Moving Forward

Order of the Wolf

Hansol quickly conjured up some clothes for the lions as Hojoon and Byungjoo climbed up onto the rooftop.


“You did it… great work Hansol,” Hojoon said with a smile.


“Aww man! I missed the fight!” Byungjoo cursed under his breath.


“Trust me, it’s not something you wanted to be around for,” Sehyuk said as he rubbed his head.


“I’m really sorry you guys… I promise I’ll do whatever I have to do to atone for what happened here today,” Kidoh said softly.  Jenissi, Nakta and Sanggyun climbed up onto the rooftop seconds later.


“He’s gone,” Jenissi said.


“Who’s gone?” Hansol asked.


“Jiwon… we searched the entire campus and we couldn’t find him anywhere.  He probably bailed once he realized his plan was going south,” Sanggyun said.


“Forget about him… we have a lot of things to attend to.  Hansol, get us back to the hideout… all of us,” Sehyuk said.  Hansol complied, teleporting them back to the safety of the hideout in a bright flash of light, just as police and paramedics arrived.


 It took about ten minutes for him to recite Hojoon’s chant backwards and give the other wizards their powers back.


“Should we perform a mind wipe?  We can’t just let everyone know we exist, can we?” Hojoon asked.  Everyone in the room, including Sehyuk, looked at Hansol.


“You want me to decide?” he asked in disbelief.


“Well, you are the child of prophecy,” Sehyuk replied.  Hansol thought for a moment, before finally making a decision.


“We should let them know,” he said.  Everyone gasped at his words.


“But, they won’t understand.  They’ll turn against you,” Nakta said.


“The only way to move forward is to come out of hiding, this is a new era you guys, and we have to take charge of it,” Hansol replied, impressed at his own words.


“It’ll definitely help if they have humans on their side… you have the full support of the knights, right guys?” Kidoh said.  Nakta and Sanggyun nodded in unison.


“We’re gonna have a lot of explaining to do about the damage done to the campus, you guys ready to take that kind of heat?” Xero wondered.


“As long as we’re together, we can handle anything,” Hansol said with a smile.


  The four factions, dragons, lions, wizards and knights, exited the hideout.  As they walked through the field, Hansol remembered his first day, and how nervous and shy he was.  He couldn’t have even imagined that his first year at Arario would end up this way, but he couldn’t be happier that it did.  Now he was a part of something.  He had somewhere that he truly belonged, and a group of friends, no, brothers, that would stick by him until the bitter end.  And now they were ready to face the world… together.

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Chapter 8: I'm glad that Hansol and Xero made up and can truly understand each other now. I'm also glad that the mind wipe worked, but now Kidoh and Sanggyun aren't happy about it. I feel sorry for Kidoh, having lost so much in his life, but he's scary now...I definitely wouldn't want to be the person who killed Jin. They're going to have hell to pay for that one, when Kidoh finds them.
Chapter 7: Wow...I wasn't expecting that attack and there was so much that happened in it. So many people got injured! It was awesome how Hansol killed one of the attackers and I don't blame him at all. NOW maybe he'll understand how Xero felt when he killed someone on accident, being unable to control his OWN power...
Chapter 6: I feel so bad for Xero! He didn't do it on purpose and I hope that Hansol will soften up some and realize that he's being too harsh. I really liked the training scene, too. It was cool:D.
kpopxanimefan #4
Chapter 7: wait ,what????!!! Jin died????!!!! this is so sad
Chapter 19: Poor Byungjoo. Having missed the fight xP Hansols right. Theyve to quit hiding and come out. Even I am also impressed by the words he had said. So the knights are now with the Order (yey for ToppDogg OT13)! Im so glad that Hansol finally finds somewhere he truly belongs. Well. Off to the sequel!
Chapter 18: Oh my god... I was grasping something so tight when Kidoh was ready to kill to Xero! I thought Hansol was going to use a very powerful spell that would perhaps kill Kidoh. Its a relief that Kidoh finally found out the truth.
Chapter 17: It's been a while since I last commented, so while reading this chapter, my mind was met with flashbacks of the previous chapters. I could imagine Kidoh with glowing, red eyes and a hair like that and I can say he still looks good ^u^ I do hope Kidoh and Hansol wouldnt have to hurt each other that much though :((
Chapter 5: I wonder what Hansol will do now? Maybe he should listen to Byungjoo...and maybe the other guys should stop hounding him about Xero's privacy, when it could be dangerous.
Chapter 4: OMG! I don't know what to think of Xero right now. I feel kind of bad for him, but I won't know how to really feel toward him until later. Hansol really shouldn't have invaded his privacy, though...
Chapter 3: This is exciting. I'm curious about what they will be able to do, and what their unit will mean. I feel sorry for Kidoh, with his brother's death and what he had to do afterward. Poor guy.