Chapter 4

Niel's First Love


sorry i didn't update for so long!!!I guess this chappie makes up for it, sorta.

Cecilia's POV


Oh My Goodness it was......My STEPMOTHER!!!!

She obviously didn't know I was there anyways, but still, she had a GUN. "HAND OVER ALL THE MONEY YOU HAVE!"She shouted at us. Eun Mi started sobbing and mumbling. Chunji was standing in front of Eun Mi protectively. Niel did the most surprising thing I could think of. He ran and flipped her over and kicked her gun away.


I saw her starting to take her knife out and I don't know what came over me but I ran over there and kicked her in the stomach and grabbed the gun aiming it right at her. She was begging for her dear life but I yelled "YOU DON'T DESERVE TO LIVE!!!!!YOU TRIED TO MURDER ME WHEN I WAS LITTLE AND YOU ACTUALLY THOUGHT YOU WON BY MAKING ME STARVE OF HUNGER!!!!!!"and the police got here when Niel tied her up and left her like that on the floor. Chunji was still comforting Eun Mi and I was shaking and sobbing into Niel's chest as he comforted me over and over saying "Everything's all right, I'm here for you, Cece."


That's the last thing I heard as I passed out. I was having dream and I saw my mother and father happy together, then all of a sudden they kept fading away slowly. "Umma!!Appa!!Don't leave me!!!!!!!!"I sobbed unknowingly.


Niel's POV


I was laying beside Cecilia and stared at her face. She started mumbling but all I could hear was her repeating 'Umma' and 'Appa' over and over again then she started sobbing. I got worried and tried shaking her gently so she wouldn't have a nightmare.


She woke up and hugged me and I felt my shirt going wet, I hugged her back and patted the top of her head. I tried to comfort her and I realized Chunji already finished comforting Eun Mi. Eun Mi came over and wiped Cecilia's tears and they kept hugging like there was no tommorow. The door opened with another loud bang and the rest of Teentop stormed in, with worried expressions.


Cecilia was surprised from the loud bang and jumped and landed on me. Everyone else got the wrong idea and mumbled sorry and went back outside. Chunji and Eun Mi chuckled "Those idiots..."they said in sync. I, on the other hand was shocked that she was on top of me and we were both tomato red.


Chunji went out to explain to them what really happened to everyone else and a second later they all burst back in with awkward looks on their faces.


The door slammed open with another huge bang and I mumbled"How many times does this have to happen?" and Cecilia was hiding behind me this time.

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Chapter 5: wiehdhshe ;-; Update soon. ^^ <':
2sweet2beat #2
lol thx, im hoping school isn't gonna come too soon, wanna update as much as i can
Woot! Yeah Niell! Show Her You're the Man. Saranghae. :D
Her stepmother?! Whoa! Oh yeah, Niel beat her XP Poor Cecilia, but it's cute how she gets scared easily >.< Update soon~
@2sweet2beat Oh dang... That ... He doesn't even tell you the password too >.< but at least you have something to write in. XD<br />
Hehe, she fainted. That's cute XP<br />
What?! A woman?!
2sweet2beat #6
@LokiCraze willdo! Im gonna try to update a chapter a day but my dad put a password on my computer again(i figured out the first 3) now he says i go on too much so i'll try to type on my ipod
Haha they ditched them XP The lap thing was cute~ And aww L. Joe >.< Update whenever you can!
2sweet2beat #8
@LokiCraze123 lol thx I have the next chappie ready but gonna update it 2morrow
I like this~ So cute >.< Niel's first kiss :D Aw~ Update soon!
2sweet2beat #10
@RenaLovesYoungmin lol thx and thts such a coincidence!It's my first fanfic so I'm reli glad you like it!