
Crimson Nightingale

This might be harder than I thought. Jin Hee is a small fiery ball of unpredictable mess. I didn't know that the girl (or any girl at all) would take a joke so seriously, especially considering her given reputation. She even went along with the flow for Exo's sake. I hadn't expected to have trouble with a certain hormonal teen that I will have to live with until the ends of time (or until she blows me up with an atomic bomb I'm convinced she's hiding somewhere in this pig sty).

Girls, I can never understand them... I don't think they even understand themselves, let alone each other. I've encountered plenty of girls in my nineteen years of existence, dated a few, but never had they been God, I don't even know how to describe this girl. Is that a good thing or a bad thing?

I never planned on moving out of my host family's house at all. It never even crossed my mind until quite recently. I lead quite a fortunate life with Uncle and Auntie Do; they never bothered bothered me and they provided me with everything I ever needed. In turn, I gave them grief and caused their sufferings. I gave them two lifetimes worth of trauma. A certain near-death experience last week was the last straw for both sides and, unfortunately, that was when she had to step in.

See, ever since I was little boy, oh let's say about eight years of age, I knew I was different from your average Korean Joe. My not having parents only added to the ever-growing evidence that I wasn't normal. And no, I don't mean that I've been abandoned or my parents are deceased. I really don't mean that I don't have parents, not in this planet at least. I don't even know how I came to be here in Seoul, South Korea. I just…


"... came to be, Do Kyungsoo. You merely just materialized into this world," said a heavy set woman. An unlit stick of cigarette jutted out of her thinly shaped lips. She had a sharp, narrow nose and glasses too small for her disproportional face. She scared Kyungsoo at first (she still does, actually, from time to time), but it got better over the years.

"Whad'ya mean I just mater-ized somethin'?" eight-year-old Kyungsoo inquired, "and why're you callin' me Do Kyungsoo?" They were seated across one another in the middle of a desolate playground, a dilapidated slide and rust-covered swings added to the dreary midnight atmosphere.The moon was slightly obscured behind a curtain of gray clouds which gave everything in sight a dream-like haze. The stars, however, pierced through the veil and their luminescence captivated the boy. He reached for the sky, eyes glazed and mouth slightly agape. Around him, the earth shivered in circular waves, small flecks of debris floated about him.

"Focus, boy," ordered the woman, her gritty voice shattering the hypnotizing daze that enveloped the boy. He jolted and for a moment, everything was still. Then as fast as one can possibly blink, the debris disappeared into thin air and the waves flat-lined until the ground looked polished. The boy innocently blinked at the scary lady, his wide eyes seeking answers. "I will tell you about your origins when the time is right, boy. And Do Kyungsoo will be what humans and I will use to identify you. Do you understand?"

"Humans?" The word sounded strange, foreign, alien.

"Yes. It is what the ruling inhabitants of this planet are called. Do not worry, you will learn a lot about them as you will have to adapt and mingle amongst them. You will live with a host family-- they are selected humans that know of our existence. You will be a perfect son, a model student, a righteous member of this society. Is that clear?"

Kyungsoo didn't know what the scary lady was talking about (he would in a couple of hours) but he nodded enthusiastically, hair flopping up and down,  heart shaped smile forming in his pale face.

"What do I use to identify you?" He tilted his head to the side, a look of concern replacing his happiness. He can't call her scary lady, right?

The lady's grim face flickered slightly with a small smile and she laid a hand on top of Kyungsoo's messy mop of hair. "Address me simply as Mrs. Choi, my boy."


And now I'm forced to live with Jin Hee. I'm not a hundred percent sure yet, but there's something about her that's strange, and coming from me, that itself is odd. I think Mrs. Choi suspects something as well, but she hardly informs me of anything (something about altering the course of destiny). We discussed my living arrangements and it was decided that I move in this weekend. I didn't know what time I was allowed to move in, but I figured when I happen to glance at my clock this morning that Jin Hee was a morning person.

Strike 1.

I was surprised however, that aside from her usual grouch (though I've only known her for two days, I can already tell that she just has a natural grouchy disposition), she was actually quite receptive and nice. I heard her humming from the kitchen and she looked almost happy while frying some bacon in the pan; though I don't know if it's because of the bacon or of the inner peace she somehow found within the span of five minutes of being in the kitchen. Her sweet humming escalated into a full on concert though and I had to bite back a laugh or two when she began to shake her head and wiggle her body.

"You have a nice voice," I praised her, but she didn't hear me so I stood behind her and said it a bit louder.

Strike 2.

She nearly took me down with her oil-ridden spatula. I had to slightly manipulate the spot on floor she was standing on to distance her away from me otherwise I would have beaten to death. I saw confusion cross her face when she tried to punch me and her fist barely touched me.


After sometime, we sat down and began eating. It actually tasted delicious and I didn't convulse right there and then so I figure she didn't really mean the poison part.

"...I have a lot more bad qualities," she said, and for some reason, that made me feel sad. Jin Hee looked so defenseless, as if the words she just uttered out loud shattered all her protective layers.

I took my time to formulate some kind of response, something that won't endanger my life. Jin Hee to me is a foul-mouthed, trigger happy girl who could burn down a building with her clumsiness.

She's adorable.

So I complimented her redeeming qualities. "I know that you're a good person," I told her, taking a sip of the tangy orange juice she served me. I inwardly smirked at her reddening face (it's so easy to make her crimson faced) and shot her an innocent smile.

Then I committed another mistake.

I thought that we were a lot more comfortable with each other so I decided to .

Strike 3.

It backfired, her protective barriers shot up at an alarming speed and she recoiled from our conversation. She quickly scaled the stairs up to the loft and drew the curtains behind her, hiding herself away from me.

I felt the ground slightly tremble underneath me as my confusion and anger escalated, but controlled breathing eased my feelings and calmed the undulating surface I was standing on.

Whoa! Hyung! What was that?

Jongin materialized in front of me, a bright twinkle present in his orbs. He wore a slack smile on his lips as he curiously peered at the ground that was just shifting moments ago.

"Jongin? What... how?"  

My neck nearly cracked from the speed at which I whirled around. Jin Hee was standing atop the staircase, eyes wide enough to challenge mine.

Game over.



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Chapter 7: i want ramyun now
Chapter 11: Wow ate keep writing this .
Soona993 #3
Chapter 11: Ahhh its so good XD
Chapter 10: OMG OMG! Can't wait for the next chapter. >.<
CatBeEmpty #5
This sounds cool! Subscribed ~ :D
Chapter 1: Now, this one here is worth subscribing!
Chapter 4: I've subscribed to this for quite some time now and I regret not reading until now :( This is great, I love it. <3
Well done. I love it~
Norachii #9
Chapter 7: New reader here! I like the plot!; the end of chapter 7 is amazing! please update soon~~!
Chapter 7: that last bit was flustering... but amazing job writing it :) update soon~