Chapter 5- You're Special..

My Darling 사랑해!

      Jung Jae Ah's POV 

     Last Night, I didn't get a sleep.. and I even woke up late then the others, It might be because i'm not used to my new bed. I have many things that I need to prepare, but I haven't done it. I think today i'll finish it up all.. I've changed to study at OOO High School which is near Black Garden, even though it's hard because it's the last year, but it cant be helped, cuz my old school is very far from here.

   I came down and found no one. Kimmik whose room was next to mine, Minho whose room was also infront of mine..and Jung Sang whose room was the furthest, the 3 were nowhere to be found -_-^.

   I haven't got my uniforms so all I wore was a Tee and shorts. Shin Young unnie will drive me to the school and give them my application from the old school.

  Well, i think i might use the kitchen for now, I'm almost hungry to death T^T. Not waiting any longer, i entered the kitchen but was frozen when I saw..... Jung Sang! He's at home?

  "Ah.. you woke up?" Jung Sang asked.

   "Neh.." I continue "You don't study?"  

   "I was waiting for you =]"

   "Eh.. weh?"

   "Dad called and ask me to help you with the application for you new school" He replied and turned back to the counter to finish off something. The smell of food suddenly spread the kitchen.

   "So you have to be late school cuz of me?"

  "Well..honestly, I always wanted to skip school" -__-^..

  "Err... how about...Kimmik and Minho ssi? where have the 2 gone?"  

  "Kimmik went to school, but for minho, i don't know"

   "Minho doesn't study?"

   "He does, but he studied at Interior Design University, you might think that he is young cuz of his face, but he's already 20" With Jung Sang telling me this, I was dazed for a minute.. I hope minho won't mind cuz i didn't call him oppa..

  "Why don't you sit down first?" Jung Sang suggested

  "Don't we need to hurry for school?"

  "Why need to hurry? The school won't run anyway. I've made you corn-soup." He..made corn-soup..for me?

  Jung Sang was tasting the soup, while I sat and waited him for about 5 minutes.

 "Do you want some help?"

 "Well.. i don't know what i'm missing, the soup is quite bland" I went near him, and just then he made me froze again by feed me some soup in a spoon.

 "Do you wanna have a taste?" It was like a dream... a man who i fell for for 4 years is feeding me soup..I have a taste of the soup and smile.

 "You forgot to put salt"

 "Ah~! You're right!" I put in a bit of salt for him, and then i have a taste again.

 "You've grown so much, Jung Jae Ah"

 "It's already 4 years" I smiled back before preparing two bowl. Don't wonder about how I knew this house so well, Cuz i've visited here very often 4 years ago, but after Jae San ahjussi went to help his wife with farming (fruits) , the house was left for Jung Sang to take charge. Then he turned it into a guest house,  and even charge in a high price. But because of my dad, I paid in a lower price. Don't tell him, ok ;)

 "The soup is much better now, thanks to you" He muttered, I smiled. I hold in my smile and walked to the fridge.. Ahh.. I hope I'm not caught.

 I turned back and saw his concentrating face. Ba-Dump..Ba-Dump.. Ahh.. what the hell is wrong with my heart..>

 "There's bread in the cupboard up there, you can eat it with the corn soup" I nodded my head. But the cupboard was too high for me to reach. I was going to tell him that I can't reach,but then a surprising event happened. Jung Sang was behind me and then he reached his hand for the cupboard. His shoulder touches mine, and again I freeze.

  Jung Sang grabbed the bread and went back to the table, I followed him without a word. This Breakfast was the most quiet breakfast i've ever had.  

  "Wanna watch cartoons?" Jung Sang asked..


  "Ben Ten or Power Puff Girls?"

  "Whatever you want" I replied.

  "Hey.." He said softly.. "You always reply shortly... Do you not want to talk to me?"

 "An..Aniya!!" I quickly disagreed. "I.. I don't talk much with someone i'm not close with"

  "But I saw you talk with Kimmik and Minho"

  "That.." My heart doesn't beat fast when talking with them, but it does when it's with you..

  "I was afraid that you'll get bored" I said. It's true.. I really do afraid that he'll get bored

  "Usually, girls are boring" He said..

  "..." Dazed...

  "But you're special.."  S..Special? Me?

  "Cuz we're living together, You can talk to me anything you the way you walk with Kimmik and Minho.. I promise that I won't get bored with you.. Alright?" He smiles..

  "W-what..did you say?"  He smiles again.. He really smiles... (Loses spirit)

  "I'll act like you're a male friend of mine.. that will make us closer" Absolutely Frozen..


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ElisseLong #2
@Valentina: Thank You! Im really glad that at least someone likes this story^___^