguard said, standing up. Dara smiled weakly at him as she stood up. She spent nearly two days with the man yet she had no idea what his name was.

She’ll have to remember to ask him before they landed.

Dara walked towards the bathroom. The advantage of less people on the plane meant the bathroom wouldn’t be too stinky. As she walked down the aisle she took her time to see her fellow passengers. An elderly couple, a business man and his associate, a young man and two other passengers.

Dara quickly did her business and got out of there. Just because less people used the thing did not make it healthy. The small space gave her the creeps. She shuddered as she walked back to her seat. She used this time to properly stretch her legs and calm her nerves. She made eye contact with the young man that was sitting in the middle of two other men. His eyes were partially closed as he stretched his long neck. He looked Korean, just like her. She watched in amusement as he asked to go to the washroom and the man to his left gave him a sharp look. He pouted.

“But I need to go, wetting myself in front of my fellow passengers will not do well for my image. Not to mention soiling these lovely jeans you have graciously lent me,” he slurred as he pat his lap. Dara giggled. The poor guy must be high or something.

Her giggle brought her to the attention of the three men however. The man sitting in the middle raised his head and his eyes flew open. Suddenly, there was awareness in his sleepy eyes as he watched her with a calculating expression. She gulped.

“S-sorry,I’ll just….”she muttered as she walked away. She rubbed the back of her neck and she could swear she felt someone’s eyes on her.


Flight 1560: 08:29

She found her way back to her seat and her bodyguard stood up. “If you don’t mind, I need to also use-”


“Yeah, go ahead,” she said distractedly, her thoughts still on the man she encountered. Her bodyguard nodded in thanks and left her to her thoughts. The airplane hit a bump, snapping her out of her thoughts. Were they already there? She stood up started towards the bathroom.

Suddenly there was an explosion from the bathroom knocking her backwards. The plane was filled with thick black smoke, causing her to choke, her eyes burning. She picked up herself and she could feel the plane falling. People were were screaming, the panic making her shake.

She was going to die.

The plane lurched, causing her to slam into the seats in front of her. She felt a sharp pain as though her head had split open. She couldn’t help but think that now she’ll never know what her bodyguard’s name was.

She felt someone tug at her but before she could register what was happening, she was swallowed up in darkness.


That’s it for the first chapter. Hope it’s okay. I’m a student in university so I’ll do my best to update.




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Chapter 2: I really like your style of writing and the way you add humour into the story. Loving Bommie's character here! The plot for the story is intriguing, i'll definitely be looking forward to future updates! ^^
sshineexo501 #2
Chapter 1: I like your story. Even though i'm not much interested in 2ne1 but i love bigbang. As always the daughter being the overprotected one. I love the plot..:)
Chapter 2: This is an awesome story. I loved the introduction. Dara being the overprotected daughter, Bom being loud, crazy and hilarious, and Chaerin also was amazing. I'm guessing that Minzy is the one who got away. well hope she does something to alleviate the situation.