
The Vampire and The Ansh


I put my phone on my side table after send a message to Jiyeon. It’s really nice to see the beautiful sky. After all of the tight meeting, having a chocolate ice and enjoying the view are so relaxing.

Drrt.... Drrttt... My phone trembles. I can guess whose the one who call me, but I can’t answer it. I agreed to join this business trip because I wanted to avoid him for a while. I wanna have  a clear mind before I comeback to Seoul again. I’m sorry Oppa, but I need my quality time right now.


Someone rings my hotel room door. I put my chocolate ice aside, and make a move to the door.

“Hi. Did I disturb you?” He asks after I opened the door.

“No, come in. I just enjoyed my free time”

“Instead having alone in the room, how if we have a walk together?” He suggests.

“Nice idea. Wait a minutes, I’ll get ready”

No wonder why people like this place. Jeju island is a beautiful place. Nice view, nice air. Someday I want to live in this place, instead in the busy city like Seoul.

“It’s so calming, right? You enjoy it?” Ask Daniel from his driver seat.

“Hmmm..., it’s been a while since I have a trip. Personally, I like this kind of atmosphere.” I really enjoy this moment.

Daniel takes me to the nice village. We take a walk and having good conversation. We talk about our high school lives, our work, etc. He’s such a good friend of mine.

It’s getting dark. He invites me to have a dinner in a nearby restaurant. “You have a good taste on everything” I comment.

“I know” He says it coolly.

“Whua..., you coolly admitted it. Are you really Choi Daniel my high school friend?” I ask in disbelieve.

“Why? You finally found me charming?” He jokes.

“O..” I nod.

“So, Wanna be my girlfriend?”

“Don’t joke like that”

“Why? I am a solo, so do you. It’s a win win solution to us.” He says freely while read the menu.

“Tch... I guess you didn’t change a bit. Always being mischief.”

“I just did it with you. You are the only woman who doesn’t find me attractive Since our school days, even now.” He closes his menu and calls the waitress. “How does your ajushi do now?” He asks after the waitress leaves.

“What? Ajushi? Who?” I ask weirdly. I don’t get what does he mean.

“The Ajushi that you said he worked at Kim’s Enterprise when we were in highschool. You always smiled like an idiot when he picked you up back then.”

......... I blank, lost of words for a moment. I take this business trip to avoid any subjects about him. “That ajushi?” image of Oppa flash in my mind. “He... is fine.” I smile bitterly for a moment.” Why we have to talk about someone else. It’s been a long time since we graduated from high schools, I thought you never comeback again to Korea after went to America.” I try to enlighten the mood. I hope he doesn’t notice my expression earlier. He seems not satisfies with my answer, but he lets it pass when I try to change the topic. We have a nice conversation, recalling our memory in high school and talk about how childish we were back then. And anyway, the foods are super duper yummy. I have to come to this restaurant again if I have a chance to come to Jeju Island again.


After the dinner, Daniel takes back me to hotel again. I thanks to him, and watch until his car lost in my sight before come in to hotel. The first thing I do after come back to my rooms is checking my handphone. I forgot to bring it when I left the room. I sigh... There’s about 20 missed calls from Oppa. I feel sorry to him. I want to call him back but that isn’t a good idea. Honestly, I miss him a lot. I want to call him so badly, but I can’t. Once I call him and listen his voice, my mind will be overwhelm with the thought about him. And if he know where I am, he will come here right away. My heart misses him so badly, but my mind knows that we can’t be together.

I check my email. I read again an email from my headquarter company. An offering to be a general manager in the  new branch company in China. Should I take it?                                                                                                   



“Give me glass of beer.” Hearing a familiar voice, I tilt my head.

“Oh, hyung! You come.” I serve him the drink “Gulp gulp gulp” he drinks in one shot. I glance at him.

“What?” He asks in a bad manner way. “Just do your work. Ignore me. Pretend you don’t see anything.”

“How can I do that when you act like this. What’s wrong? You can easily tell me. Or I just find a girl to accompany you?”

“Just leave me alone” He groans. “I don’t need any girl. I just need her right now. Why she did’t pick all of my calls.” He says in frustation.

I take a sit in front of him. “It isn’t like you didn’t know the reason” I said while pouring a beer in my glass. “It’s hard for her” I says in a matter of fact way.

“and you don’t think that it isn’t hard for me, do you?”

“I knew that it’s hard for both of you.” I sip my drink. “but..., it’s just harder on her side.”

“Why?” He groans. “WHY??” He strached his head in frustation. “I said to her that I could give up everything. Leaving all behind.”

“But you can’t. Because you’re a Kim”

“There’s a lot of Kims”

“You knew that you are different.” He just remains silent. I nails the point. This guy is the strongest Kim, The strongest candidate to be the next leader of vampire. There’s nothing that he can do.

“I looked misserable, right?  I really envy with you when I’m like this. Human can get drank, for a moment you can forget everything or bluently tell everything you have in your mind. But we can’t, no matter how much alcoholic drink I have drank, i’ll keep sober. It doesn’t give any effect at all”. He says while playing his glass on his right hand.

“Tch.” I smirk. “You said that you envy to human, but did you know how much I want to be born like you so badly, so I could live happily with her.” I gulp another drink. “I even imagined if there’s no vampire and ansh things. If we all are humans. It would be nice.” I smile bitterly.

Yeah, It would be nice, very nice. If there’s no vampires and anshs things, at least I hope there’s no rule about it. If this wall could disappear. It would be nice for me, her, boa and jaejoongie hyung. This world is so cruel.

“She avoids me”. He sighed. He look so pathetic. Never once did I imagine that he will show me this side of him. I have imagined him as a strong vampire. He is the most pokerface vampire I’ve ever seen. He alwasy presents himself as the best, and have no lack. But looking at him right now, he’s so frustrated because an ansh. He was the one who said that he wont never ever fall in love with an ansh, having an idea that the most stupid thing is vampire-ansh relationship. Laughed at me when I told him that I fell for his cousin.

“You dispised her feeling back then. She is a growing up lady now. Like you said, you cant be with her. She knew it well. She knew you, your family, and all of this old tradition that we have. If you asked me, I’m on her side. She has to calm herself and learns to forget you.”

“I can give up everything for her.” He cracked.

“But she can’t accept that. You’re live longer than me, I thought you will more mature. But I’ve wrong. You are the most selfish person I have ever met.” I interrupt. “Like I said before, she is a grown up lady, not a teenager girl in her puberty. She knew the important of you existence, if you give up everything for her, what can you give to her? Another vampires won’t touch you, they don’t have courage to do that. But can you make sure that they won’t try to kill her, the one who make the strongest vampire refuses to be the leader of vampires tribe.” I think I have enough with this conversation. I leave him alone so he could reflect it himself. This nightclub is getting crowd with lot of costumers, so there’s a lot of job I have to do. Not long after that he leaves with  a frustrated look on his face. The great Kim Jaejoong is getting frustrated because of her little ansh.


“Hey, hey, sir, gimme the strongest drink” A woman in her mid twenties askes an orders. I took a glance at her. Ckckckck, this girl is having no manner. It seems like she’s already drank before came here. How can a girl can go around like this wearing a shorts dress. Her thick make up is already ruined. Tch, girl nowadays. I slightly nod and serve her drink. Glup.  Glup. Gulp. She drinks it all, in one shot. Tck, tck tck, Another non manner girl. A kind of costumers I hate the most.

She’s taking glance at me. “What? Mind your own business, sir.” She yelled. Ckckck, I have to fix my mind, she’s not the kind of most hate costumers, even worse, she’s a kind of human that I hate the most. A woman should having a high pride and a good manner. And what she said again, mind my own business? Of course I’ll do. I have no time to serve this kind of human.

“ Hey, I will get a leave, you can handle this alone?” I ask to one of my bartender.

“Yes, hyung. You could leave, even it’s so crowd right now, we san handle it” Says my another worker. I’ll make my way to the rooftop of my clubnight. That’s my favorite place. It is the most calm place here. I could think clearly in that place.


Sitting on the bench, I look up to the sky. There’s a lot of stars. I recall the conversation with Hyung earlier. What a funny world that I live here. If I’ve got a chance, I will take his position as a vampire, so I can be with her, my lady.


                                                                                                      Lee Gikwang


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