Chapter 3

Niel's First Love


Cecilia's POV

I woke up to my alarm clock playing Angel by Teentop. I was a light sleeper so I got up and went to brush my teeth and change into my school uniform.


I was running to school with a slice of bread in my mouth when I fell on Niel, who apparently was running to school too. "Mianhe, let's go!"I mumbled through my bread. We held hands and ran as fast as we could to school. We made it just in time. The rest of Teentop and the queenkas were walking towards us and smirked when they noticed us holding hands.


We noticed but didn't want to let go so we shyly blushed. Then a bunch of screaming fangirls came running towards us and we all ran to class and as we got seated, I saw Eun Mi texting on her phone. Well that's unusual, I thought, usually Eun Mi pays full attention to class.


I peeked over her shoulder and saw that she was going to send it to Chunji. I took out my phone and texted her 'R U gonna txt Chunji all day?' A second later she was staring at her phone blushing. Guess she got my text. She texted me back 'No, but when's your bday?'. That was rather random, I thought as I texted her 'May 21' I said. I didn't know what happened next, but Niel looked up at me from his book and just kept staring.


Then I got a text from Niel. It read 'Meet me on the rooftop afterschool' I smiled and closed my phone. It was lunch and Niel was waiting for me after class. "Cece....I've been thinking....Do you want to be my girlfriend?"

 Niel's POV

She fainted and fell into my arms. I started panicking but as she woke up she mumbled "Niel, I had the weirdest dream, you-"I interrupted her by repeating my question and she fainted once again so I started really panicking. I held her with one arm and texted Chunji with the other. 'What would you do if your girlfriend fainted?'The text i sent said. Chunji's text came it read 'Why would Eun Mi-Wait Cecilia fainted?' I texted back 'Thanks for pointing out the obvious now what do I do?'


Chunji replied 'Carry her to the school nurse or the hospital' it said. I lifted her up bridal style and ran all the way to the nearest hospital.


Cecilia's POV

I woke up and saw I was in a room with white walls. I was confused. My room doesn't have white walls. I saw Niel fast asleep beside me and then I realized I was in a hospital. What happened to me? Then I heard the words "Will you be my girlfriend" ringing in my ears over and over again. I think I fainted from happiness.


I whispered in Niel's ear "I'd love to Niel, Saranghae."and kissed him lightly on the cheek. He got up and said "You will?"with a light of hope in his eyes. I gasped "You heard me?" We were leaning in closer and closer when the door slammed open to reveal Chunji and Eun Mi, Chunji looked a little sad like he lost something and Eun Mi shouted "Finally!I won the bet!"she jumped up and down like a little girl.


Me and Niel looked at each other and we had a plan ready. I fake fainted and Niel was pretending to worry all over me and started to fake crying. Eun Mi and Chunji started freaking out and apologizing over and over again until I couldn't help but burst pit laughing my head off.


Me and Niel both laughed so hard we were rolling on the floor trying so hard not to laugh. Eun Mi and Chunji realized what happened because they were slowly creeping up to us when the door slammed open again, this time to see someone in black that had a gun yelling"NO ONE MOVE!OR I'LL SHOOT!!!" We froze to the spot all scared we'd get shot. Wait a minute, that was a woman's voice.....Oh my goodness it was....!!!!

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Chapter 5: wiehdhshe ;-; Update soon. ^^ <':
2sweet2beat #2
lol thx, im hoping school isn't gonna come too soon, wanna update as much as i can
Woot! Yeah Niell! Show Her You're the Man. Saranghae. :D
Her stepmother?! Whoa! Oh yeah, Niel beat her XP Poor Cecilia, but it's cute how she gets scared easily >.< Update soon~
@2sweet2beat Oh dang... That ... He doesn't even tell you the password too >.< but at least you have something to write in. XD<br />
Hehe, she fainted. That's cute XP<br />
What?! A woman?!
2sweet2beat #6
@LokiCraze willdo! Im gonna try to update a chapter a day but my dad put a password on my computer again(i figured out the first 3) now he says i go on too much so i'll try to type on my ipod
Haha they ditched them XP The lap thing was cute~ And aww L. Joe >.< Update whenever you can!
2sweet2beat #8
@LokiCraze123 lol thx I have the next chappie ready but gonna update it 2morrow
I like this~ So cute >.< Niel's first kiss :D Aw~ Update soon!
2sweet2beat #10
@RenaLovesYoungmin lol thx and thts such a coincidence!It's my first fanfic so I'm reli glad you like it!