
The Vampire and The Ansh

Putting the handphone on the lamp table beside the bed, A man got up from the bed. After wearing the home slipper, He walked to the door and went outside to the balcony. He looked to above, to the night sky. ‘The night is so quiet.’ He turn his head a little to right, Having a better look to the high building in the south east side area, A Kim Corp Building. ‘The game is started.’



“Why did you call me?” I ask to the owner of this wide artistic room. Even with the dim lightning, I still can see a miserable figure sitting on the floor leaning to the side of the bed. I can see, there’s a lot of alcoholic bottle near him, I can’t count accurately, may be 15 or more. He just sit there, not giving any answer. I walk trough the room, to the wide window. “You have to open the curtain. It’s not healthy living in a dark room.” I say while open the curtain. From the corner of my eyes, I can see him flinch his eyes.

Having a better look about his figure, I could say he’s more miserable than I had thought. His face is more plain than usual, with messy hair above it. I guess he even didn’t change his clothe too, because he is still wearing his white shirt and black long pants. He seems lost to his own thought, ignoring me completely. Sitting to the bed above him, I take the bottle from his hands. “although It doesn’t give any to your body but it’s gonna be a bad habit if  you drank this much.”

“Give it back” He yells, trying to grab the bottle back. Having good body movement, I react quickly, giving no opportunity for him to take it back. “What’s wrong with you?” I ask him.

“Just gimme that, holy .” He’s not just yelling, but also trying to attack me.

I react to dodge his attack. “We had been not see each other for a decade. How could you welcome me like this?”

“Sorry. I didn’t mean that.” He mess his own hair. “I..., I..., just.... I don’t know....” He said desperately. He closes his eyes, punching the floor with his right hand. Somehow this acts of him feels so familiar to me. I don’t have a good sign about this. “What happened?” I ask him.

He don’t answer me, just remain silent, having a blank look on his face. “Eventually...., I fell in love------again.” He finally say. “with an ansh.” Tilting his head to me, he said the last three words.

Still eyeing him, I try to understand the words that came out from his mouth. I hope, I heard a wrong words. Sitting on the chair in front of his computer I try to learn his last words “with... an ansh?” I say it slowly. He nods his hair “yes, with an ansh.” He repeat it again.

Suddenly I feel like the room filled with a thin oxygen. I inhale and exhale hardly. “What will you do?” I look at him seriously.

“I don’t know. That’s why I called you” His voice sounds lifeless

“Just spill it. What will you do?” I repeat my question again. We have been friends for a very long time. I knew him too well. He has a good head. He always plans everything, even the tiniest thing in his life. Never once did he a thing recklessly. Having no plan is not his style.

“Haaaagh...” He sighs. “What did you think I will do?” He asks me back.

“Honestly?” He nods. “You urge her to follow you, leaving everything behind.” I answer firmly.

“I can’t expect more from you. You guess it right,  Jung Yunho.” He get up and walk to the window. He sees the outside view. He remind silent for a while. I wonder who is this ansh girl whom he fell in love with. Making this cold heart vampire fell so deeply like this, she must be a very incredible person.

“Is she loves you?”

“She loved me. As if that considered as love” He chuckles bitterly.

So, this vamp is falling in love to an ansh who loved him. But, there’s no ansh who loved him. If there was an ansh who loved or liked him, I have supposed to know it. Even I didn’t meet him for a while, but I’m sure that I would hear this kind of news. In fact, I heard none. The only ansh that I know who liked him is Boa, only her. But, that’s just a kind of a kid one side love. That’s impossible. Even Jaejoong said it clearly in the Red festival, He made it as a joke to everyone he met. But, Beside Boa, I can’t named another ansh who closed to him, so…, It can’t be Boa. But who will her be?

Wait. Wait. Wait. It can’t be her, can it? But…..

“Chingu-ya…” I call him. He turns his back. “Could it be…?” He gives me a questioning look. “Forget it.” I say then.

“What? If you got a name in your mind, just spill it.”

“I just could think one name.”

“Who?” He insists.


“You’re right. It’s her.” He says it clearly.


After he said the name, I asked him to wash himself so we could go outside to talk about this matter freely. With all the Elders ears everywhere inside the house, it’s not save to talk about it inside the Kim’s house.


So, here we are, sitting in one of the Coffee Shop in Chongdamdong area.

“When the last time you drank?” Seeing how awful his skin colour, I bet he definitely skipping his drink.

“I drink everyday.” He says pointing the glass of cappuccino in front of him.

“Ck!” Just forget it. “I bet you awfully stress about it.” I sip my cafe latte.

“So, where is she right now?”

“Changmin sends her to a business trip in Jeju. After that, he sends her to his new branch company in China. Boa didn’t inform me anything tough. I found it letter after she messaged Jiyeon.” He says more calmly now.

“Did he knew it too?”

“I don’t think so. But, he felt strange that Boa request him to send her.” Jaejoong picks out his smartphone. “I don’t ask you to meet me just to hear my love story.” I knew it. There’s always something.

“So, what do you need me to do?” I nail the point.

“Find her” He shows me an old photo, a girl.

“Who is she?” I assume, it’s pretty much long time ago, If she is vamp, it’s more easy to find her, but if she is an ansh or human, I cant tell whether she is still life or dead.

“I don’t know. I secretly took a photo of this from the headquarters place. Our Great Leader, My grandpa is trying to get this girl. So, I assume she is an important person. Could you help me to find any information about her?”

I message my nape. “Ummm,, I don’t know. Maybe I can try, but don’t expect me anything. It’s a very old photo. It will hard.”

“It’s fine” He smiles a little. Altough it’s just a small smile, it was the brightest face he showed today.

“ You just need me to find out this girl’s information?” He nods. “What about Boa?”

His smile fades. “I don’t know. Maybe I will kidnap her. Who’s know?” He tries to make a joke. But if it’s Jaejoong, maybe he will seriously kidnap her. He’s so strict about his property. So who’s know?



After visiting Jaejoong, I dial some familiar name on my phone to make a call. After a while…

“Yeo..bo..se.yo..” This person never chance. Always says hello in lazy mode.

“Yeoboseo…” This voice heard so calm as always.

“Yo Hyung. What’s up!” And this high spirit guy.

“Hyung, you made a multi call?” the lazy one complains me.

“Uh-uh. All of you, are you free now? Can’t we meet? We need to talk about something.” I inform them.

“Now? Are you in Korea now?” The dolphin’s sound owner asks in surprise.

“Now?  Is there any important thing? Where we will meet?” And this calm guy asks in calm mode as usual.

“Can’t I take abstain? I don’t want to do anything today.” Before I get a chance to answer, the lazy one talk first.

“Just come out from your cave, maknae. I wonder how you can manage your company if you lazy like this.” The dolphin’s sound owner complains.

“I have something to discuss. This is an important matter. We will meet at my mansion. I hope you can come here ASAP. I don’t want to hear any objection. Just Come!” I command. After that, I turn off the call.

After that call, the first one coming to my home is this calm guy, Park Yoochun. 5 minutes after that the owner of the Dolphin’s sound came. They asked me why they need to come, but I couldn’t tell them yet. We have to wait the third guy. The lazy one.

“So Hyung, what’s the point, you need me to come as soon as possible if we need to wait Changmin.” The dolphin’s sound owner, Junsu, grumbles. Ckckck this person never change. He always have a problem over maknae. “Just be patient, Juns. I heard a step sound coming closer.” Says Yoochun. And exact after he said that, I heard my front door open. It must be Changmin, the only vamp that I know can freely open to another person’s house without excuse himself.

“Oh, you two already came. But why I don’t feel surprise about it. You live in a rush way lifestyle. I will give you a good advice. Sometimes following the harmony of nature isn’t a bad thing. You need relax.” Ckckck. This is so our maknae’s style. Having no guilt to  be the last one to come and spill everything on his mind. And as usual Junsu felt irritated by him. “Keep your anger later.” I warn Junsu before he will say anything. Changmin seems so satisfied. He sticks out his tounge to Junsu. “You better to stop that, Changmin.” I warn him too.

“We already gather. So what’s the important matter, hyung?” While looking around at my album collection, Yoochun who kept quiet since came, finally makes a sound.

“It’s been a while since I comeback to Korea again. I just want to meet you guys. Reminiscing the past.” I said in happy tone.

“Hyung.” Changmin and Junsu say my name in unison in a complain way tone. “You’re really the worst. It’s so not funny. I should continue my gaming session.” Changmin continues to nag.

“Don’t joke around, Hyung. You wouldn’t come to Korea if there was no important stuff here. I heard you very like Kyoto.”  He stops looking at my album, and turn his head to look at me “Do you?”. Aware to Yoochun’s words, I could tell Junsu and Changmin knew that there’s something I want to know, because they seems serious right now. While Yoochun continuing to look at my stuff, Junsu and Changmin give me 100% attention.

“Okay, I’ll just go to the point. What’s the thing about Jaejoong and Boa that I don’t know? How serious it is?”

“Before we answer your question, I just curious how much you knew about it, hyung?” Yoochun takes a sit in sofa beside Changmin. Knowing them for decades, I knew he is getting serious right now.

“I don’t really know the detail. But looked how miserable Jaejoong when I visited him a while ago. I guess it will be a very bad news.” I look to all of the three. “He also said to me that you sent Boa to Jeju right now and will send her to China. Right Changmin?” I ask while pointing to Changmin. “So how serious it is?  

 “As expected, the heirs of the general blood, You’re really sharp, hyung.” He blows his bangs. “Boa asked me personally to send her to China. So I have to send her sooner,If I don't I’m afraid that Jaejoong hyung will boldly showing his feeling. I think the Elders start to get suspicious with Jaejoong Hyung’s over-protectiveness to Boa.”

“Boa, She asked you personally to send her go to China? Leaving Jaejoong alone here?”

“She is growing up to be a mature and smart lady. She isn’t the selfish teenager girl anymore.” Said Junsu. I’m giving him what-do-you-mean look. “In my opinion, she knew well about Jaejoong’s feeling, but she also knew that our rule never allow a vamp and an ansh to be together. She tried to suppress her own feeling toward Jaejoong Hyung. But, You know how bold this powerful Kim is.”

“And the worst part is…” all of our attention go to Yoochun “The Elders do suspicious with it. I accidentally overheard their discussion about it. And…” I look to Changmin, Yoochun and Junsu’s solemn face. It’s not a good sign. “It’s okay about Jaejoong,  He is the best candidate to be the next leader, but Boa…, they will kill her if it need.”

“All of you are knowing this much, but I think Jaejoong didn't have any clue about it.” I make conclusion.

“We can’t tell him. If he know, he will make a scene right away in front of the Elders’s eyes. That will bring a bad news to Boa.” Said Junsu.  

 “Ah, before I forget. Jaejoong asked me a favor.” I show them the photo that Jaejoong gave earlier. “Do you have any idea who is she?” But they just give me a confuse look.



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